IT Leadership | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos
Security leaders offer advice on researching, piloting, and implementing the most frequently cited cyber tech pilots, according to our latest CSO Security Priorities Study.
Why bad actors are not gaining the upper hand in their nefarious plans with assistance from AI but more likely finding themselves falling a little behind.
CISOs share insights on lessons they have learned in 2024 about AI coding assistants, transparency with customers, deepfakes, third-party threats and more.
Evolving IT strategies and emerging technologies and threats have organizations shuffling their cyber skills want lists, according to a recent survey of IT security managers conducted by ISC2.
Veteran CISO Tyler Farrar offers an open letter to CEOs whose business strategies expect security chiefs to be accountable without authority — or who hire CISOs incapable of fulfilling a true leadership role.
Entry-level cybersecurity candidates can get creative with generative AI to help them get a foot in the door of the profession.
From our editors: We look at how IT leaders are reworking their cloud implementations for better fit to their needs, as well as how they can control cloud costs and ensure cloud security.
CISOs are urged to carry out tighter vetting of new hires to ward off potential ‘moles’ — who are increasingly finding their way onto company payrolls and into their IT systems.
Despite anxiety over how the new administration might impact the cybersecurity status quo, experts say the nonpartisan nature of cyber policy means radical transformation is unlikely.
Security leaders can face personal liability peril for security fails or misleading disclosures to the SEC and navigating the reporting guidelines is not always a straightforward task.