Services – Flippa Fri, 23 Feb 2024 01:51:46 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Services – Flippa 32 32 Alvaro’s Journey: From Door-Knocking Entrepreneur to Successful Exit with Flippa Fri, 23 Feb 2024 01:51:39 +0000 Meet Alvaro, an ambitious entrepreneur originally from Peru, whose journey into the world of online business started with a bold decision—to repurpose his college tuition money into an online marketing course. Despite limited English proficiency and a lack of experience, Alvaro embarked on a journey of entrepreneurship that eventually led him to sell his online marketing agency, Increasingly, for $155,000 on Flippa.


Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

Discovering Opportunities with Flippa

Alvaro’s entrepreneurial spirit was ignited when he realized the vast potential in the world of online business. Despite facing language barriers and unfamiliar territory after moving from Peru to a new country, he took the leap into entrepreneurship. He began by offering digital marketing services to local businesses, honing his skills and building his confidence along the way.

From Shiny Object Syndrome to Strategic Acquisition

Alvaro’s journey with Increasingly wasn’t without its challenges. Initially enticed by various online business opportunities, he eventually found his niche in advertising services. Focused on Facebook ads, Google ads, and revenue generation strategies, Alvaro streamlined his agency’s services, discarding distractions and focusing on what truly worked.

The Decision to Sell with Flippa

As Increasingly grew, Alvaro realized the need to scale further by bringing on additional personnel—a step he wasn’t ready to take himself. Recognizing that there were entrepreneurs more experienced and equipped to take the agency to the next level, he made the strategic decision to sell.

Alvaro turned to Flippa for its valuation tools and resources tailored to online mergers and acquisitions. Listing Increasingly on Flippa proved to be a pivotal decision, as the platform’s extensive reach and support network facilitated a smooth selling process. With buyers from Europe and the U.S., Alvaro felt confident that Flippa’s platform would connect him with the right buyer.

Navigating the Selling Process

Selling a business for the first time can be daunting, but Flippa’s support team provided Alvaro with guidance every step of the way. From valuation assistance to navigating inquiries from potential buyers, Alvaro felt supported throughout the entire process. Flippa’s vetting process further instilled confidence, ensuring a secure transaction for both parties involved.

A Life-Changing Experience

For Alvaro, Felipa—his affectionate term for Flippa—has been a game-changer. It not only provided him with a platform to sell his business but also opened his eyes to the vast opportunities in the online business landscape. Alvaro’s journey exemplifies the power of resilience and adaptability in entrepreneurship. With confidence in his abilities and a willingness to overcome challenges, Alvaro’s success story serves as inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere.

Alvaro’s journey from a door-knocking entrepreneur to a successful exit with Flippa highlights the transformative power of perseverance and strategic decision-making in the world of online business. His experience underscores the importance of leveraging resources like Flippa to navigate the complexities of buying and selling online businesses. As Alvaro continues his entrepreneurial journey, one thing remains clear: with the right tools and mindset, anything is possible in the world of online entrepreneurship.


Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

Hugh Turned His Financial Losses into Profitable Lessons – and a 7-figure Sale on Flippa Wed, 07 Feb 2024 03:19:22 +0000 Hugh Grossman, on a career path with a Fortune 500 company, entrusted his retirement savings to a financial advisor without paying much attention to where his money was being invested.

Regular statements from his advisor went unopened until one day, Hugh was shocked to discover that half of his capital was gone. He quickly called his broker and, as you can only imagine, exchanged a few choice words before ultimately seized control of his account. That is when he realized two important things: no one cares or should care more about his money than himself, and with the power of the internet, we all have the same information available at our fingertips as anyone else.

Hugh realized the need to manage his own retirement funds. He took many courses, learning all he could about direct investing in the stock market. Eventually, he discovered some very profitable strategies, garnering the attention of his friends and associates. They coerced him into teaching them how to trade and ultimately, Hugh found himself helping other traders how to make some serious money trading stock options.

