Success Stories – Flippa Fri, 12 Apr 2024 02:34:34 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Success Stories – Flippa 32 32 Niki Cordell’s Journey into Entrepreneurship: $138K Business Sale with Flippa Fri, 12 Apr 2024 02:34:28 +0000 In the city of Chicago, amidst the whirlwind of family life and a full-time career in technology sales, Niki Cordell found herself navigating the world of entrepreneurship with her innovative product, Ring Hero. Her story is one of resilience, creativity, and ultimately, successful business ownership culminating in a strategic sale facilitated by Flippa.


Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

From Idea to Business: The Birth of Ring Hero

Niki, a dedicated mother of three and a tech sales professional, juggles her busy schedule from school runs, work tasks, and cherished family dinners where gratitude and communication take center stage. To balance this, Niki finds solace in her commitment to fitness and her passion for growing companies, a hint at the entrepreneurial spirit that drives her.

Ring Hero emerged from a casual gathering of friends pondering over a common dilemma: how to protect precious rings during workouts. This simple question sparked an idea that blossomed into a solution: a wristband to keep rings safe during physical activity. With her co-founders, Niki embarked on a journey to solve this problem, leading to the creation of Ring Hero in 2015.

Scaling Organically and Strategic Partnerships

Ring Hero’s success story is one of organic growth fueled by strategic partnerships and influencer endorsements. From fitness studios to lifestyle bloggers, Ring Hero found its niche in intersecting the worlds of fitness and jewelry, carving out a unique space in the market. Collaborations with renowned brands like The Skim, Cupcakes and Cashmere, and Core Power yoga studios propelled Ring Hero’s visibility, paving the way for further expansion.

The Decision to Sell with Flippa

As Ring Hero reached a critical juncture in its growth trajectory, Niki and her co-founders faced a pivotal decision: how to scale beyond their current capabilities. Recognizing the need for a partner with extensive retail connections and resources, they turned to Flippa to facilitate the sale. Flippa’s user-friendly platform, valuation tools, and guided assistance made the selling process seamless, empowering Niki to find the right buyer for Ring Hero.

A Successful Sale and Beyond

With Flippa’s support, Niki successfully sold Ring Hero for over $138,000, marking a significant milestone in her entrepreneurial journey. Beyond the financial gain, the experience provided invaluable lessons and connections, reinforcing Niki’s belief in the power of entrepreneurship. As she embarks on her next venture Niki remains grateful for the opportunities Flippa has afforded her and looks forward to scaling her new business nationwide.

Conclusion: Empowering Entrepreneurs with Flippa

Niki Cordell’s story exemplifies the spirit of entrepreneurship—driven by passion, resilience, and a willingness to embrace new opportunities. Through her journey with Ring Hero and the successful sale facilitated by Flippa, Niki has not only realized her entrepreneurial dreams but also paved the way for others to follow suit. With Flippa’s user-friendly platform and expert guidance, aspiring entrepreneurs can turn their ideas into reality, just like Niki did.

As the entrepreneurial landscape continues to evolve, platforms like Flippa play a vital role in empowering individuals to buy, sell, and grow businesses with confidence. Niki’s story serves as a testament to the transformative power of entrepreneurship and the endless possibilities that await those bold enough to pursue their dreams.


Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

Over $650K+ in acquisitions on Flippa: A Dad’s Entrepreneurial Journey Mon, 18 Mar 2024 03:10:26 +0000 Chase is a long-time Flippa buyer who has bought four businesses on Flippa, totalling over $650,000 in transactions.

Initially, there was a sense of hesitation as he didn’t quite have the confidence to completely extract his living expenses and invest in an online business. However, after much research and vetting of the industry, Chase found the courage to take a leap of faith to entrepreneurship.

Becoming a Business Owner

In 2017 Chase came across Flippa and bought his first Amazon FBA ecommerce business. He wasted no time jumping on the opportunity to place a ‘buy it now‘ bid to the seller who was considering other prospects. This was the beginning of Chase’s roll up strategy. This approach of acquiring multiple assets in the same industry and consolidating them into a large company proved to be advantageous. By combining small like-kind businesses into a larger company, Chase was able to pull resources together, cut down on operational costs, and increase revenues.

“I’ve found it to be helpful to establish a relationship directly with the seller,” says Chase. “The number one thing is to have your financing in place. You have to be nimble enough to strike a deal. If you tease it out, someone will swoop in.”

Related: How To Interact With Sellers


Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

For Chase, there was an art to finding the right business to invest in: this could look like hitting 25 different roadblocks before finding something with merit. Out of those 25, one in 10 would have enough opportunity still left in the business to accelerate growth. If the business met this criteria, Chase would immediately jump to the opportunity and speak to buyers.

“I loved the idea of having product pages that were on Amazon,” says Chase. “That already existing search volume was taking place and all I had to do was come up with the creative art – that was the exciting part.”

“I’ve found it helpful to establish a relationship directly with the seller. The number one thing is to have your financing in place. You have to be nimble enough to strike a deal. If you tease it out, someone will swoop in.”

Chase Levitt, Flippa Buyer with $650K worth of acquisitions on Flippa.

Transitioning to Digital Products

Chase maintained a frugal lifestyle saving his extra income to buy a few businesses.

It wasn’t until he started working with an author who was in the process of releasing his second book that he recognized the similarities between book listings and physical products. 

