Business Continuity | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos
Today's recap is overshadowed by the Brexit meltdown.
Change management is not an option. It is an important piece of business interruption prevention and helps ensure security risk does not drift up during projects and day-to-day activities.
Critical infrastructure runs your organization. It creates and delivers products and services. It is also used to collect and process customer information during operations. If these systems are compromised, operations fail and revenue is at risk.
If you want to test backup and restore procedures with your eyes wide open, consider these factors and tips.
Tools helps users let friends know they’re safe after emergencies
"Under questioning from members of the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, FBI Director James Comey admitted that his agency would "of course" seek to use the precedent gained from a win in the San Bernardino to unlock other phones.&
How many tools are too many tools to have an efficient defense in depth security infrastructure?
A review of network security is much like a personal tax audit, but a bit less painful.
Rob Gresham explains the evolution of ransomware and shares insights into smarter ways to prepare and respond
“His army was small, undertrained, undersupplied, and fragile. He waged a war mostly of defense, deliberately avoiding large formations of British troops. For all the rhetoric, most of his maneuvers were pinpricks against a stronger, bigger ene