The following guest post from Carolyne McCourtie (aka Caro), explains how she transferred the ownership of a Clickbank product when she sold her website on Flippa.
I recently sold one of my niche businesses on Flippa. I was a first time user of the Flippa service and it was the first time I have sold one of my businesses.
So it was completely new territory for me.
I made sure, before I posted anything on Flippa, that the transfer over of a complete business from myself to a new owner would go seamlessly.
This meant contacting my Web Host, Aweber and also Clickbank (it was a downloadable information product that I was selling). I want to say that ALL of these providers were extremely helpful and well versed on how to execute it for you within their particular interface.
In this post I am going to highlight my experience with Clickbank.
I could finish the post right now by saying that…it went extremely well! However I’ll give you a bit more detail than that 🙂
I fortunately had this particular business I was selling in the one account. NOW, if you have a business you are selling in a combined Clickbank account (so you sell products for other niches), I would advise that you open a new account and put the business you want to sell in that.
I had already done that – I have several Clickbank accounts all for my different niche topics, as I have built my businesses with the end in mind – selling them.
To create a new account, honestly, is just a few moments of perceived hassle. Yes you do need to get approved again for your sales page and download page. And that’s not a bad thing. You’ve done it once, you can do it again. You should be doing the right thing anyway.
This is something I recommend the buyer does before listing on Flippa. It is a selling point to say that your Clickbank account is easily transferable – and it is, if it is a standalone account for that business.
When I contacted Clickbank beforehand they assured me it was easily executable to transfer one account to another person.
When the sale went through I contacted my Account Manager at Clickbank, copying the new owner and asked for the specific instructions. The instructions I received back were well laid out, clear, and easy to follow. Included were steps for me to take as the current account owner, including getting some specific information from the new owner to insert into my account.
Then once that was done, and at this point the account is no longer in my name and I no longer have access, the new owner instead logs in and makes the changes required.
Honestly – once we both received the instructions. It literally took 5 minutes for the exchange to happen.
So for those reading this, whether you are planning to sell, or looking to buy. It is absolutely a seamless process when exchanging ownership.
The main thing with Clickbank is for the owner to put the niche business they’re looking to sell into another Clickbank account prior to listing. And for the prospective buyer – make sure you ask that question.
It’s not a deal breaker if they haven’t. It will just delay the transfer – and absolutely you should not as the new owner have to get a new account with Clickbank and go through the approval process yourself. I firmly believe this is the seller’s responsibility to have set up.
If you the seller, want good money for your business, make sure you have done everything to make it easy for successful bidder to own.
Finally to close – I can not commend Flippa and also all the service providers involved with my business, enough.
Gone are the days of being a cowboy online. This is the arena of professionals – and it is great to see them behaving that way, and providing excellent service in their chosen fields!
Best to you,
Caro 🙂
Caro is a successful niche marketer and is part of Ed Dale’s Thirty Day Challenge teaching team and also the co-creator of the Offline Consulting Training Program, Offline Hero’s Method.