“I told him, what you need is not to finish your second book, but to find a way to scale this so you can release 100 books,” says Chase. “As soon as I said those words,  it dawned on me that there’s where I need to be.”

So he jumped on Flippa and purchased his first digital product business for $355,000, and shortly after he made his second purchase for $195,000.

“Fast forward now about a year, I ended up selling all of my products in a roll up,” says Chase. “That was an exciting time for me and I wanted to continue on in the online ecommerce space and I made one difference, and that was I wanted to sell digital products that didn’t require being in the warehouse.”

Running all three businesses and maintaining them wasn’t always easy. It took plenty of trial and error, deploying the right contractors, and gaining tangible skills. 

Today, Chase enjoys the passive nature of his portfolio as it allows him to spend more quality time with his kids. These days you can find him focused on maintaining his business, enjoying the fruits of financial flexibility, and keeping an eye out on businesses on Flippa that piques his interest.

“The best part about Flippa is the newsletter, and it dials in pretty close to exactly what I’m looking for,” says Chase. “I love the newsletter. I love the auction and access to the seller — that’s really tough to beat when you stand it up against its competitors.”

“I love the sales approach and access to the seller — that’s really tough to beat when you stand it up against its competitors.”

Chase Levitt, Flippa Buyer with $650K worth of acquisitions on Flippa.

The Next Level for Chase’s Portfolio

“The second big inflection point in my business is when I started to acquire similar businesses that I could integrate into my standard operating procedures.”

Chase Levitt, Flippa Buyer with $650K worth of acquisitions on Flippa.

In phase two of Chase’s online acquisition journey, Chase has now acquired $650K worth of online assets on Flippa. Growing to this level is an accomplishment in itself, but also worth noting is his strategy for growing his acquisitions.

As part of his selection criteria, he invests in businesses that are in an exciting growth stage and can integrate well with his existing standard operating procedures.

Next Steps

Inspired by this story? Read up on others who have successfully bought and sold their businesses here.

If you’re ready to sell, check out our First Time Seller’s Guide, or start looking for a website to buy.

Like this buyer and seller, you too can master proper buyer and seller communications etiquette. We’ll show you how to do that here.

Want to Hear More from Chase?

Watch his Humans of Flippa interview about becoming a high-Growth digital business aggregator here.


Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

]]> Buyer Journey: Chase nonadult
Alvaro’s Journey: From Door-Knocking Entrepreneur to Successful Exit with Flippa Fri, 23 Feb 2024 01:51:39 +0000 Meet Alvaro, an ambitious entrepreneur originally from Peru, whose journey into the world of online business started with a bold decision—to repurpose his college tuition money into an online marketing course. Despite limited English proficiency and a lack of experience, Alvaro embarked on a journey of entrepreneurship that eventually led him to sell his online marketing agency, Increasingly, for $155,000 on Flippa.


Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

Discovering Opportunities with Flippa

Alvaro’s entrepreneurial spirit was ignited when he realized the vast potential in the world of online business. Despite facing language barriers and unfamiliar territory after moving from Peru to a new country, he took the leap into entrepreneurship. He began by offering digital marketing services to local businesses, honing his skills and building his confidence along the way.

From Shiny Object Syndrome to Strategic Acquisition

Alvaro’s journey with Increasingly wasn’t without its challenges. Initially enticed by various online business opportunities, he eventually found his niche in advertising services. Focused on Facebook ads, Google ads, and revenue generation strategies, Alvaro streamlined his agency’s services, discarding distractions and focusing on what truly worked.

The Decision to Sell with Flippa

As Increasingly grew, Alvaro realized the need to scale further by bringing on additional personnel—a step he wasn’t ready to take himself. Recognizing that there were entrepreneurs more experienced and equipped to take the agency to the next level, he made the strategic decision to sell.

Alvaro turned to Flippa for its valuation tools and resources tailored to online mergers and acquisitions. Listing Increasingly on Flippa proved to be a pivotal decision, as the platform’s extensive reach and support network facilitated a smooth selling process. With buyers from Europe and the U.S., Alvaro felt confident that Flippa’s platform would connect him with the right buyer.

Navigating the Selling Process

Selling a business for the first time can be daunting, but Flippa’s support team provided Alvaro with guidance every step of the way. From valuation assistance to navigating inquiries from potential buyers, Alvaro felt supported throughout the entire process. Flippa’s vetting process further instilled confidence, ensuring a secure transaction for both parties involved.

A Life-Changing Experience

For Alvaro, Felipa—his affectionate term for Flippa—has been a game-changer. It not only provided him with a platform to sell his business but also opened his eyes to the vast opportunities in the online business landscape. Alvaro’s journey exemplifies the power of resilience and adaptability in entrepreneurship. With confidence in his abilities and a willingness to overcome challenges, Alvaro’s success story serves as inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere.

Alvaro’s journey from a door-knocking entrepreneur to a successful exit with Flippa highlights the transformative power of perseverance and strategic decision-making in the world of online business. His experience underscores the importance of leveraging resources like Flippa to navigate the complexities of buying and selling online businesses. As Alvaro continues his entrepreneurial journey, one thing remains clear: with the right tools and mindset, anything is possible in the world of online entrepreneurship.


Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

From Chat Room to Global Success: Entrepreneur Sells Software Empire for Over $3 Million on Flippa Wed, 07 Feb 2024 10:41:49 +0000 Starting in a chat room as a non-technical entrepreneur, Spencer developed a software system that quickly gained traction with user-driven feature requests. Embracing the potential, he transformed his rudimentary MVP into a successful business, a versatile platform for seamless transactions, supporting multiple payment methods and achieving an ARR of $1.2M.

Inception of the Business

Spencer’s journey began as a non-developer in a chat room. He initially created a software system for personal use, quickly gaining traction and feature requests from other users. 

He recognised the opportunity to monetise, scaling from a few users to hundreds. Faced with requests for features like free trials and referral rewards, Spencer, despite the initial MVP’s rudimentary state, saw the potential for growth. 

“I had to charge for this and then I kept reinvesting all that money into the software’s development,” Spencer said.

This marked the start of his entrepreneurial venture, growing his idea into a profitable business.

The business is a comprehensive platform and Payment Bot designed for seamless transactions. It supports multiple payment methods including PayPal, Stripe Credit Cards, and others. The platform enables users to accept payments, donations, and manage membership subscriptions with ease. It’s compatible with various platforms such as Web, Discord, and Telegram, enhancing the sales process and customer experience.

Building in a “vacuum”

Spencer built his business during a time when “building in public” wasn’t a widespread practice. This posed unique challenges. 

“You have no idea what the user audience wants until they request it or react to a release. Building without real-time feedback, you invest a lot of time and energy navigating this uncertainty,” Spencer said.

Starting with a modest $6,000 investment, Spencer and one other developer built the platform, scaling their monthly recurring revenue to $141,000—a significant feat for a two-person team. 

So, how did he do it?

Here’s a summary of the growth strategies he implemented:

  • User-Centric Development: Spencer continually adapted the software based on user feedback, adding requested features such as free trials and referral rewards.
  • Reinvesting in Development: All earnings were reinvested into software development, which was pivotal for enhancing the product’s features and capabilities.
  • Pricing Model: The transaction-based pricing model was a key differentiator, tying the businesses success to the success of its users.
  • Expanding Payment Options: Encountering limitations with Stripe, Spencer integrated PayPal and later Venmo, significantly expanding the platform’s reach to over 200 countries and regions.
  • Direct Outreach and Networking: Spencer engaged in direct marketing and outreach to potential users, nurturing grassroots growth.
  • Building a Reliable Team: Despite starting with just one developer, he built a team that was instrumental in scaling the business.
  • Adaptability and Persistence: Spencer’s persistence in integrating with major payment platforms and his adaptability in business strategy were crucial for the platform’s growth.

Reaching for a Global Scale

Spencer encountered limitations with Stripe, initially available in only 14 countries, restricting his business’s global reach. As Stripe expanded to 30 countries, he still found it insufficient for his rapidly scaling business. 

“I thought this still isn’t it, we need the big Kahuna. We need PayPal,” Spencer said. 

But this missing piece of the puzzle didn’t come easy.

Spencer described PayPal as an essential player in his business model, which he saw as unique and distinct from typical B2B or B2C models. His company operates on a B2B2C model, serving merchants who sell to their customers. 

“We took a percentage of the transaction. So if a merchant made money, we made money. If they didn’t, we didn’t,” Spencer explained. 

Once Spencer got in touch with someone at PayPal, they weren’t interested. His business was too small. 

Spencer persisted. He kept calling and emailing different people at PayPal, until someone finally got in touch. 

“I wore PayPal down. A giant, massive corporation. They put me in touch with the integration team. It took about a month to integrate with just myself and one developer,” Spencer said. 

After they integrated, they started seeing their numbers boom.

“It wasn’t due to the lack of Stripe, it was just having the doors open to 200 countries and regions. So now we had PayPal and Stripe, why wouldn’t we go after more?”

Spencer set his sights on Venmo. And Spencer got Venmo. 

Spencer personally reached out to potential users and engaged in direct marketing, fostering grassroots growth of the user base.

He placed significant emphasis on integrating user feedback into the development process, ensuring the product met the actual needs of its target audience.

“We just kept going and then eventually I said, you know, it is time to sell,” Spencer said. 


Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

Selling with Flippa

The decision to sell came from his desire to diversify and “not put all his eggs in one basket.”

“Having to do the vetting yourself while trying to run a six-figure monthly business is like a second job,” he said.

He struggled with other platforms, where “there were no profile pictures. No LinkedIn and very basic.” 

This led him to Flippa, where he met Fiona, his M&A Advisor. 

Spencer appreciated Fiona helping him to navigate negotiations and protect his boundaries.  

“As a risk-averse person, there were a lot of requirements that I had because, you know, going through the business world, you get very cynical. There’s a lot of backstabbers out there,” he said.

“I had specific strict requirements. I’m not showing my customer list before the check is in. I’m not going to give you the names and emails of everybody, nor will I give access to our source code.”

Spencer said Fiona was there to reassure and smooth things over.

“She was a real advocate, always in my corner, handling due diligence, and fighting for my interests. Her efforts in hustling the deal were fantastic, which is why she deserves her own Singapore office.” 

Fiona’s support led to a successful sale of over $3 million dollars, leaving Spencer to contemplate what’s next. 

What’s Next for Spencer?

Well, he’s not one to sit back and relax. Spencer’s diving headfirst into the world of personal branding and the creator economy. He sees big potential in building a direct connection with audiences and sharing his journey. 

