Critical Infrastructure | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos
Recent warnings about advanced persistent threats from China against critical infrastructure suggest a shift in goals, but other nation-state adversaries have their own agendas.
Lawmakers and experts fear that the use of Chinese storage batteries could threaten the power grid, but few alternatives are in the offing, at least in the short term.
CISOs should consider a more values-oriented, socially informed approach to cyber risk as global conflict grows and many governments could change in key elections.
Regional inspectors will help bolster US election security ahead of 2024 presidential voting.
Smart cities, power grids, and other distributed critical infrastructure could learn from how the US Navy protects the mission-readiness of its deployed fleet.
Volunteer cybersecurity reserve workforces are growing in the face of infosec worker shortages, with US CyberCommand recently authorized in the 2024 NDAA to create its own civilian cybersecurity reserve corps.
Attackers used more than 300 samples of the malicious tool and more than 100 domains to evade detection.
Consultation proposes new cybersecurity legislation for IoT devices, ransomware reporting and amendments to the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018.
This year's annual national defense funding bill is chock-full of cybersecurity-related provisions with spending focused on nuclear weapons and systems security, artificial intelligence, digital diplomacy, and much more.
The Iranian CyberAv3ngers group’s simplistic exploitation of Unitronics PLCs highlights the cybersecurity weaknesses in US water utilities, the need to get devices disconnected from the internet, and renewed interest in regulation.