This marked the beginning of DayTradeSPY and a lucrative 12-year journey for Hugh, his family, and thousands of others. One that would eventually end with a life-changing sale.

Learn how Hugh built DayTradeSPY, monetised his own knowledge, and then found the perfect buyer on Flippa, resulting in an impressive 7-figure sale.


Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

The Early Days of DayTradeSPY

Hugh’s background was in corporate America as an internal auditor for an insurance company. He learned the stock market, started trading on his own, and developed a few successful strategies. 

After making money and recovering his losses, people began to ask him to show them what he was doing. This led to the creation of DayTradeSPY.

Initially, DayTradeSPY was an inner circle with a few subscribers. Hugh would post what he was trading every morning and provide a follow-up report later in the day. He would also hold a weekly meetup to discuss the stock market for an hour. 

Hugh would publish honest accounts of how he was trading with his readers.

The business grew steadily, mostly through word of mouth, and was monetised through subscription fees of $60-70 per month.

“We had a lot of different people sign up— NFL football players, doctors, lawyers, actors, even a mayor,” recalls Hugh. 

Responding to the demand, he expanded his offerings to include a trading room, e-books, and educational videos, which grew into a comprehensive 10-15 part webinar series. 

As part of the free trading resources, Hugh generously shares his trade knowledge in weekly web classes. 

“We kept our subscribers engaged and informed, which is how we sustained our sales momentum,” he said. 

This business model proved to be highly scalable, allowing Hugh to continue growing his business—with the help of his family. 

“My son was instrumental in running the trading rooms, and if I ever needed to step back from a training session, he would jump in and take over. Meanwhile, my wife and daughter were hard at work with marketing efforts,” Hugh said. 

“We were able to create the impression of a large, established company, which helped us attract more clients and expand our reach. In the end, it worked out better than we ever could have hoped.”

“Hugh built a great business. With consistent, unique content being produced daily, subscribers were highly engaged resulting in strong retention. Every acquirer looks for businesses with customers like these so it was just a matter of identifying the best strategic fit.”

Fiona Laidlaw, M&A Advisor managing DayTradeSPY deal.

The Inflection Point: Enter Flippa

What began as a simple side hustle for Hugh unexpectedly transformed into a successful business that he never intended to sell. Trading options was initially just a way to earn extra income, but as his subscriber base grew, so did his profits.

 “I thought I’ll just keep this going until it fizzles out,” Hugh said. But the business never lost momentum—one year turned into two, four, and eventually, 12 and a half years.

Selling DayTradeSPY was never on Hugh’s radar. “What were we going to sell? How do I sell myself?” he thought.

Hugh received an email from Flippa. He was curious about how much his business was worth and initially thought nobody would be interested. Despite his hesitation, he signed up and met with his account manager, Fiona.

She presented him with a price/value that seemed too good to be true. “My first reaction was ‘ok, you’re just saying that to get me into selling. I get it’.” Plus, Hugh enjoyed the interaction with Fiona but admittedly, never expected much to come of it.  

THen one day, Fiona brought forward the perfect buyer who offered more than he ever dreamed possible. In fact, Hugh was stunned.  

“Seriously? I couldn’t believe it, I was in shock,” Hugh said, “I remember telling Fiona, ‘I’ve never been as impressed with anyone as I am with you.’ She was so professional, so friendly, and made the whole process so smooth.” He still ponders how she pulled this off!

Fiona introduced them via Zoom. As it turned out, they were planning to start their own trading room to complement their publishing business but didn’t know how to start. So when Fiona approached the buyer, the timing was perfect, and Hugh’s business turned out to be an ideal fit.

Hugh found himself staring at the initial deposit in disbelief. “It was hard to believe that this was actually for real.”

