Price Competition: How Value Proposition Helps

Prices are not the only thing customers look out for when shopping. In fact, the first emotion a prospective customer has when they first discover your business is curiosity. They are curious to know why they should choose you. “Why should I buy from you versus your competition?”

This is where a killer value proposition comes in. While most businesses believe that pricing their products lower will bring in more customers, having the right value proposition is what will build you a strong foundation for long-term profitability and growth. 

The customer is already overwhelmed by the flood of options when choosing an effective product or service. They are on the lookout for something that genuinely addresses their needs, solves their problems, or fulfills their desires.

A powerful value proposition helps you connect with them by highlighting the value they can get by buying from you. It’s a simple, concise, and memorable statement summarizing the features and benefits that make you stand out from the competition.

This article will tell you everything you need to know about value proposition and how to price your products right without affecting your overall margins.

Understand Your Loyal Customers

Knowing your customers inside out is like having a secret weapon up your sleeve. It’s like telepathy that lets you read their minds and anticipate their every desire. 


There are a few steps you need to follow to achieve that:

  1. Market research. With thorough market research, you can learn about customer preferences, pain points, and buying behaviors. This data empowers you to customize your offerings and craft a compelling value proposition that builds trust and connects with your audience.
  1. Identify Pain Points and Desires. Customers seek more than just products or services; they want solutions to their problems and desires. It is essential to understand their pain points, the challenges they face, and the obstacles they want to overcome to create a compelling value proposition. Additionally, identifying their desires, aspirations, and dreams allows businesses to tap into their emotions and forge a deep connection with them.
  1. Analyze Competitors’ Offerings. To stand out from the competition, it’s essential to understand your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge allows you to position your value proposition uniquely, not by copying others, but by finding innovative ways to better meet your customers’ needs. 

What Makes For An Effective Value Proposition

Research shows that only about 69% of B2B businesses have an established value proposition, and very few of those are well-optimized. 

To create an effective value proposition, focus on your customers. Understand their needs and desires, and show them how your product or service can solve their problems or fulfill their aspirations.


Keep your messaging simple and easy to understand, avoiding complicated terms that might confuse your audience. Whenever possible, include quantifiable benefits to add credibility, like cost savings, time efficiency, or increased revenue that your product delivers.

Appeal to your customer’s emotions as well as their rational side. Understanding their feelings of joy, security, status, or convenience can create a deeper connection and influence their decision-making.

Be specific about the outcomes customers can expect, tailored to their needs. Back up your value proposition with evidence like testimonials, case studies, or customer reviews to build trust and credibility.

Stay relevant and timely, adapting your value proposition to align with current market needs and trends. Consistency is key, so ensure your messaging remains the same across all channels.

Creating a Unique and Customer-Centric Value Proposition

Creating a unique and customer-centric value proposition is all about putting your customers front and center. It’s about crafting a clear and compelling statement that tells them exactly why your product or service is the best choice for them. Here’s how to do it:

  • Customer-Centric Approach. Start by understanding your customers’ needs, preferences, and pain points. Conduct market research, analyze feedback, and observe their behavior to uncover what matters most to them.
  • Address Specific Needs. Tailor your value proposition to address your target audience’s specific needs and challenges. Show them how your offering solves their problems or fulfills their desires.
  • Unique Selling Point. Identify what sets your product or service apart from the competition. Highlight your unique selling point (USP) and clearly communicate why it makes you better or different.
  • Clear and Simple Language. Use straightforward language that your customers can easily understand. Avoid technical jargon or complex terms that might confuse them.
  • Quantifiable Benefits. Whenever possible, include measurable benefits to make your value proposition more convincing. This could be in the form of cost savings, time efficiency, or any other measurable impact.
  • Emphasize the Value. Show customers the value they’ll get from choosing your offering. Whether it’s convenience, quality, or an emotional benefit, make it clear how they’ll benefit.
  • Consistency Across Channels. Ensure that your value proposition is consistent across all marketing channels. This helps reinforce your message and builds brand recognition.
  • Customer Testimonials or Case Studies. To add credibility, include customer testimonials or case studies that showcase positive experiences and results.

What a Clear Value Proposition Looks Like

A clear value proposition is a straightforward and compelling statement that tells customers exactly why they should choose your product or service. It should be easy to understand and stand out from your competitors. 

Here are examples of what a clear value proposition looks like:

Unique Differentiation. A clear value proposition highlights what makes your offering special and different from others in the market. It sets you apart and gives customers a good reason to choose you over your competitors.

Example: “Our eco-friendly cleaning products use all-natural ingredients, making your home spotless without harming the environment.”

Specific Benefits. It clearly communicates the benefits customers will gain from using your product or service. Be specific about the problems you solve or the needs you fulfill.

Example: “Get a restful night’s sleep with our memory foam mattress, designed to provide exceptional back support and comfort.”

Target Audience. Identify the specific group of potential customers you are catering to. This helps you tailor your message directly to their needs and preferences.

Example: “Perfect for busy professionals, our meal kit delivery service offers delicious and easy-to-cook recipes that save you time and hassle.”

Quantifiable Value. Whenever possible, include measurable results or statistics that show the value customers can expect.

