Tell us a little about yourself. What’s your background? How did you start the business?
I run a marketing agency but I got involved with affiliate marketing around 20 years ago. This website was just one of the many that I was running at the time.
How have you marketed the product and where are your customers originating from?
There is no product it’s poker news and information website where we get affiliate revenue.
Is the asset on your listing owner-operated, how much time does it take to run the business, who else is needed on the team, and what is automated?
Yes, I run it by myself and spend less than 30 minutes a month on it.
What does someone need to do to continue operating the business in its current form?
Answer the random sponsored posts requests from time to time. However, if you invest in building out content it will increase SEO rankings and in turn increase affiliate income.
Can you list a few opportunities for a potential new owner to continue growing the business?
Build out more content so it ranks for more keywords.
What has been the evolution of this asset since its launch?
It was initially which was one of the largest poker Rakeback websites. I merged it into when I purchased around 10 years ago.
How does this business make money? What are the current revenue streams?
Affiliate revenue and sponsored post-sales.
What marketing channels are most profitable for the business?
Affiliate marketing
How does the business currently acquire customers and what is your breakdown for marketing costs?
How big is your current team? How many people does it take to run this business?
0 just yourself
What’s the reason for selling your business on Flippa?
Flippa is the go-to marketplace to sell.