At the time of the sale, DayTradeSPY was firing on all cylinders. Not only was it generating a monthly profit of $29K, but it also had an impressive email subscriber list of 14K highly engaged users. Even better, the business was operating with a 94% profit margin.

“This deal is an example of finding the perfect strategic match. The buyer was initially wanting to build this business from the ground up until he found DayTradeSPY on Flippa. He realized he could save his time and money by acquiring rather than building.”

Fiona Laidlaw, M&A Advisor managing DayTradeSPY deal.

Managing A Smooth Transition

Managing the transition with Hugh’s long-standing clients (some up to 10 years!) was a delicate process that required careful consideration. 

“One lady was in tears, so instead of just leaving, I introduced the new teacher and explained that we were expanding our team. And the aim was to gradually shift more responsibility to him,” Hugh said.

Hugh is working closely with Ahren in the transition.

“We’ll be working closely together to ensure a smooth transition. It’s like killing off a character in a TV show— you have to do it carefully and with the audiences’ emotions in mind.”

Despite initially planning to stay for only three months until the end of December 2022, Hugh is extending his help (pro-bono) with the transition process. He has been teaching and bringing the new team up to speed but he and the buyer agree they still require more time before he can fully step back.

“This is good for me. Mentally, this is all I did for the last 12 and half years so suddenly to have this void in my mind would be upsetting for me. So I’d like to step down gradually which is what we’re doing, and I’m putting more responsibility on them,” he said.

Advice From Hugh

Hugh’s sale of DayTradeSPY taught him a valuable lesson: always keep an open mind, as opportunities can arise when you least expect them.

“Even if you don’t want to sell, it’s still worth a chat. You might be shocked at the value and opportunity—like I was. And sell when you’re in your high, to get the most value. It seems like there is a buyer for everything!”

“I might find something else to buy and build, and sell it! That’s where the money is.” 

Hugh said he has nothing but praise for Fiona who found the perfect buyer and made sure the deal closed smoothly. 

“Everything Fiona Laidlaw and her team at Flippa have done has been beyond my wildest expectations. I highly recommend her for your online business buying and selling needs. She is professional, well connected, resourceful and a sheer pleasure to work with!” 

Inspired by this story? Read up on others who have successfully bought and sold their businesses here.

If you’re ready to sell, find out what your business is worth with a free valuation. Get a free valuation here.

Like this buyer and seller, you too can master proper buyer and seller communications etiquette. We’ll show you how to that here.

Cryptocurrency Company Sold on Flippa for $70,000 Tue, 01 Mar 2022 21:04:00 +0000 3-year-old Established Cryptocurrency Company With $136,000+ In Crypto Assets, Sold on Flippa for $70,000.

About the Business

Hashing Ad Space was founded by Luke Millard and his team, a membership platform for people to earn cryptocurrency at home for free.

Each day, thousands of members are paid crypto tokens to complete tasks like watching ads, filling out surveys, and playing games.

The platform is monetized by selling ad space with the company’s products, Ad-sense revenue, survey revenues, game revenues, and crypto liquidation. 

The Appeal

With 284 watchers, 222 discussions, and 3,805 views, Hashing Ad Space garnered ample buzz on Flippa’s marketplace.

At the time of sale the site was generating 1.5M+ page views per month and making a monthly profit of $3.4K. Along with these metrics and a great Authority Score of 40, this Content site also had assets that can’t be as easily measured.

“The business essentially comes with assets worth more than the sale price,” says Millard. “That sounds crazy, but it presents a unique opportunity.”

At the time of sale, the company’s member database had 464,000 registered emails, 157,800 active email subscribers, 41,000 affiliates, and repeat ad customers.

For a buyer interested in the business with no technical expertise, the company had a developer contacter and three support staff in place to continue operations with the new business owner.

The Selling Journey

Although the business gained momentum, Millard quickly recognized that the team didn’t have the skillset to continue growing – it only made sense to sell.  

With a launch of a dozen members and three years of hard work, the founders were able to grow the business to what it is today.