Spencer plans to become a buyer himself, utilising his experience and insights from selling the business. His goal is to acquire businesses in familiar domains, such as marketplaces or SaaS platforms. 

Content creation and mentoring are also on his radar. He wants to share his insights and guide some up-and-comers in the tech world.

Inspired by this story? Read up on others who have successfully bought and sold their businesses here.

If you’re ready to sell, get a free valuation for your business here.

If you’re ready to buy, find your next business venture on Flippa

Hugh Turned His Financial Losses into Profitable Lessons – and a 7-figure Sale on Flippa Wed, 07 Feb 2024 03:19:22 +0000 Hugh Grossman, on a career path with a Fortune 500 company, entrusted his retirement savings to a financial advisor without paying much attention to where his money was being invested.

Regular statements from his advisor went unopened until one day, Hugh was shocked to discover that half of his capital was gone. He quickly called his broker and, as you can only imagine, exchanged a few choice words before ultimately seized control of his account. That is when he realized two important things: no one cares or should care more about his money than himself, and with the power of the internet, we all have the same information available at our fingertips as anyone else.

Hugh realized the need to manage his own retirement funds. He took many courses, learning all he could about direct investing in the stock market. Eventually, he discovered some very profitable strategies, garnering the attention of his friends and associates. They coerced him into teaching them how to trade and ultimately, Hugh found himself helping other traders how to make some serious money trading stock options.

This marked the beginning of DayTradeSPY and a lucrative 12-year journey for Hugh, his family, and thousands of others. One that would eventually end with a life-changing sale.

Learn how Hugh built DayTradeSPY, monetised his own knowledge, and then found the perfect buyer on Flippa, resulting in an impressive 7-figure sale.


Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

The Early Days of DayTradeSPY

Hugh’s background was in corporate America as an internal auditor for an insurance company. He learned the stock market, started trading on his own, and developed a few successful strategies. 

After making money and recovering his losses, people began to ask him to show them what he was doing. This led to the creation of DayTradeSPY.

Initially, DayTradeSPY was an inner circle with a few subscribers. Hugh would post what he was trading every morning and provide a follow-up report later in the day. He would also hold a weekly meetup to discuss the stock market for an hour. 

Hugh would publish honest accounts of how he was trading with his readers.

The business grew steadily, mostly through word of mouth, and was monetised through subscription fees of $60-70 per month.

“We had a lot of different people sign up— NFL football players, doctors, lawyers, actors, even a mayor,” recalls Hugh. 

Responding to the demand, he expanded his offerings to include a trading room, e-books, and educational videos, which grew into a comprehensive 10-15 part webinar series. 

As part of the free trading resources, Hugh generously shares his trade knowledge in weekly web classes. 

“We kept our subscribers engaged and informed, which is how we sustained our sales momentum,” he said. 

This business model proved to be highly scalable, allowing Hugh to continue growing his business—with the help of his family. 

“My son was instrumental in running the trading rooms, and if I ever needed to step back from a training session, he would jump in and take over. Meanwhile, my wife and daughter were hard at work with marketing efforts,” Hugh said. 

“We were able to create the impression of a large, established company, which helped us attract more clients and expand our reach. In the end, it worked out better than we ever could have hoped.”

“Hugh built a great business. With consistent, unique content being produced daily, subscribers were highly engaged resulting in strong retention. Every acquirer looks for businesses with customers like these so it was just a matter of identifying the best strategic fit.”

Fiona Laidlaw, M&A Advisor managing DayTradeSPY deal.

The Inflection Point: Enter Flippa

What began as a simple side hustle for Hugh unexpectedly transformed into a successful business that he never intended to sell. Trading options was initially just a way to earn extra income, but as his subscriber base grew, so did his profits.

 “I thought I’ll just keep this going until it fizzles out,” Hugh said. But the business never lost momentum—one year turned into two, four, and eventually, 12 and a half years.

Selling DayTradeSPY was never on Hugh’s radar. “What were we going to sell? How do I sell myself?” he thought.

Hugh received an email from Flippa. He was curious about how much his business was worth and initially thought nobody would be interested. Despite his hesitation, he signed up and met with his account manager, Fiona.

She presented him with a price/value that seemed too good to be true. “My first reaction was ‘ok, you’re just saying that to get me into selling. I get it’.” Plus, Hugh enjoyed the interaction with Fiona but admittedly, never expected much to come of it.  

THen one day, Fiona brought forward the perfect buyer who offered more than he ever dreamed possible. In fact, Hugh was stunned.  

“Seriously? I couldn’t believe it, I was in shock,” Hugh said, “I remember telling Fiona, ‘I’ve never been as impressed with anyone as I am with you.’ She was so professional, so friendly, and made the whole process so smooth.” He still ponders how she pulled this off!

Fiona introduced them via Zoom. As it turned out, they were planning to start their own trading room to complement their publishing business but didn’t know how to start. So when Fiona approached the buyer, the timing was perfect, and Hugh’s business turned out to be an ideal fit.

Hugh found himself staring at the initial deposit in disbelief. “It was hard to believe that this was actually for real.”

At the time of the sale, DayTradeSPY was firing on all cylinders. Not only was it generating a monthly profit of $29K, but it also had an impressive email subscriber list of 14K highly engaged users. Even better, the business was operating with a 94% profit margin.

“This deal is an example of finding the perfect strategic match. The buyer was initially wanting to build this business from the ground up until he found DayTradeSPY on Flippa. He realized he could save his time and money by acquiring rather than building.”

