Physical Security | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos
It isn't just certain connected medical devices that put patient data and physical safety at risk, it's specific capabilities and systems within which they operate that make them a broad, and vulnerable, attack surface.
North America's bulk power system is required to adhere to CIP standards, but compliance doesn't mean critical assets are completely safe.
Recent terrorist attacks, which share defining attributes of centralized intent and decentralized execution. Not only do these attacks demonstrate that the world has become more violent, but they also reveal that the public remains ill prepared for t
Europol says the jackpotting-like attacks have been happening since 2016
Still early in the IIoT maturity curve, the security industry has a lot to learn about defending critical infrastructure
The best way to keep your date from being searched is to leave it behind
Using the calm before the storm to prepare
The open nature of email makes implementing encryption complex. Google hopes to change that with its Key Transparency initiative.