“Our tokenized business model allows the new owners to take ownership of the company token reserves they can then use to continue developing ideas, paying wages, and more,” says Luke Millard.

As is the case with many business owners looking to exit, the process is bittersweet, but rewarding.

“The next phase of big growth requires someone with the expertise to gain exposure and get this to the greater mainstream,” Millard says. “If you have the willingness to grow a business with some promotional expertise and financial resources to get this into the crypto mainstream and expand via our shortfalls in advertising campaigns and social media growth, then you can tap into markets we have not even tried to grow within yet.”

Ultimately, Milliard connected with a buyer based in the United States. Over the course of two months, the two discussed offers, and the buyer’s ability and desire to grow the business.

Once the two reached an agreement, an NDA contract was ultimately signed and Hashing Ad Space was sold on Flippa for $70,000.

Next Steps

Inspired by this story? Read up on others who have successfully bought and sold their businesses here.

If you’re ready to sell, check out our First Time Seller’s Guide.

Like this buyer and seller, you too can master proper buyer and seller communications etiquette. We’ll show you how to do that here.

Find your dream listing with the FREE Flippa Finder! Mon, 25 Oct 2021 21:44:24 +0000 Flippa’s Finder service is now completely FREE! As a buyer, learn how to use Flippa’s marketplace and find the exact listing you want.

​​Buying your first website or digital business can be daunting.  You don’t know where to start or how to use the Flippa marketplace, and may even feel wary of paying an upfront fee for our assistance in finding the right business. By offering this concierge service at no charge to you as a buyer, we remove the obstacles that might be holding you back. 

If you are thinking about buying a business on Flippa, take this rare opportunity to get hands-on guidance and support for your first step into entrepreneurship and owning your future!

What’s included?

Flippa Finder is a concierge service for first-time buyers on Flippa marketplace.

Schedule a consultation with us today.

Once you have booked your call, you will receive professional guidance and expert tips on:

  • Finding the right deals
  • Understanding how to analyze a listing
  • Negotiation 
  • Setting up your first “Saved search”

How does it work?

  1. Together, we’ll walk step-by-step through the Flippa platform and provide you with an understanding of how you should think about your listings search. 
  1. We’ll then prepare an initial set of listings for you to review based on your listing mandates and criteria and provide you with an in-depth analysis of what we do and don’t like about each deal.
  1. Once you’ve found a listing you like, we’ll be on hand to help you analyze a deal and think through how to best negotiate and consider making an offer. 

How long is the consultation?

30 minutes.

Who is it for?

The Flippa finder concierge service is suited for buyers with budgets of $2,500 or more, who are looking for some extra support in their online business acquisition journey.

For more information and inspiration on buying your first online business, check out our guides, videos and articles.

More Resources for Flippa Buyers

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Featured Listing: Digital Marketing School Tue, 02 Mar 2021 07:04:03 +0000 VIEW THE LISTING ON FLIPPA

Featured here is an absolutely incredible opportunity.

This digital marketing school has found quite a bit of success for themselves and so far is only operating within the Spanish language market. Signing up student after student and earning huge revenue through an affiliate set up with 2 major hosting companies, they are making nearly $150,000 in monthly profit, have over 2.4 million people on their email list, 600,000 social media followers, and see no reason to slow down.

Watch the video below to learn a bit more about the business.

Tell us a little about yourself. What’s your background? How did you start with this concept?

I studied Business Administration, but I never worked in that field. After I finished university, I discovered affiliate marketing and I began to create online businesses.

I decided to start this particular company after a very frustrating experience. I paid $6,500 USD for a “digital marketing mastery” program at one of the top universities of my country. It was so bad. There was such little content. It was so far from reality. I felt almost as if I had been scammed. That’s when I thought, “my god, how can be people paying $6,500 for this…I can make it better!”