Fiona Laidlaw, M&A Advisor managing DayTradeSPY deal.

Managing A Smooth Transition

Managing the transition with Hugh’s long-standing clients (some up to 10 years!) was a delicate process that required careful consideration. 

“One lady was in tears, so instead of just leaving, I introduced the new teacher and explained that we were expanding our team. And the aim was to gradually shift more responsibility to him,” Hugh said.

Hugh is working closely with Ahren in the transition.

“We’ll be working closely together to ensure a smooth transition. It’s like killing off a character in a TV show— you have to do it carefully and with the audiences’ emotions in mind.”

Despite initially planning to stay for only three months until the end of December 2022, Hugh is extending his help (pro-bono) with the transition process. He has been teaching and bringing the new team up to speed but he and the buyer agree they still require more time before he can fully step back.

“This is good for me. Mentally, this is all I did for the last 12 and half years so suddenly to have this void in my mind would be upsetting for me. So I’d like to step down gradually which is what we’re doing, and I’m putting more responsibility on them,” he said.

Advice From Hugh

Hugh’s sale of DayTradeSPY taught him a valuable lesson: always keep an open mind, as opportunities can arise when you least expect them.

“Even if you don’t want to sell, it’s still worth a chat. You might be shocked at the value and opportunity—like I was. And sell when you’re in your high, to get the most value. It seems like there is a buyer for everything!”

“I might find something else to buy and build, and sell it! That’s where the money is.” 

Hugh said he has nothing but praise for Fiona who found the perfect buyer and made sure the deal closed smoothly. 

“Everything Fiona Laidlaw and her team at Flippa have done has been beyond my wildest expectations. I highly recommend her for your online business buying and selling needs. She is professional, well connected, resourceful and a sheer pleasure to work with!” 

Inspired by this story? Read up on others who have successfully bought and sold their businesses here.

If you’re ready to sell, find out what your business is worth with a free valuation. Get a free valuation here.

Like this buyer and seller, you too can master proper buyer and seller communications etiquette. We’ll show you how to that here.

From Nightlights to New Beginnings: Ali and Philippa get a 6-Figure Sale Done with Flippa Thu, 25 Jan 2024 04:18:51 +0000 This is the story of Ali and Philippa, two entrepreneurs whose lives were intricately linked through the sale of a business – My Night Light. From the sleepless nights that sparked the creation of a business to the strategic sale of a thriving enterprise, Flippa’s platform connected these two entrepreneurs, one just at the beginning of their journey, the other a seasoned business owner. Discover how Ali and Philippa’s stories came together and the role Flippa played in shaping the journey of these business owners.

Ali’s Acquisition Story: Transforming Dreams into Business

Ali, the acquirer of My Night Light, embarked on a business journey that transformed his personal challenges into a successful venture. Ali was searching for a simple solution to stop his newborn from crying, he never expected that finding that solution would result in the acquisition of a business and his first entrepreneurial venture.

Ali was struggling with the challenges of being a new parent. He and his wife were faced with sleepless nights and a crying baby. They needed a solution, and at the same time they were looking to acquire a business that they could run while his wife was on maternity leave. They found the solution to both their needs when they discovered My Night Light on Flippa.  

Philippa’s Exit Story: Navigating Business Growth and Transition

14 years ago, Phillipa was pregnant with her first child and looking to start a side-project that would allow her to spend more time at home with her growing family. She hadn’t landed on a business idea when she started having trouble with her crying baby. She tried many solutions but the only one that worked was a particular night light that changed color. This was the solution she had been looking for as well as the business idea that would lead to her building an ecommerce business for 14 years. 

After over a decade working on the business, Phillipa was ready for a new venture. She decided to sell the business and came to Flippa to exit. 

“I loved using Flippa’s valuation tool. The first thing you think about is, ‘what is my business even worth?’”

Philippa, Flippa Seller

Without Flippa Philippa never would have found the perfect person to take over the business and someone who shared her passion for it. She highlights the importance of connecting with the right people when selling a business. Flippa became a crucial platform for her, offering the necessary tools, processes, and connections to successfully navigate the sale of her business.

“Flippa connects you with the right people, which is the most important part, because if you’re not connecting with the right people who want to buy your business, you’ve not going to sell your business.”

Philippa, Flippa Seller

Empowering Entrepreneurship: Flippa’s Impact on Business Owners

Flippa has left a lasting impact on the lives of entrepreneurs like Ali and Philippa. From the valuation tool to the comprehensive negotiation processes and the invaluable support from the Flippa team, Flippa facilitated a smooth experience for those looking to buy or sell a business. This story underscores the significance of not just the technology but the people behind Flippa in making entrepreneurship accessible and fulfilling. 


Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

From Buying Small Businesses to $5M in Transactions Value: Flippa’s Most Successful Broker Unveils Secret for Success Sun, 03 Dec 2023 13:54:52 +0000 Joe Burrill started on Flippa in 2012, looking for small businesses to buy, grow, and then sell. What began as an experiment in the realm of acquisition entrepreneurship evolved into a thriving brokerage business, Just Website Brokerage, conducted entirely on the Flippa platform.

