IT Leadership | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos
A process that should be about the excitement of career development or a fresh start has become a frustrating experience where automated systems overwhelm a confused and misguided recruitment regime.
Despite natural tensions, a CISO-CFO alliance can help CISOs become better business leaders and ensure the business better balances risk and innovation.
Why bad actors are not gaining the upper hand in their nefarious plans with assistance from AI but more likely finding themselves falling a little behind.
Veteran CISO Tyler Farrar offers an open letter to CEOs whose business strategies expect security chiefs to be accountable without authority — or who hire CISOs incapable of fulfilling a true leadership role.
Entry-level cybersecurity candidates can get creative with generative AI to help them get a foot in the door of the profession.
Chief information security officers don’t have full command over their domains but they’re still held to account when things go wrong; it’s a high-stakes power imbalance that can be costly.
The advent of vCISOs is shaking up the industry. Discover how these virtual security experts are helping SMBs navigate the complex threat landscape without breaking the bank. Is a vCISO the secret weapon your business needs?
A recent study’s deep dive into the US government’s massively complex Unified Command Plan finds that LLMs could be the answer to the cybersecurity professional’s forecasting needs — with human guidance.
While the UN, the EU, and the US and its individual states all push to place limits and restrictions on AI, what’s emerging is a patchwork quilt that security leaders need to stay on top of.
The conversation around cybersecurity is abuzz with product pitches and promises of technological cure-alls, according to Exabeam CISO Tyler Farrar, who argues professionals need to reclaim the discussion.