And thats how I decided to start the Neetwork Business School. Because I knew that I could create better courses, 100 times cheaper.

What does the team look like? Are these full time, salaried employees? Virtual assistants? A mix? And are they all ready to come along with the acquisition?

We are a team of 14 people. All of us work from home. Most of us are full time, but 2 or 3 are part time and we are located in Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela and Bulgaria.

Of course, the whole team, besides myself, would love to continue working for Neetwork after the acquisition. In fact, the best option for the new buyer is that all of them stay in the business because they know how to solve absolutely everything.

Are you creating the educational materials yourselves or is this outsourced?

The main Digital Marketing Mastery was created by ourselves. But all the other 40 courses available in our campus is outsourced to top teachers. We have courses created by university teachers of Colombia, Argentina, Bolivia, etc.

Amazing that your revenue comes from just 2 primary affiliates. Have you ever considered other monetization opportunities?

Of course! In fact, we have a little “upsell” that is to upgrade from premium to VIP student and that costs $25, paid directly to us, not affiliate marketing. We generated around 70K net profit with that.

We are also starting to develop little digital marketing software that we sell to our students.

For example we are going to start to sell a social notifications software, the new buyer will also receive it.

How much time does it take you, as the owner, to run this business?

If I didn’t want to grow the business more… I could dedicate ZERO hours.

I have been training an employee over the past 2 years that is able to manage all the relevant tasks.

But of course, I dedicate time to the business because I continue looking for ways to grow. 

I dedicate around 2 hours per day to analyze Facebook Ads statistics, email statistics, search new traffic sources, optimize pages, etc. 

I just work in things that could have a dramatic increase in the performance of the business. Things that if I’m able to achieve will 2X or 3X the profits.

What are the largest opportunities for a new owner to continue the growth trajectory for this business?

Basically that there is not roof for this business.

We target 140 Million people. (It could be even 200 Million)

At this moment we are able to reach a net profit of more than $250k in a single month, this happens during the months that we are able to scale a lot with Facebook Ads, spending around $90K in ads.

We are trying to find a way to spend $90K per month in Facebook Ads in a stable way. If the new owner is able to achieve this, they will be earning $2.5 to $3 million net profit per year.

And who says that $90K is the top of the ad spend? Maybe its possible to go up to $200K per month and achieve even greater profits

I really believe that this business has a potential of $5million net profit per year.

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Featured Listing: AutomationLinks Wed, 25 Nov 2020 09:38:23 +0000 VIEW THE LISTING ON FLIPPA

Incredible opportunity to own a website development and marketing company that is generating massive profit and still has plenty of room to scale for the right individual or team.

Watch the video below to learn a bit more about the owner and his business.

Tell us a little about yourself. What’s your background? How did you start with this business?

Hey there, my name is Brad Smith and I started AutomationLinks just over 8 years ago. I had a fitness business locally in St. Petersburg Fl with my wife. Our website was ranking #1 on Google and we were scaling our company based on our Google ranking pretty quickly. Just over 8 years ago my wife and I were in a car accident which made us have to think about a new career outside of the fitness industry. We started helping other gyms, and business owners with their website. This lead to starting AutomationLinks to help businesses around the world with their website and marketing online.

How much time does it take to run the business, who else is needed on the team, and what, if anything, is automated?

We have 1 full time employee, 2 virtual assistants, and a whitelabel partner. I work in sales & marketing currently and work 40 hours a week. My employee works 40 hours a week also. 90% of our website business is automated besides 1-2 support tickets a week. We manage ad accounts for our bigger clients to that’s where a lot of our time goes into.

What platform are you building websites on? Should the new owner be a developer themselves or is the leadership role primarily an administrator?

We use WordPress and Duda for Agencies. Leadership role should primarily be administrator for the company. We use Duda because anyone can make a nice website on their platform. It also allows for less support tickets because clients can manage the accounts on their own. My website designer is willing to stay on if needed.