The Beginning of a Successful Career in Brokerage

Joe’s introduction to Flippa happened when he signed up to an online course by the eBusiness Institute, run by Matt and Liz Raad. The institute has long seen the opportunities available on Flippa and encourages hundreds of students and individuals every year to purchase their first online business on the marketplace. While many follow the path of growing and eventually selling their acquisitions, Joe charted a distinct course.

In his early 20s, Joe was eager to get into the world of online businesses, and Matt and Liz gave him the confidence to make his first ever business acquisition on Flippa. The business he acquired was small, and more of a learning experience than a money maker for him,yet  it served as the ideal springboard for Joe’s entry into the intricacies of buying and selling online businesses.

Over the course of six years, Joe honed his expertise in the acquisition and sale of businesses. It was during this period that he recognized he had cultivated a unique skill set in selling, prompting him to shift from being a business buyer and seller to leveraging his skills as a broker, assisting other Flippa users in their business transactions through his brokerage company,  Just Website Brokerage.

Brokering 208 Deals totaling $5.1M in Transactional Value

Now one of Flippa’s oldest brokers, Joe has been a part of a staggering 208 transactions totalling $5.1M in transaction value. 

Working predominantly with Content sites, Joe possesses the skill of effectively presenting a business’s quality, along with highlighting the potential opportunities for a new owner. 

In the past year Joe has achieved remarkable successes in terms of a profit multiple, with the best being a business that sold for $30,000, with a yearly profit multiple of 6.25x.

Joe attributes these successful sales to the quality of businesses that are coming his way, as well as the astute buyers in the market who can not only identify a quality site, but are willing to invest in growth opportunities when they see one.

“The quality of a site is the differentiating factor between online businesses for sale. A sale with a high profit multiple is usually a result of one of two factors – the quality of the site, or the opportunity for growth of a site.” 

While quality involves considering numerous metrics, including traffic engagement, the business’s age, its niche and evergreen factor, and of course the monthly profit,the assessment of a business’s opportunity is more subjective, necessitating buyers to discern it for themselves.

Joe’s Latest Success

Joe’s most recent success was the sale of a booming Italian-based Ecommerce business in the evergreen fashion niche. 

The business’s strengths included a straightforward business model, adaptability to market trends, and exceptional relationships with manufacturers, which made it incredibly appealing to potential buyers. 

At the time of sale, the business had a monthly profit of $11.1K, and showcased a steadily growing revenue. The business sold in just under three months.

Finding the Perfect Growth Opportunities

Having been a part of so many Content site sales on Flippa, Joe possesses a distinctive perspective on what sells most effectively. 

In his experience, buyers consistently express a willingness to invest in the potential growth of a business. One prevalent opportunity that attracts buyers is when a Content site relies solely on a single revenue stream. Buyers perceive this as a significant opportunity to swiftly introduce additional revenue streams, thereby accelerating profit growth. For instance, if a site is exclusively monetized through Amazon Affiliate programs, a buyer can promptly experiment with new revenue channels like Google Adsense.

“Buyers are often willing to acquire a business at a higher multiple when the businesses have more opportunity for growth.”

For every listing he manages on Flippa, Joe provides a list of opportunities without overcomplicating things. He discovered that the best way to attract buyers on the marketplace is by clearly highlighting the facts of the business and letting buyers identify growth opportunities as they see them.

The Process of Selling

Joe thoroughly researches a business before turning it into a listing on Flippa. Generally, he’ll spend up to two weeks collaborating with the seller to ensure he has a solid understanding of the business and its key highlights. 

During this process, he gathers a wealth of information from the seller, and then streamlines it into an easily digestible format for prospective buyers. Once the business is listed, Joe and his team take charge of all buyer communications, keeping the seller on the sidelines until the right buyer emerges.

In the quest to find the ideal buyer, Joe approaches every inquiry and discussion as a potential match for the deal. He adopts a strategy of providing potential buyers with more information than initially requested, a tactic he has found effective in separating serious contenders from those merely curious about the details.

Learning along the way

After more than a decade of engaging in the buying and selling of businesses on Flippa, Joe has gathered immense knowledge on the world of online acquisitions, as well as valuable insights for both sellers and buyers.

Here are Joe’s key pieces of advice for others:

  1. For significant transactions, ensure a comprehensive sales agreement is in place.
  2. Utilize an escrow service for secure fund transfers.
  3. Acknowledge the uniqueness of each sale; the process varies for different types of businesses.
  4. For smaller deals (under $25K), adopt a no-reserve strategy.

Joe emphasizes, “Time definitely kills deals.”

Businesses that do well in sales are typically:

  • Well-organized.
  • In a specialized niche that sparks enthusiasm: pets products, hobbies, niche sports or anything that stirs people’s passion. 
  • Laden with opportunities.
  • Governed by a straightforward business strategy.
  • Free of hidden complications.

One of the more intricated deals Joe managed was a six-figure sale, a transaction that extended over two months for the seamless transfer of assets.

“I guarantee you, this deal would not have gone through without a lot of patient negotiation and back-and-forth between me and the buyer, and me and the seller. This is where the value of a broker becomes clear.” 

Why Flippa

For Joe, the sheer number of buyers on Flippa is what keeps him coming back to the marketplace to sell his brokerage listings. He also appreciates the platform’s user-friendly interface for browsing deals.

“I don’t list businesses anywhere else, other than Flippa. There are so many buyers and if you can create a listing that stands out from other businesses you’ll sell your business.”

