Amazon FBA​ – Flippa Wed, 20 Dec 2023 03:16:42 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Amazon FBA​ – Flippa 32 32 7 Strategies to Diversify and Grow Your Amazon Business Thu, 20 Apr 2023 03:51:17 +0000 When it comes to consumer behavior and online purchases, the multinational conglomerate employing over 1,600,000 people needs no introduction.

Amazon is the largest market leader in D2C (direct-to-consumer) sales and among the five largest companies by market cap.

The company reported net sales of over half a trillion US dollars – with North America generating $315.9 billion alone and international markets contributing another $118 billion combined.

With over 2 million active sellers on the marketplace, the digital landscape shapes a vivid ecosystem of third parties: product brands, dropshippers, indie makers, authors, affiliate sellers, publishing and media partners, influencers, and more.

No matter what stage you’re in right now, focus on yielding the most out of the growing shopping universe. 

Let’s review the most lucrative opportunities to join the market or increase your performance in the coming months.

1. Streamline Your Business Model

If you haven’t explored Amazon as a strategic channel – or don’t generate substantial revenue yet – start with the basic business foundations.

There are well-known and established opportunities such as:

  • Dropshipping
  • Selling private label products
  • Retail arbitrage
  • Fulfillment by Amazon
  • Running a blog selling Amazon affiliate products
  • Influencer marketing

Diving into the foundations of every segment will enable you to employ the best practices in each of them.

Play to your strengths and explore a channel that you feel comfortable with. Furthermore,if you’re already involved in a segment, consider diversifying within the same realm. 

Successful brands are often led by founders or C-levels investing heavily in personal branding. Brand founders engage in influencer marketing activities and vice versa. 

FBA aggregators also run blogs and publish sites to develop new sales and marketing channels in parallel.

There are less-known Amazon segments worth exploring, too! 

Amazon Business is Amazon’s B2B marketplace for services. While it’s less popular than the consumer space, it’s less crowded too. 

And with the evolution of AI and GPT, launching ebooks is easier than ever. The marketplace can take care of everything – from print-on-demand to electronic versions to Audible outsourcing for their audiobooks.  

2. Use The Right Platform

Once your business model is fully defined, consider if you’re using the right platform to succeed.

Great shops or content creators often start with a general no-code platform or a site builder such as Carrd or Wix, but quickly reach the limits to scale and optimize for conversions successfully.

What’s more, influencers may end up stuck with the latest privacy or data regulations by platforms like Facebook, the ad revenue cut by Snapchat introduced several months ago, or potentially the ban of TikTok in the US. 

Maximizing Amazon opportunities and running your own data is imperative to succeed.

When it comes to running a brand website, an eCommerce store, or a content creator community, the two leading market players remain WordPress and Shopify. 

Both provide large ecosystems with many thousands of plugins and apps, facilitating professional email list building, consumer tracking, remarketing, and anything you need to develop your online store or resell Amazon products through featured content.

3. Acquire or Merge to Accelerate

Eager to start or grow faster?

Acquisitions are a great way to penetrate a new market or expand your business.

Amazon affiliate websites, dropshipping Shopify stores, creator landing pages and tools, PLR stores with freebies, automated WooCommerce resellers: thousands of opportunities available on Flippa as low as $200 for a starter website (up to 8-figure stores for sale).

Expert investors and acquisition veterans are well aware of valuations, but due diligence requires some effort on behalf of newer buyers. Luckily, the marketplace provides financial data (and revenue/profit multipliers) for reference, along with advisory services for larger purchases. 

One sweet spot I truly enjoy for launching new brands are acquisitions within the $3K to $30K range. 

Launching a new site or brand is about credibility. And credibility takes time to develop.

Acquiring a publisher or a Shopify store launched 2 or 3 years ago carries a lot of weight. 

  • Your site has built some starter Domain Authority as Google SERP recognition. 
  • Relevant communities will see you as an established founder.
  • Some traction has already been vetted – the foundations of product/market fit.
  • Sites/stores generally come with digital assets like Facebook/Instagram profiles or small email list. It’s an incredible start!
  • Bonus points for some reviews or testimonials. Making the first sale is the hardest, followed by the first 10. Once you’ve crossed that, things gradually get easier.

I’ve acquired and grown over a dozen properties over the past 9 years and it’s a key go-to-market strategy in my playbook.