While SEO and referral are your primary drivers for new customers, have you ever run advertising? If so, where did you advertise and what sort of return did you see?

The only advertising we run is retargeting ads to our website visitors if we are promoting a sale. Our other top channels besides SEO and referrals are the email list we communicate with monthly, as well as our Facebook group of 3,000 business owners.

Can you list a few opportunities for a potential new owner to continue growing the business?

If you have a team or want to build a team you can be very successful with this company. I think if you bring on a sales person, and start the retargeting ads you’ll be able to scale this company pretty quickly. Our traffic is very qualified with buyers around the world reaching out for website sales funnel services.

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Featured Listing: Web Development & Marketing Mon, 23 Nov 2020 10:17:24 +0000 VIEW THE LISTING ON FLIPPA

Incredible opportunity to own a 16 year old web development and marketing company that boasts a robust team and consistent monthly profits.

Watch the video below to learn a bit more about the owner and his business.

Tell us a little about yourself. What’s your background? How did you wind up starting this business? Have you been running it yourself for the entire 16 years or did you acquire it from someone else?

My name is Spencer Hill, 16 years ago I graduated high school and had a vision to develop a company that ran itself as much as possible, so I could fund and pursue the things I was passionate about. Today, I reached all the goals I had such as paying cash for land, a Tiny House, a car and seed funding a film production company.

How have you marketed your business? Where are your customers originating from?

After 16 years we generate a lot of word of mouth business and referrals, as well as organic leads from search engines. We’ve done very little advertising so that’s an untapped potential. Customers employ us all over the world, primarily in the US, with an occasional majority being Portland, Oregon based clients. But we virtually never need to meet clients face to face, so an owner operator in another location in the world would not be an issue.

You mention that this can be either passive or more aggressive. How much time does it take to run the business on average? Who else is needed on the team? Are there any automated aspects?

If I was kicking back, it’s an average of about 4 hours a week for me as the owner. Of course my staff put in many more hours than that though. If I was really pushing hard to grow the company you could easily fill 40 hours a week or more pursuing sales opportunities that exist within our own lead database, upselling or nurturing existing clients, reaching back out to former clients, not to mention improving our technical SEO and producing more content, including implementing the designs we have for the next version of the website and it’s key landing pages.

My Operations Manager is a huge asset, as is our Assistant. I have trained them to train others. So my current Operations Manager was, originally, my assistant. As I endowed my relevant knowledge and skills to her she was promoted and then because to teach our Assistant, who will eventually be qualified as another Operations Manager.

Our programming team and graphic designers are also essential.

All staff are contractors with flexible schedules.Many aspects of what we do are streamlined or automated. We have an advanced in house project management tool, finance tracking system, we rely on Zoho for Invoicing and other features. And collectively we’re aggressive about documenting in writing and video all aspects of the business operation.

What skills would someone need in order to continue operating the business in its current form?

The new owner should be fiscally responsible, have mid to high level management experience, enjoy strategizing growth (for our business and our clients business) and love people – staff and client side. It’s a very common sense driven business, you will be surrounded with people who have technical expertise (including myself for the first few months) to guide you and answer your questions so you feel primed and secure in your new venture.

If you were to keep running this business, what 2-3 opportunities would you focus on to continue growing?

I would focus on reaching out to our existing sales leads because it’s massive, high quality, free and can be done by the new owner or a sales person of their choice.

Then I would focus on building up the Google Ads and Facebook Ads client base because it’s recurring revenue. Website development business comes easiest from organic and existing clients, so little effort will be needed there to grow that.

Then I would focus on contacting all our existing clients and recent clients to nurture those relationships. There’s thousands in recurring and tens of thousands or more in one-time income there.The list goes on. Writing new content on the website. Doing a technical SEO audit of our website and applying those changes. Completing and launching the new version of the website that is currently in development and is cleaner, more focused, faster, etc… There’s so many opportunities.