Along with the large volume of buyers, Joe loves all the new features that Flippa introduced recently. Managing so many different listings at once can be difficult but he finds that the clean, easy to use Deal Room and messaging capabilities makes it much easier to monitor all the different deals he brokers.

“Being able to shortlist interested buyers is a huge benefit to managing deals and staying on top of buyer communication.” 

As of today, Joe has just reached the incredible milestone of $5.1M in transaction value, has seven live listings ready to find a new owner, with many more in the pipeline. Check them all out here. 

Ready to acquire your next business?

Search for businesses for sale on Flippa here.

Or if you own an online business, find out what it’s worth.

Get a free valuation here.

A Life-Changing Exit: Mary Sold Her Blog for $150K on Flippa Wed, 08 Nov 2023 15:43:56 +0000 Meet Mary, a mom, a stepmom, a wife, a daughter, and a full-time blogger. Throughout her blogging career, Mary has built three successfull blogs. She sold two of them on Flippa, the most recent one for a striking $150,000. 

Mary’s journey into the world of online entrepreneurship began in 2012 when she was living in Florida and saw a woman on the news reviewing cars and getting free products. Inspired by the possibilities of blogging, she started her first blog, “Plum Crazy About Coupons”

Over the years, her passion for writing and sharing her experiences led her to create two more blogs – “Dine Dream Discover”, a lifestyle blog featuring recipes, travel, and reviews, and later “Life in the RV” to document her family’s adventures on the road. 

Discover how Mary’s decision to sell one of her content businesses on Flippa changed her life and allowed her to pursue her dream of traveling full-time in a bigger and better RV.

The Journey to Selling Dine Dream Discover

Mary’s journey as a blogger was one of continuous growth and adaptation. Her blog Dine Dream Discover was a diverse platform that offered readers a little bit of everything: recipes, travel tips, reviews, and more. 

As her family’s dream of full-time RV travel grew, Mary recognized the need to niche down and focus on a single project, given the challenges of creating recipes on the road.

Find Out How Much Your Online Business is Worth

Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

Choosing Flippa as the Platform to Sell an Online Business

When it came time to sell her business, Mary wanted to ensure that she received a fair price for it. She considered various options but ultimately chose Flippa. 

Mary was surprised by the accuracy of Flippa’s valuation tool, which provided a great valuation for her blog, as well as the platform’s ease of use and competitive fees.

The Sale and Negotiation Process

The process of selling her blog on Flippa was straightforward: interested buyers would inquire about the profit and loss statements, and Mary would promptly share all the necessary information. Following these initial discussions, prospective buyers would submit a Letter of Intent (LOI)

Mary ended up accepting one of the offers from a potential buyer, and after agreeing upon a final price, the sale was done. 

Mary’s advice for potential sellers is to be prepared for negotiations and stand firm on the worth of their business.

The Financial Transformation

Mary’s decision to sell her business on Flippa proved to be life-changing. The blog fetched an impressive sale price of $150,000, providing her with the financial means to pursue her family’s dream of full-time RV travel. 

The proceeds from the sale went towards a new and larger RV, enabling her to explore even more of the beautiful destinations across the country.

The Bright Future of RV Adventures

Mary’s journey is far from over, and the road ahead is filled with exciting possibilities. Her family continues to travel in their new and improved RV, documenting their adventures on her new blog, With Flippa’s support, she is confident that she can sell her new blog should the time come for a transition.

Mary’s New Life Begins Now

Mary’s story is a testament to the power of entrepreneurship and the opportunities provided by Flippa. The decision to sell her business not only secured her financial future but also allowed her to live her dream of full time travel. 

As Mary would say: “The future holds endless adventures, and with Flippa, the possibilities are limitless.” 

So whether you’re a seasoned blogger or someone just starting, her experience serves as an inspiring example of what can be achieved with determination, adaptation, and the right platform for selling your online business.

Find Out How Much Your Online Business is Worth

Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

From Startup Vision to 1.8 Million Dollar Sale: Ben’s Journey Selling Highstrike on Flippa Wed, 11 Oct 2023 20:53:21 +0000 Ben Zogby is a Boston local with an entrepreneurial spirit and big ambitions. His passion for trading and investing saw him transform an idea into a thriving business which he eventually sold on Flippa for $1.8M.

This is the story of Ben’s journey, from side hustle to seven-figure exit on Flippa.

From Side Hustle to Full Time Entrepreneur 

While working a 9-to-5 engineering job, Ben had the idea to start a digital online trading platform designed to provide retail traders and investors with expert advice and insights from seasoned professionals. The beginnings of Highstrike were challenging, as a side hustle Ben worked on the business during his nights and weekends and didn’t immediately see the returns.

“I was putting in this work and I wasn’t necessarily seeing a return off the bat, but for some reason, I guess I kept at it and I was just like, you know, I’m gonna keep trying this… And then one day everything kind of aligned and just took off for me.”

Ben Zogby, Exited for $1.8M on Flippa.

But Ben had a relentless spirit and believed in his vision, and his persistence paid off. Highstrike soon took off, transforming his side hustle into his primary focus.

Finding Growth Through Quality

Passion fueled Ben’s journey. He was not just a founder and CEO; he was an investor and an entrepreneur at heart. He immersed himself in the world of trading and investing, continually honing his skills. Highstrike’s mission was clear: provide traders with reliable, data-driven advice to make informed decisions. Ben’s goal was not just to make money but to educate traders on avoiding costly mistakes and achieving financial success.

