Identity and Access Management | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos
Almost all software and IT service authentications with passkey implementation are open to AitM attacks as they provide less secure backup options.
With AI and generative AI capabilities on the rise, a shift toward consolidation and platforms over point solutions is redefining the IT security market — as well as its leading vendors.
Local USB devices with sensitive data are presently restricted from being accessed by web applications over security concerns.
Not sure where you should start to approach risk reduction in your network? If you aren’t aware of any and all risks to your edge access, you’re not reducing risk.
Geisinger said a former Nuance Communications employee with improper access to official records stole critical patient information.
A report from CISA describes the implementation hurdles that small and medium-sized businesses have in terms of adopting single sign-on security.
Getting the basics right to ensure a successful zero trust strategy
For top IT security execs, losing your job is remarkably easy. All it takes is a stupid decision, a simple oversight, or poor communication.
Enterprises have untold numbers of endpoints, which can be on-premises or remote. Cloud access security brokers (CASBs) sit between those endpoints and cloud resources, providing essential visibility and management.
Attackers gained access to customer support telemetry but not customer arrays, company says.