Certification demonstrates that products are at low risk of cyberthreats and will interoperate securely. Credit: Metamorworks / Getty Images The FIDO Alliance has announced the launch of the FIDO Device Onboard (FDO) certification program to enable edge nodes and IoT device vendors to prove that their solutions adhere to security and interoperability specifications. Certification allows vendors to demonstrate that their products are at low risk of cyber threats, while deploying companies can ensure devices will interoperate securely within IoT and distributed computing infrastructures, according to the FIDO Alliance. Leading vendors such as Dell Technologies, IBM, and Intel have already begun to include the FDO specification in products and services, which are being utilized by customers in a variety of settings and applications, the FIDO Alliance said. FIDO Alliance promotes authentication standards The FIDO Alliance is an open industry association launched in February 2013 whose core mission is to develop and promote authentication standards that help reduce the world’s over-reliance on passwords. It aims to address the lack of interoperability among devices that use strong authentication and reduces the problems users face creating and remembering multiple usernames and passwords. Last year, tech giants Apple, Google, and Microsoft extended support for a common passwordless sign-in standard created by the FIDO Alliance and the World Wide Web Consortium. FIDO protocol champions a zero-trust approach to device security The FDO protocol is a freely available standard that champions a “zero-trust” approach to enable devices to quickly and securely onboard to cloud and edge management platforms, the FIDO Alliance said in a press release. Certification comprises of conformance and interop testing, a security risk analysis, and assurance that a company’s device meets FDO specifications and security and privacy requirements. Higher levels of security certification are planned for the program in future, and interested parties are encouraged to join the FIDO Alliance and contribute to the evolution of the FDO standard, it added. “Edge nodes and IoT devices are bringing transformative benefits to a whole range of industries but overcoming the security risks that exist today is critical to enable more organizations to take the leap,” said Andrew Shikiar, executive director and CMO of the FIDO Alliance. “Launching the certification program marks another step towards fostering trust in the edge and IoT space and taking mass deployments to the next level.” SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER From our editors straight to your inbox Get started by entering your email address below. Please enter a valid email address Subscribe