22-year-old Travel Site With Lifetime Revenue of $12M Sold on Flippa in Less Than 30 Days

Travel Site Sells on Flippa in Under 30 Days

Sold: $33,000

Age: 22 years

Authority Score: 48

The Company

Rentalo was listed and sold on Flippa for $33,000. The seller, Alfredo Purrinos, a small business owner and board certified professional engineer with work experience in the U.S. Federal government, was looking to retire and when he found the right buyer the sale happened quickly. 

The company is an eCommerce website ranked by travel experts as the world’s largest online vacation rentals company providing travelers with access to a broad inventory of rental properties like vacation homes, villa rentals, boutique hotels, motels, holiday apartments, and more.

The company’s main client base are small business owners who rent their properties short-term.

Travelers can find great deals on properties like beach vacation homes, mountain cabins, unique bed and breakfasts, and world resorts. 

From family vacations to business trips, over 5 million travelers have successfully booked property rentals via Rentalo. 

How it works

Rentalo features databases of over 100,000 vacation property owners and over 1 million registered travelers. 

Users are able to send inquiries to property owners that match their vacation needs and receive multiple no-obligation offers via email to reserve the property of their choice.

The Appeal

Rentalo.com is a profitable e-commerce website that has generated over $12 million in revenue since 2002 through three different income sources:

  • Listing subscriptions
  • Pay-per-lead clients
  • Banner ads 

The 22-year-old site generates 24,823 page views and 12,232 unique visitors per month, and gains its revenue through listing subscriptions, pay-per-lead clients, and banner ads.

In addition, the company has a Facebook social media following of 2,700 followers and 1,000 followers on instagram.

The Selling Journey

A member of our Flippa buying community, Martin Mansell reached out to a sales team member with an interest in acquiring travel websites on Flippa.

Immediately, we were able to connect the buyer with Alfredo, and the two were able to successfully negotiate a deal and release the funds to Alfredo’s account in less than 30 days.

Just like Alfredo, you too can be matched with a vetted seller that meets your criteria. Our goal here at Flippa is to match quality listings with acquisition fit buyers. 

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    Manuela is the PR Manager at Flippa with a love for empowering entrepreneurs to take control of their financial freedom.

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