Physical Security | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos
As use of unmanned aerial vehicles grows, organizations should have a plan for managing the risk associated with drones, whether or not they deploy them, experts say.
Ten ways a messy desk puts confidential information at risk.
Industrial control systems continue to be soft targets due to poor cyber hygiene. New study identifies what's wrong and best practices for fixing it.
Facebook takes an integrated approach to keeping data safe. Even the company’s office buildings are designed to put physical protection between servers and the public.
Oldies but goodies, these security tips have stood the test of time.
It isn't just certain connected medical devices that put patient data and physical safety at risk, it's specific capabilities and systems within which they operate that make them a broad, and vulnerable, attack surface.
North America's bulk power system is required to adhere to CIP standards, but compliance doesn't mean critical assets are completely safe.
Each year, the Information Security Forum, a nonprofit association that researches and analyzes security and risk management issues, releases its 'Threat Horizon' report to provide a forward-looking view of the biggest security threats over
All security managers, especially those charged with physical security responsibilities, need to be involved in emergency prep for varying scenarios - including the potential for an active shooter on scene. Imad Mouline, CTO at Everbridge, fills us i
Airline security in the 21st century will have to address hacking and physical threats