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Featured Listing: GoodNoon Thu, 22 Oct 2020 05:46:29 +0000 VIEW THE LISTING ON FLIPPA

Exciting opportunity to take over an established business that provides clients with outstanding PR while making a killer profit.

Watch the interview below to learn a bit more about the owner and his business.

Tell us a little about yourself. What’s your background? How did you start with Good Noon?

I opened my first company in 2010 when I was 28 years old. We were developing mobile apps and managing digital marketing campaigns. The company did so well that within the first year my main clients were Novartis, General Electrics, L’Oreal, and many more. The business was then successfully merged reaching over a hundred employees – 15 on my side and about 100 from the other company – then sold a few years later. 

Considering the entrepreneurial success we had, I reached out to several PR agencies to get our story covered. During this 6 years period, I hired one of them. This agency was charging us about $3,000 in “monthly fees” with a year minimum contract. They said they would reach out to journalists and surely we could get someone interested in covering us. Truth is that we didn’t even know what we were paying, and wound up with minimal coverage. 

So, I started contacting journalists myself and building relationships with them; I also started purchasing bulk packages of press releases, drastically lowering the cost of a single press release per client. I got more results in a month doing so, that in 3 years with that agency – particularly using the network of relationships I created by doing marketing consulting in SF and Silicon Valley – and through the coverage generated I realized another way of doing PR was actually possible. That’s when I started

How much time does it take to run the business? Who else is needed on the team and do those relationships come with the sale?

The key skill of this business is, of course, content writing. This in the form of:

a) Writing blog content to keep the current rankings;

b) Write press releases and articles for clients.

Now when it comes to point a) the work is minimal since we receive several “guest post requests”. These bring to us some revenue (we charge $49 per guest post) and they help in keeping our blog content “fresh”. As per point b) if you don’t have experience writing, I’d recommend hiring someone.As per marketing, we keep two people from Venezuela to help us with email marketing campaigns; they work only a few hours weekly. Overall (lead scraping and their hourly cost) this campaign costs us $200. Although this marketing support is marginal (I’d say that it counts for 7% of the whole income stream) its overall ROI is high since we were able to get in past big clients through it, so I’d recommend keeping it alive. 

What sort of knowledge would a new owner need in order to keep this business running as is?

Honestly, there is not much knowledge needed: an understanding of the format difference between products – press releases, organic coverage, link building – and the list of journalists and press releases distributors to contact once you have received an order.

Product training and media coverage list will be provided to the buyer. 

Have you marketed this business? If so, how and how has that worked out?

New clients have been acquired mainly through SEO and partially answering industry-related questions on Quora. During the course of the years, we got a good percentage of recurring clients – mostly agencies reselling our offer – and that became our main sales channel. I did try AdWords and influencers campaigns before but we encountered difficulties in pushing sales through as both channels came up to be expensive. Hence we preferred shifting this budget to SEO campaigns.

Can you list a few opportunities for a potential new owner to continue growing the business?

Two out of the 3 products GoodNoon sells (hence press releases and link building excluding organic coverage) are fully scalable. One experiment we did in the last months that seemed to work is offering the standard distribution of press releases at a very low price then upselling a large coverage. Once published a press release we would ask clients if they’d like to have it distributed in USAToday (or BusinessInsider for that matter) at 400% of its initial cost. Many people accepted, we figured out we could even distribute press releases for free using this model, and still be very – maybe even more – profitable.

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Featured Listing: Linktargeter Mon, 05 Oct 2020 06:54:00 +0000 VIEW THE LISTING ON FLIPPA

This is a very exciting side hustle opportunity. With just 1-3 hours a day, this website is making thousands of dollars each month by selling white labeled CPV advertising across a wide ranging network.

Tell us a little about yourself. What’s your background? How did you start with this website?

