In a first-ever evaluation of its kind, MITRE examines how security service providers perform when detecting adversary behavior.
Thanks to easy-to-buy hacking tools, anyone can become a cybercriminal today – and malware kits are increasingly sophisticated. Many security leaders are looking to Managed Detection and Response (MDR) for defense.
Companies of different sizes have differing needs when it comes to security. Here’s how to weigh the pros and cons of in-house vs. managed security.
Threat notification is only the beginning of dealing with a potential attack or breach. This blog outlines what security practitioners should do next.
Many organizations need help with security. But take the time to do your homework before you sign on the dotted line.
CSaaS allows organizations to manage risk with a third-party vendor. Here’s why the concept is taking off.
As the shortage of skilled security professionals continues, more organizations are looking to outsourced, managed security services to provide defense and threat response.
Malware-laden Google Play apps, a Russian hijack of cloud storage services, and “flaws” that aren’t really flaws in the Okta platform all made for interesting security research this month.