4. Diversify Revenue Streams

While Amazon is king, basing your entire business model on a single market is a recipe for disaster.

Marketplace regulations shift all the time. The same goes for commission rates, marketplace SEO, and costs of internally boosted content. 

Just as basing your entire marketing funnel on Facebook ads may backfire, diversifying your revenue streams matters as much.

As a product brand, you can still run your own Shopify or WooCommerce store in parallel. Yes, free traffic won’t grow as quickly, but you remain in control of future growth and visibility. 

As a publisher, look into other affiliate programs as well – such as Etsy, Walmart, or Target. While commission percentages may be lower, look into each program’s affiliation and attribution policy, cookie retention, and the possibility of profiting off of other purchases (not necessarily what a customer clicked on.)

And content creators can build more diverse partnerships and explore additional marketing and promotion channels to stay in the green at all times.

5. Go Omnichannel

A large portion of Amazon sellers solely rely on free traffic. 

In terms of paid, Facebook and Instagram ads are among the leading paid traffic channels funneling growth for many established brands AND publishing partners. 

But Facebook created a Marketplace and also lets you run your store straight into Facebook or Instagram. 

And while it still lets you connect your Shopify, WooCommerce, or BigCommerce store and catalog, it’s not necessarily a streamlined way to grow further.

Other networks pose limitations of external links – just as Instagram won’t let you post a clickable link in the caption of organic posts.

So – look into different ways to diversify your own offering, too. 

Amazon Ads is a powerful addition to amplifying your organic reach.

Building viral videos on TikTok or making a hit with Instagram reels could make a real difference for you.

YouTube unboxing or product demos can help both organically and amplify visibility and brand recognition over time. 

6. Build Strategic Relationships

A key omission in what makes a brand successful is building key relationships.

As a brand, you can only benefit by growing your professional network and developing any form of cross-promotion offers together.

For product brands, think of cross-sells and group promotions, bundling products, and running campaigns together.

As a dropshipper, there are profit share opportunities and performance marketing agencies scaling indefinitely without paying ahead of time.

Amazon Sellers work closely with influencers and agencies, running different campaigns across the board.

Even podcasts and radio yield incredible results for many brands. Podcasting hosts may quickly become your best friends.

7. Optimize For Revenue

When the product-market fit is achieved and you can afford to maintain scale, what makes a real difference is increasing conversion rates. 

Great brands build comprehensive dashboards, pulling any data point they can access: from Analytics traffic through remarketing pixels, heatmaps, user journeys and lead flows, abandoned cart segments, and everything in-between.

Investing in a professional data warehouse solution or a commerce-specific dashboard SaaS makes a true difference in determining net profit – considering ad costs or influencer payments, COGS, shipping and packaging fees, average returns, and other operating expenses. 

And investing in post-order experience, such as order tracking and notifications, upsells, cross-sells, integrating with your marketing automation sequences, and increasing retention from abandoned carts through recurring seasonal discounts, is the difference between a smaller brand and a successful machine.

As far as Amazon is concerned – there are unique opportunities that aren’t recognized by default (or explored as a business opportunity).

Amazon’s “deep link” functionality lets you open the Amazon app on any device with the app installed, passing the cookie attribution and retaining the user behavior (and commission tracking) back to the source. 

Brand referral bonuses can add an extra commission of about 10% on average by signing up to the Amazon Brand Registry.

Connecting publisher and seller accounts together can streamline the process and optimize additional fees on Amazon’s end, too.

Experienced partners working with Amazon sellers and publishers often specialize in these lesser-known opportunities that often make the difference between a successful paid campaign and one running in the red.

And while you’re refining your business model and shopping for the right asset – you can land on one that’s already set up for success! 

Find Out How Much Your Online Business is Worth

Flippa’s intelligent valuations engine is the industry’s most accurate tool, taking into consideration thousands of sales and live buyer demand. Find out what your business is worth with our free valuation tool and plan your next move.

Melbourne Business Owner Closes Deal on Premium Wall Clocks Amazon FBA Store in Just One Week Wed, 07 Sep 2022 00:08:29 +0000

When it comes to knowing a thing or two about starting a business, Mark Segal is no stranger to the act. After all, he holds 15 years of startup experience under his belt.

The business owners resides in Cremorne, a mini version of Silicon Valley, an inner-city suburb in Melbourne, Australia, located just Southeast of Melbourne’s Central Business District. Flippa is a neighbor right next door.

