Listing Management Assistance At No Extra Cost

Flippa is excited to announce that from July 20th, our listing management services will be available to eligible sellers at no extra cost!

Having an awesome listing is super important on Flippa – it can often be the difference between selling for a great price and not selling at all – but with all the data, descriptions, analysis, attachments, verification requirements and everything else that goes into a great listing, it can be a very complex and time-consuming process to create it.

Then once the listing is live, it is also important to manage it well by responding to questions, updating information as required and generally helping buyers to do their due diligence. This can also be very time-consuming.

For large and complex businesses, using a broker is a great way to manage the process. However brokerage isn’t an option for many sellers, as brokerages tend to be very selective on which businesses they represent. This is where our Listing Management team can help!

Drawing on their experience creating and managing thousands of listings over the years, our dedicated team of experts will help your listing be the best it can be, giving you the best chance of achieving a successful sale. And our results back it up – managed listings are much more likely to sell on Flippa, and sell for a higher profit, than non-managed listings.

Our listing management team are not brokers – they do not represent the listing on your behalf. Rather, they are advisors who assist sellers with the sale process and provide expertise on how to sell a business or asset on the Flippa platform.  In particular, they specialize in:

  • Producing realistic sale estimations based on your businesses performance
  • Creating a powerful listing description that promotes your business or asset to potential buyers
  • Optimising your listing based on buyer comments and feedback after it has launched
  • Promoting your listing on the Flippa website in our featured section
  • Marketing your listing to qualified buyers through newsletters, direct email campaigns, platform upgrades, and more
  • Assisting with any questions or issues you experience whilst the listing is live
  • Providing experienced advice on enquiries from potential buyers
  • Enabling swift and safe payment through Flippa escrow

We’ve been offering some of these services for some time, in return for a slightly higher success fee. But now eligible listings will be entitled to this benefit for free!

Want to learn more? To find out if your listing qualifies for free listing management assistance, contact us today at [email protected].

* Note that not all listings will be eligible for free listing management.  Multiple criteria apply, but as a starting point, you will not qualify if your listing is valued at less than $1,000. This offer also does not apply to domain listings.

    Chris Holle is a websites & apps marketing specialist at Flippa's San Francisco offices.

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