Hacks and data thefts, enabled by weak security, cover-ups or avoidable mistakes have cost these companies a total of nearly $4.4 billion and counting.
Die richtigen Security-Performance-Metriken können zu mehr Effizienz beitragen, CISOs und Sicherheitsentscheider jedoch auch ansonsten auf diversen Ebenen entscheidend voranbringen.
The cost of a data breach is not easy to define, but as more and more organizations fall victim to attacks and exposures, the financial repercussions are becoming clearer.
Cyber insurance can’t protect your organization from cybercrime, but it can keep your business on stable financial footing should a significant security event occur.
The security community is working toward cryptographic encryption that can withstand post-quantum threats as quantum’s ability to break existing algorithms looms. Here are the latest developments.
Data breaches affecting millions of users are far too common. Here are some of the biggest, baddest breaches in recent memory.
Um das Cybersicherheits-Budget nicht unnötig zu belasten, sollten Unternehmen folgende Kosten vermeiden.
Von Yahoo und Facebook zu LinkedIn und Alibaba: Diese Unternehmen waren von Datenschutzverstößen betroffen, die sich auf mehrere Millionen Nutzer auswirkten.