The key to Highstrike’s success was its commitment to high-quality content. Ben and his team created top-notch video content, placing value at the forefront of their business. They offered valuable resources before any purchase, fostering trust among their audience. In an era where content is king, this strategy proved pivotal in building Highstrike’s reputation.

“We started making really high quality videos and we started putting value first and we started front loading all of the stuff that we offered before the purchase to kind of help people gain that trust.”

Ben Zogby, Exited for $1.8M on Flippa.

The Flippa Advantage

After years of hard work and dedication, Ben was ready to sell. He had two primary goals: to place Highstrike in capable hands that could transform it into a household name and to secure his financial future. 

Flippa’s valuation tool estimated Highstrike’s worth at $1.5 million dollars. But Ben’s determination and Flippa enabled him to negotiate a bidding war, ultimately selling his company for a remarkable $1.8 million dollars at the age of 27.

“Throughout negotiation we started a bidding war and went up to $1.8M. Once we unlocked that kind of access to those buyers, we started a bidding war and we went back and forth, drove the price up by $300,000 which was insane.”

Ben Zogby, Exited for $1.8M on Flippa.

Flippa played a crucial role in Ben’s success. The platform opened doors to potential buyers he didn’t know existed. It facilitated a bidding war that significantly increased the final sale price and made Ben’s journey more efficient by Flippa’s seamless and transparent process, ensuring that he knew what to expect at every step.

“The culture at Flippa is great. You guys really have the, the seller’s interest at heart and the know how, I think you guys just have a super refined process and it was a lot easier than other options that I’ve looked into in the past and it was super seamless, super easy to understand. I just knew what I was getting at every step in the process.”

Ben Zogby, Exited for $1.8M on Flippa.

Ben’s excitement went beyond the financial gain. He was thrilled to see Highstrike’s future prospects with its new owner. He knew the company was in capable hands, ready to take it to new heights. The prospect of Highstrike becoming ten times its current size was a vision that excited him.

Looking back, Ben Zogby had a message for aspiring entrepreneurs: don’t stop, keep pushing forward, and trust in your vision. It will pay off eventually. His journey from a startup to a successful seven-figure exit on Flippa was proof that dedication and unwavering belief in your dream can lead to incredible success.

Ben’s story is a testament to the opportunities that Flippa unlocks for determined entrepreneurs. Flippa made it possible for him to sell his business and receive a significant check. His success story is a testament to the endless possibilities that await those who are willing to chase their dreams.

Find Out How Much Your Online Business is Worth

Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

Flippa’s Perfect Match: A Successful SaaS Sale Tue, 19 Sep 2023 00:58:25 +0000 Mark Middo and Alex Pirouz, hailing from Melbourne, Australia, are seasoned entrepreneurs with diverse business interests. Currently, Mark’s primary focus is on Reminisce, a unique event brand, and Event Flux, his very own business in the festival niche. Meanwhile, Alex manages Windsor Advisers, a boutique advisory firm dedicated to helping companies revamp their sales and marketing strategies to achieve growth.

Together, Mark and Alex co-founded Linkfluencer, a renowned SaaS platform specializing in LinkedIn marketing. Linkfluencer empowers individuals and companies to create leads and sales on the platform using a purpose-built custom software. Featured in 100+ media publications, this award-winning business operates as a hybrid subscription and agency model.

The Genesis of Linkfluencer

The Linkfluencer journey began in 2013 when Alex stumbled upon an email with a captivating subject line: “94% of editors and journalists are on LinkedIn.” 

Intrigued by the potential of LinkedIn for personal branding, Alex actively cultivated his LinkedIn presence. In just six months, he amassed over 300 media contacts, was featured in more than 50 publications, and recognized the platform’s potential for personal branding and PR. This realization sparked the idea for Linkfluencer.

Creating the Perfect Platform

Founded in 2013, Linkfluencer quickly became a global leader in LinkedIn marketing and training. Its mission is to help people unlock the full potential of LinkedIn, offering training, campaign management, certification, licensing, and speaking services. Over the span of a decade, Linkfluencer has generated millions of dollars for clients across 35 countries and 65 industries.

Initially, the business started just by selling courses on LinkedIn success, but Mark and Alex responded to customer demand for additional services, including events and ongoing advisory support. These valuable offerings propelled the company’s growth. 

Juggling their other commitments, Mark and Alex decided to explore an acquisition on Flippa to ensure Linkfluencer’s continued success.

The Decision to Sell

Mark and Alex were determined to secure the best possible outcome for Linkfluencer’s sale. Their goal was to find a buyer whose vision aligned with theirs and who would offer the right price. They considered various options, including appointing a CEO, but eventually, they found the perfect match.

‘The good thing about Flippa is that it wasn’t just about the sale. We had people approaching us with different options’, says Alex. 

The Exit Process on Flippa

Alex and Mark were helped through the transition by Certified M&A Advisor Fiona Laidlaw. 

The entrepreneurs praised the ease and straightforwardness of the process and appreciated the high caliber of individuals they encountered on Flippa. Conversations with venture capital firms, fellow entrepreneurs, and business owners eventually led to a successful exit. Alex and Mark are confident that Flippa facilitated the sale to the right buyer.

The sale has given both Alex and Mark the opportunity to focus on their other businesses and projects. 

Find Out How Much Your Online Business is Worth

Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

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