Just a few years ago, when the online business space experienced a burgeoning swell of Amazon businesses coming to the forefront, Mark came across an ad on Facebook advertising Amazon FBA training and learned how to operate an ecommerce business.

That’s when the idea for a designer wall clock company blossomed to an ecommerce store called Marksson. Soon, Mark found himself flying out to China to meet with suppliers. The business was a mid-range, affordable luxury sort segment where Mark could create something that looked high end, but priced somewhere in the middle.

He set systems and processes in place until the business came to a position where it was running on autopilot. As his focus began shifting away, he knew it was time to find a new owner and place the business up for sale on Flippa. His digital and design agency business was taking up more of his time and Mark knew he couldn’t devote the attention that his business deserved.

Instantly, his listing received massive buzz on Flippa’s marketplace.

“I really sort of put it on there just to gauge the market. It exceeded my expectations. It was pretty quick from then on,” says Mark. “The team from Flippa was really like a major help. It was kind of like a concierge service where the guys jump on and they give you all sorts of advice, whether it’s optimizing the listing, or helping with valuation.”

“The team from Flippa was really a major help. It was kind of like a concierge service where the guys jump on and they give you all sorts of advice, whether it’s optimizing the listing or helping with valuation.”

A Speedy Sale

Mark knew the business had to go to someone who wanted to own a designer homewares/lifestyle brand without all of the headaches of creating the actual business. At the time of sale, the business was a perfect springboard to expand into a D2C (direct-to-consumer) company where the new owner could build on the brand and introduce other home and office products.

When Marksson was bought, the 3-year old profitable Amazon FBA ecommerce business had a seller rating of 91%, and was sold along with brand assets, social media accounts, and more.

Marksson was listed in a 30-day auction and in just 1 week, the deal was closed and the business was sold.

“I was comfortable in the end having it sold on Flippa,” says Mark. “There’s so much opportunity that I feel like there’s a lot of talk around buying investment properties. But I feel like you can get the same benefit from the right assets online. You can jump on Flippa — there’s a lot of opportunity there.”

“There’s so much opportunity and a lot of talk around buying investment properties. You can get the same benefit from the right assets online. You can jump on Flippa. There’s a lot of opportunity there.”

Today, Mark operates a successful SEO agency where he works with various kinds of businesses and provides services like website speed optimization and spec link audits to clients.

Ready to buy your first online business? Check out our First-Time Buyers Guide: Buying Your First Online Business.

]]> How Mark was able to sell his Amazon FBA store in just a week | #MakingMillionaires nonadult
How to Invest in Amazon Business And Why You Should Do It Sun, 31 Jul 2022 07:02:30 +0000 When I was first looking into investing in an Amazon business, I wasn’t sure if it was the right move for me. But after doing some research and talking to people who had successful businesses of their own, I realized that there were a lot of reasons why buying an FBA business made sense. Why and how to invest in Amazon business?

When you’re starting your own business, it can be tough to know which products will sell well and which ones won’t. With an FBA business, you can be confident that the products have been carefully curated by the seller and are more likely to be popular with customers. This gives you a head start on making sales and ensures that your investment will pay off quickly.

In this article, you will learn how to invest in Amazon business and six reasons why you should do it.

Why Should I Buy an Amazon FBA Business Instead of Starting From Scratch?

There are many benefits to starting an Amazon FBA business but buying an existing Amazon FBA business can be a great option for some people. Buying an existing Amazon FBA business can provide you with a business that is already successful and has a proven track record. Additionally, you can avoid the hassle of starting a business from scratch.

Most businesses on Amazon fail – it is a highly competitive marketplace, and it can be incredibly difficult and time-consuming to stand out from the crowd.

To start from scratch, you will need to gather ratings, reviews, and search rankings in order to make a profit.

Why buy an Amazon FBA business instead of starting your own? There are a few key reasons:

  • You’ll save time and money.
  • You’ll have an easier time getting started and scaling up.
  • You’ll benefit from the existing brand equity.

6 Reasons to Invest in an Amazon FBA Business

What type of business are you looking to purchase? Many people are investing in Amazon FBA businesses because it is a trending business model with the potential for high profits.

This business opportunity is definitely worth checking out if you are looking for something new in the business world.

First of all, what is Amazon FBA? 