Example: “Our online language course guarantees you’ll learn basic conversational skills in just 30 days or your money back.”

Alternative Pricing Strategies Beyond Lowering Prices

Price competition is a losing battle for many businesses. Constantly crashing prices can hurt your profit margins and undermine the unique value your brand offers. Furthermore, many businesses have been forced to raise prices as a result of the effects of increasing inflation. 

Fortunately, there are smarter and more effective approaches to stand out from the competition without hurting your baseline. These strategies are designed to create value for customers without sacrificing profitability: 


Bundling involves packaging multiple products or services together at a slightly lower price than buying them individually. This approach entices customers by offering perceived value and cost savings. 

For instance, a software company might bundle a suite of tools together, making it a more economical choice than purchasing each tool separately.

Tiered Pricing

With tiered pricing, businesses offer different levels of products or services at varying price points to cater to customers with different needs and budgets. Each tier includes a specific set of features or benefits, allowing customers to choose the level that best suits their requirements. 


This business strategy can appeal to a wider audience and ensure that customers find an option that fits their specific needs. For instance, a streaming service might offer basic, standard, and premium plans, each with varying video quality and simultaneous streaming options.

Emphasizing Quality

Instead of getting into a price war, you can choose to emphasize the quality and superiority of your products or services. Positioning them as premium and of higher value allows you to set a higher price point. 

Customers who value top-notch quality and exceptional experiences are willing to pay more for the added value they receive. For instance, a luxury fashion brand may justify higher prices by showcasing the use of premium materials and craftsmanship.

Subscription-Based Model

In this business model, your business offers products or services through a recurring payment plan. Customers subscribe to receive regular deliveries, ongoing access to content, or exclusive perks. 

The predictability of revenue from subscriptions allows you to invest in improving your offerings and customer experiences. Streaming platforms, meal kit services, and subscription boxes are examples of businesses that have successfully adopted this pricing strategy. 

Loyalty Programs

loyalty programs are designed to reward target customers for their repeat business and encourage ongoing engagement. Your customers earn points, discounts, or exclusive benefits based on their loyalty and continued purchases.

Balancing Value and Profitability

When it comes to running a successful business, finding the right balance between delivering value to customers and maintaining healthy profit margins is crucial. While it might seem tempting to slash prices to attract more customers, such a strategy could lead to a race to the bottom, compromising profitability in the long run. 

Instead, smart businesses focus on offering compelling value propositions that resonate with their target audience while still ensuring they remain profitable. Here’s how to strike that balance:

  • Acknowledge the Importance of Profitability. Before diving into value-driven strategies, you must recognize the significance of profitability. Your profitability sustains operations, enables growth, and secures your company’s future. Without adequate profits, you won’t be able to invest in innovation, customer experience, or employee development.
  • Understand Customer Perception. To create a strong value proposition that resonates, you need to understand how your current and future customers perceive value. Remember, value is not just about low prices; it’s about the benefits your customers receive from your product or service compared to what they pay for it. Consider factors like quality, convenience, uniqueness, and emotional satisfaction when assessing value.
  • Optimize Costs and Improve Efficiency. To offer value without compromising profits, focus on cost optimization and operational efficiency. Identify areas where costs can be reduced or processes streamlined to improve your bottom line. This could involve renegotiating with suppliers, adopting technology to automate tasks, or eliminating unnecessary overhead.
  • Tailor Your Marketing Strategies. Customize your marketing efforts to specific customer segments to communicate your succinct value proposition more effectively. Understand each segment’s unique needs and pain points, allowing you to showcase how your products or services address those specific concerns, leading to higher perceived value.
  • Emphasize Quality Over Quantity. Put a spotlight on quality over mass production. Offering premium products or services with superior craftsmanship, durability, or performance can justify higher prices, attracting customers who seek long-term value and are willing to pay for it.
  • Be Agile and Adaptable. Markets are dynamic, and customer preferences can change rapidly. Be ready to modify your value proposition as needed to stay relevant and meet evolving customer demands.

Bottom Line

Crafting a successful value proposition that aligns with your customer’s needs and desires while maintaining a focus on quality and long-term vision is essential. It’s all about emphasizing the benefits and unique solutions you provide rather than just competing on approximate price. This can help you build lasting relationships with your target audience and foster customer loyalty.

But remember that a value proposition is not a one-time task; it requires ongoing assessment and refinement. As markets evolve and customer preferences shift, your ability to adapt and tailor your value offerings will be crucial to staying competitive and relevant.

Strive to differentiate yourself from competitors by creating a value proposition that is uniquely yours, addressing your customers’ needs, and demonstrating your commitment to delivering genuine value. By doing so, you’ll attract new customers and cultivate a loyal following who will advocate for your brand.

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Nahla Davies is a software developer from NYC and has worked as the lead programmer at several major technology companies whose clients include Collibra, UpGuard and Netflix. Nahla has worked with enterprise clients around the world developing RegTech protocols and best practices, as well as working with sovereign governments acting as a key contributor for notable public projects like DCOM. These days Nahla shares her insights and expertise through a number of publications, and you can keep up-to-date with her insights at Follow Nahla on LinkedIn.

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