Business Continuity | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos
Security is in an “all hands on deck” situation at the healthcare organization as it pivots to a mostly remote working organization.
A biological virus infecting your critical security staff could wreak havoc on your business. These practices will reduce your risk.
Former White House CIO Theresa Payton says unexpected breaches can wreak havoc on a company's bottom line. Proper IR planning can mitigate damage costs.
Executive protection requires risk assessment and adherence to rules. Here's how you get executive buy-in.
The benefits of microservices are many, but they also come with their own set of security and management challenges.
All security managers, especially those charged with physical security responsibilities, need to be involved in emergency prep for varying scenarios - including the potential for an active shooter on scene. Imad Mouline, CTO at Everbridge, fills us i
Microsoft’s Azure-based high availability disaster recovery service turns the cloud into your off-site failover for complex applications, and it can double as a migration strategy.
If you want to test backup and restore procedures with your eyes wide open, consider these factors and tips.