FBA stands for Fulfillment by Amazon. Essentially, these businesses make their products available for sale on Amazon, and transactions are completed through the site’s secure shopping cart system. Once an order is placed, Amazon’s employees take care of packing and shipping the product, as well as handling customer service inquiries. In exchange for this service, Amazon takes a portion of the sale price. From the customer’s perspective, the process is just like buying from Amazon directly.

Investors are increasingly interested in Amazon FBA online businesses for many reasons.

1. Unlimited Growth Potential 

As an online business owner, it’s important to consider how large your business can potentially grow. For many small businesses, there comes a time when growth is limited due to the lack of ability to scale. This can be detrimental to the company, resulting in the loss of customers. However, with an Amazon FBA online business, there is no limit on how many orders can be fulfilled on a daily basis. Amazon can easily support extra orders with their team of employees. All the business has to do is keep supplying Amazon with more inventory.

2. Virtual Warehousing

Do you have a passion or interest that could be turned into an Amazon FBA business? There are businesses related to virtually anything you can imagine, so there’s likely one that would be a perfect fit for you. If you love the outdoors, for example, you could sell fishing gear or sporting equipment. Or if you’re a foodie, you could sell gourmet items, cookware, and specialty appliances. And if you’re a sci-fi geek, you could make a living selling books and gadgets. The beauty of virtual warehousing is that it doesn’t tie a company down to one specific location—so you can run your business from anywhere in the world!

3. Zero Customer Acquisition Costs 

Amazon is the most popular e-commerce site in the world. They already have millions of people logging in every day, so there’s no need to invest money in attracting customers to your online website. In fact, you don’t even need to maintain your own business website. Everything can be conducted through Amazon, keeping your costs at a minimum. There are interested buyers in every category and Amazon is motivated to push them towards FBA products and other sellers on the marketplace—which means more money saved for you!

4. Zero Manufacturing Costs 

There are many manufacturers who are looking to sell their products through retailers. This means that you will not have to worry about manufacturing items as a part of your FBA online business. You only need to be able to recognize a high-quality product that has real appeal to a set target market. Just be sure to find one that meets your quality standards, as consumers look to Amazon product reviews to gauge whether or not they should buy a product. A poor-quality item will stand out quickly.

5. Hassle-Free Order Fulfillment 

You will never have to worry about packing a box, tracking shipments, or dealing with customers who are upset about how their orders arrived when you have an Amazon FBA business. Amazon is responsible for every aspect of the shipping process, including customer service inquiries. This means that you can focus on other aspects of your business, safe in the knowledge that your fulfillment is being handled by one of the world’s largest and most efficient retailers.

6. Flexibility to Sell Through Other Channels 

One of the best things about owning an Amazon FBA business is that you have the flexibility to sell through other channels as well. You can sell through social media, other marketplace sites, or even launch your own website if you want. No matter where buyers complete the transactions, Amazon will fulfill the orders for you for a relatively small fee. So you don’t even need a website – you can just direct consumers to your Amazon store to complete the transaction.

5 Essential Tips on How to Invest in Amazon Business

In addition to considering the typical factors, such as profitability, ROI, and growth potential, you should look at these additional things when shopping for an FBA business.

1. Favorable Supplier Dynamics

The supply chain of an e-commerce business is incredibly important. Buyers should look at the lead time, payment terms, and operations of the suppliers they’re considering.

As an FBA business, it is crucial to have a good understanding of your supplier’s lead times. This way, you can be sure that Amazon will always have items in stock to sell. The shorter the lead times, the better.

You should ask about the average lead time for each product in the product mix, how often shipments have been late in the past, any history of slow downtimes (e.g. holidays), and what contingencies have been agreed upon with the supplier in case of late shipments.

Additionally, you should inquire about how customer demand for each product fluctuates across the year.

When looking to acquire an FBA business, it’s important to consider the supplier terms. Product price and differentiation are both crucial for maintaining competitive advantage and sales. Make sure you understand the terms before making any decisions.

It is important that pricing agreements, exclusive arrangements, and product trademarks are transferred with ownership. This will ensure a smooth transition for the new owner.

When looking to purchase an FBA business, it is important to consider the supplier dynamics. Make sure to find out what pricing agreements and discount rate cards are in place, as well as who owns the trademark for the product.

It is also crucial to ensure the safe delivery of the items. Has the potential sale of the FBA business been discussed with the supplier? By taking all of these factors into account, you can be sure to make a well-informed decision.

