A new survey of security and IT leaders sheds light on how organizations across industries are dealing with the COVID-19 crisis, how prepared they were, how vulnerable they are, and what the long-term impact may be.
Think you dodged the GDPR bullet because you’re not in Europe? Guess again. California just brought that home for millions of businesses.
Good information security isn't just about the 1s and 0s
With all the discussion about ransomware extortion, data breaches like Equifax, and privacy violations in social media, one of the greatest threats to any business can get lost in the noise — the theft of their intellectual property (IP).
Managing security for today’s enterprises is an increasingly complex task. But being comfortable with failure is an important skill.
How security events are hitting the corporate coffers
Some observations of what happened in 2015 and would could happen in 2016
Security has gone from afterthought to priority in the Board's eyes. That's a good thing, right? But it brings with it a new kind of risk – when security is viewed as simply part of business as usual