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The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is an international nonprofit dedicated to providing free documentation, tools, videos, and forums for anyone interested in improving the security of their web applications.
Better communication and collaboration between researchers and vendors and improved bug reporting mechanisms could help address confusing and sometimes wholly suppressed bug reports.
Trusting but verifying the code in the security software you use may not be an easy task, but it’s a worthwhile endeavor. Here are some recommended actions.
Three prominent CISOs discuss what defines great cybersecurity leadership today — and how to transform the cybersecurity function into a business-driven organizational asset.
The conversation around cybersecurity is abuzz with product pitches and promises of technological cure-alls, according to Exabeam CISO Tyler Farrar, who argues professionals need to reclaim the discussion.
Experts say security leaders should work with the organizational departments launching AI services while ensuring that the traditional foundations of cybersecurity risk management are up to snuff.
Re-assessing the importance of operational technology outside of critical infrastructure
CISOs are finding new measures to quantify the business value of cybersecurity investments that can show how a security team’s work supports a company’s top and bottom lines.
Given the deluge of news about hacks and attacks, cybersecurity’s focus on outside threats is understandable, but woe be to the CISO who doesn’t address inside risks early and often.
Reports identifying a $75 million ransom payment made in March by a Fortune 50 company raise some questions.