I am a 40 year old female with 3 kids. Husband and I manage this business which only takes 2-3 hours per days setting up orders and answering emails. He has a screen printing business locally where we live. The money that we receive from this sale will go to more equipment so he can expand his tshirt business. I have over 10 years of online marketing and would like to seek other interests. As mentioned the money will go thos his business for expansion and I will seek something that I have always been passionate about and that is managing a food critic blog since I spend most of my spare time cooking and creating something new.

Did the owner build the software that powers this platform? How often are updates needed and how is that typically handled?

No as mentioned on the listing the ad network is completely white label so there is no need for any updates etc.

What is the monetization method for the service?

I use google ads to gain revenue and also revenue also comes from repeat customers and from organic search results.

Take a look at our sales video that is embedded on our home page.

How much time does it take to run the business, who else is needed on the team, and what is automated?

It takes 2-3 hours per day sometimes less about 1 hour. It is a one man operation.

Can you list a few opportunities for a potential new owner to continue growing the business?

They can add new services to gain new revenue and increase their ads budget along with advertising on other platforms such as Facebook, Bing, Yahoo etc.

The possibilities are endless. I only spend, on average, $500 a month on Adwords and my profit can range from $3-$5k per month.

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Featured Listing: Caleb Picks Thu, 24 Sep 2020 03:33:00 +0000 VIEW THE LISTING ON FLIPPA

This listing is new, but already generating an incredible amount of profit. Even though it’s based in an industry that isn’t exactly flourishing during the Covid-19 pandemic (sports!) they are doing great with a focus on Tennis. The potential for this to break out with further advertising and the reinstatement of team sports is unbelievable.

Tell us a little about yourself. What’s your background? How did you start with this site?

I’ve been working in the Esports scene for about 10 years now, running a website that allows players to compete against each other in certain video games for cash prizes. As far as the gambling goes, I’ve been watching tennis since I was a kid and I began gambling about 5-6 years ago. I started this business as a hobby at first, as I wanted to provide my sports betting expertise to people on Twitter for free. Once I found out there was a demand for this type of stuff out there, I decided to start charging for it and it took off immediately!

How are you managing to make over $16k / month during the peak of the Covid pandemic, while essentially all sports are all on hold?

Luckily for tennis there have been exhibition/practice matches that have been taking place throughout the pandemic. While it’s not the real deal and some sports books don’t provide these matches to place bets on, there are people out there that want in on the action. The season officially starts back up on August 14th. 

How have you marketed the product? Are you running paid ads?

I haven’t spent a single dollar on marketing. All I’ve done is utilize the sports betting threads on Reddit to gain attraction and forward them to my Twitter page, @CalebPicks_, where 99% of the business is done. I do giveaways at least a few times a week, whether it’s a subscription giveaway or a $50 giveaway for example, to bring in more and more people. 

You mention how easy this is to run. How much time does it take each week? Is anyone else on the team? Is anything automated?

It takes me about 30 minutes to an hour to research all of the matches for the day, and I’ll answer any questions that come my way on social media but it’s very few. I’m currently the only one on the “Caleb Picks” team. Nothing is automated, the one big task is manually messaging people when their subscription runs out and taking payments to have them renew it.

How much technical knowledge of sport betting would the new owner need?

It’d be essential to at least have an understanding of sports betting and what all of the numbers mean. I’m willing to offer support as well for tennis specifically for the foreseeable future. No one is perfect when it comes to gambling, winning at a 55% rate is considered successful. As long as you know what you’re doing in some sort of fashion it’ll be just fine.

Can you list a few opportunities for a potential new owner to continue growing the business?

As I stated earlier, the business is run through Twitter with nothing automated and $0 spent on advertising. I haven’t even touched the surface with Instagram and Facebook where the majority of the market is. Once the tennis season officially starts in August, people will be flying in to get on board. If the buyer can make it to where all subscriptions are automated and have a system for renewals, there will be barely any work to do day in and day out. 

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