Critical Infrastructure | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos
Cybersecurity initiatives included in the US National Defense Authorization Act for 2023 include increased funding for Cybercom’s hunt-forward operations.
The San Francisco Police Department wants to use weaponized robots, but some experts say robots suffer from severe security flaws that render them too dangerous for such use.
The Biden administration’s intense focus on cybersecurity has resulted in an unprecedented number of initiatives. Although domestic efforts seem well-baked, opportunities exist for further leadership in the international arena.
Based on the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, the goals could become the baseline standards for cybersecurity negligence and possible future regulatory requirements.
Global encryption keys were hardcoded on some programmable logic controller product lines. Siemens recommends upgrading all affected devices.
UK National Cyber Security Centre CEO Lindy Cameron reflects on Russia’s recent cyber activity as Ukraine warns its allies to prepare for cyberattacks targeting critical infrastructure.
Western intelligence and national security leaders emphasize the importance of collaborating to better prepare and respond to cybersecurity threats.
Ransomware gangs seem to be exploiting concerns over disruptions in the energy and other critical infrastructure sectors.
Researchers demonstrate a proof of concept where hijacked programmable logic controllers can compromise engineering workstations to allow lateral movement.
Threats surrounding Virtual Network Computing laid bare as attacks targeting critical infrastructure increase.