Ecommerce websites and online businesses for sale

The #1 Marketplace for Ecommerce websites and online businesses. Flippa is the largest marketplace to buy and sell online businesses, websites and digital assets.
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{{ searchParameters.domain_characters_count[0] || '1' | sliderNumber}} {{ searchParameters.domain_characters_count[1] || '20+' | sliderNumber}}


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Monthly Profit

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{{ searchParameters.age[0] || '0' | sliderAge}} {{ searchParameters.age[1] || '240+' | sliderAge}}

Profit Multiple
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{{ searchParameters.multiple[0] || '0' | sliderMultiple}} {{ searchParameters.multiple[1] || '40+' | sliderMultiple}}
Revenue Multiple
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Authority Score
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Net Profit
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Verified Listing
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Net Profit
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General FAQ’s

What does e-commerce mean?

The term e-commerce businesses refer to online shops, like an Amazon business, that sell items over the internet. Selling online has fewer overheads than a traditional brick-and-mortar shop. Over the last few years, e-commerce has grown over 50%, making it an extremely profitable business endeavor.

How can I buy an e-commerce business?

You don’t have to set up an e-commerce business from scratch; you can buy e-commerce websites from various industries, from health, fitness, and electric bikes to pet care or subscription businesses.

To purchase an SBA pre-qualified e-commerce brand, browse businesses on Flippa. Speak to the seller about the business opportunity and place your bid.

Is e-commerce a profitable business?

Selling online is a hugely profitable business venture. The e-commerce industry requires relatively few overheads. You could get your e-commerce company off the ground and lucrative within one to two years.

Once you have grown your e-commerce brand, you could sell your business or restructure to an absentee-run model to continue earning passive income without the stress.

Which e-commerce business is the most profitable?

The most profitable business niches to make a net profit in e-commerce include:

  • Beauty and health.
  • Selling second-hand products.
  • Smart home products and technology.
  • Online educational courses
  • Selling eBooks.
  • Content writing.

  • Is selling e-commerce products profitable?

    With e-commerce, you don’t need to rent and maintain a physical shop. With digital marketing, you can reach more customers from around the globe. Moreover, many popular brands use the Amazon FBA e-com online business scheme to reduce costs. Amazon stores, packs, and ships items the business sells.

    Can I sell my e-commerce business?

    You can sell your business with Flippa. You’ll need to update your website, inventory, and finances. You’ll also need a business valuation to give you an idea of the net profit you’ll make when selling your e-commerce business.

    Is e-commerce a good investment?

    E-commerce is a safe, low-cost investment. With the comfort of a home-based company and the benefits of a growing industry, your e-commerce business could yield high net profits.

    To further reduce overheads, you could start a dropshipping business and remove the cost and effort of storing stock and shipping products. Moreover, dropshipping e-commerce companies can ship worldwide, from the United Kingdom to South Africa — broadening their customer base.

    Is it worth buying an e-commerce business?

    You can buy an e-commerce business to reap the benefits of selling online without the start-up costs and stress. Browse businesses listed on Flippa and contact the seller to find out more about potential opportunities. Develop your business plan for an established, successful online store.

    What is the biggest e-commerce platform?

    Among the biggest e-commerce platforms are Shopify and Amazon. If you set up a Shopify store, you can utilise their SEO-friendly source code and easy building blocks to create a profitable, popular e-commerce shop. Alternatively, you could make an Amazon FBA business to take advance of their more extensive customer base.

    How much does it cost to run an e-commerce business?

    E-commerce businesses require relatively little owner financing and cash flow. You could start or buy a business for less than $1,000. Consider setting up a dropshipping company with a sustainably long-term e-commerce shop to keep costs low.

    What are the four types of e-commerce businesses?

    The type of business you set up will influence your strategy. The four types are:

  • B2B e-commerce brand: Business to business.
  • DTC e-commerce: Direct to customer.
  • Subscription business model: Monthly or annual revenue for the product.
  • On-demand e-commerce: Answers or products are given with one click.

  • How do I start an e-commerce business with no money?

    Starting a dropshipping business or an FBA fulfilled by Amazon FBM company is an excellent way to break into the e-commerce industry with little money.

    The FBA fulfilled by the Amazon FBM program means that you can sell products on the Amazon store, and they will look after inventory and ship products to customers. For instance, the Amazon pet food section will sell a range of products from different brands and companies but manage the storage, packing, handling, and shipping.

    On the other hand, the fulfilled by merchant Amazon method means you must wrap and ship products you sell on their site.

    What are the requirements to start up an e-commerce store?

    To start an e-commerce business, online retailers need a niche idea — conduct market research to determine how profitable and sustainably your e-commerce niche is.

    Create a branded website with the Shopify store web builder or a merchant Amazon store. To manage your business, you may need to invest in ERP software.

    What are some examples of e-commerce?

    Successful e-commerce brands include:

  • Amazon.
  • Flipkart.
  • Shopify.
  • Myntra.
  • Etsy.
  • eBay.
  • Quikr.
  • Olx.

  • What makes e-commerce successful?

    Many consumers prefer e-commerce because of the convenience. Therefore, fast shipping and low prices are excellent ways to boost the success of your business. Moreover, you should take advantage of digital marketing. Either learn SEO or partner with a marketing agency to grow your customer base.

    What are the disadvantages of an e-commerce business?

    E-commerce retail businesses rely on servers and security to perform effectively and efficiently. No one can buy products when your website is down. Customers are after convenience and may get impatient with slow or crashing sites, turning to the competition instead. Only work with reliable hosts to ensure a profitable online business.

    What is the future of the e-commerce industry?

    The e-commerce industry has grown immensely over the last few years. As more people stayed home during the pandemic, e-commerce retailers saw greater profits than ever. In the future, the e-commerce industry should grow by an estimated nearly $11 trillion.

    Which is the best e-commerce platform?

    There are many platforms to build an e-commerce business. Big names include Shopify, WooCommerce, SquareSpace, and Wix. Alternatively, you can sell on Amazon, eBay, or Etsy and utilize their diverse customer base.

    Buying an Ecommerce Website or Online Business?

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