As mentioned earlier, supplier management is a key skill to have when looking to take over an FBA business. Having a good relationship with your suppliers can help you keep costs down and improve your chances of getting the products you need in a timely manner.

As a buyer, you want to make sure that your supplier(s) are well-equipped and that the seller has perfected their supplier management processes. This includes understanding how many suppliers there are in total, their locations, whether there is a single point of contact for each one, and what language(s) they speak. The seller should also have well-documented processes written up and ready for handover.

By doing this, you can be confident that you will receive the best possible product or service.

2. Carefully Selected Product Mix

When looking at an FBA business, it’s important to examine the product mix. The product roadmap, focus, and concentration are important, and so is the margin.

Adding more products to an FBA business can be a great way to increase sales and profits. As an investor, it is important to recognize potential growth opportunities for the FBA business. A big opportunity for most FBA businesses is to add additional SKUs. Adding more products to an FBA business can be a great way to increase sales and profits.

Product categories are a good way to gauge whether there’s room for you to move into other product areas, eventually.

What is the minimum order quantity for these product(s)? What is the lead time for these product(s)? What are the costs of these product(s)?

If you’re looking to expand your product offerings, it’s a good idea to check out related products offered by your current supplier. This will give you an idea of whether they would be able to manufacture additional products, what the minimum order quantity would be, and what the lead time and cost would be.

If a business has a high product concentration, it is effectively a single-product business. This means that the company relies heavily on one product for both revenue and profit. While this can be a successful strategy in some cases, it also leaves the business vulnerable to changes in consumer demand or competition.

A single product FBA business poses a higher risk and will have a lower valuation. This is because if that one product becomes less popular or goes out of style, the whole business could suffer. It is important to look at how many products the FBA business has and what percentage of total sales profits the most. Additionally, it is helpful to see the sales trends for each product to get an idea of future growth.

Product margins are one of the most important aspects to consider when starting an FBA business. A target profit margin of 30-50% is a good goal to aim for.

However, there are several costs that need to be taken into account such as Amazon fees, commissions, shipping costs to Amazon, refunds, and chargebacks. It is important to have a margin buffer to cover these expenses.

To ensure that your product mix is profitable, it’s important to understand all of the associated costs with each SKU. This includes the sales price, unit cost, shipping costs, and warehousing costs. By understanding how these costs fluctuate over time, you can make informed decisions about which products to sell and at what price point.

3. Healthy Amazon Profile/Trends

As an FBA business, it is important to evaluate the current owner’s Amazon profile, customer feedback, and product(s) before making a purchase. By doing your research, you can get a better understanding of the seller and the products they are selling. This will help you make an informed decision about whether or not the FBA business is right for you.

All Amazon sellers must have a ‘Seller account’, which determines their ‘health status’. If a seller is selling a ‘restricted’ product, such as alcohol, then they must meet the criteria.

Buyers should ensure that the seller has a good account health, even if the business does not operate in a restricted category.

As an Amazon seller, it is important to maintain good standing with the company by adhering to their standards and promptly responding to and resolving any negative feedback or customer service queries.

The seller should check their Amazon account regularly to ensure that they are not in violation of Amazon’s terms and conditions. Additionally, the seller should aim to maintain a healthy order defect rate, pre-fulfillment cancel rate, and late shipment rate.

As a potential buyer, it is important to analyze the product reviews in order to get an understanding of how well the seller is doing. By looking at the sentiment of the reviews, you can get an idea of whether or not the customer base is happy with the product. If there is a trend of negative sentiment, it may be indicative of underlying issues that could impact your decision to buy from this seller.

Customer feedback is important for Amazon sellers; it allows them to see what areas they need to improve on in order to make more sales. By looking at the number of reviews for each product, as well as the proportion of organic vs. promotional reviews, sellers can get a good idea of how customers feel about their products.

Additionally, by reading through customer reviews, sellers can identify any common themes or issues that may be causing customers to hesitate in making a purchase.

Your Amazon Best Seller Rank (BSR) is an important metric to track for your product’s success on Amazon. It’s a good indicator of recent and historical sales and can help you gauge how well your product is selling on Amazon. Keep an eye on your BSR and look for consistency and improvement over time.

A business that is seeing consistent, steady improvement in its Amazon Best Seller Rank is a good indication that it is growing organically and is less reliant on aggressive marketing campaigns. As with all business investment opportunities, it is desirable if there is some room for improvement here untapped upside.

4. Positive Trends in Product Niche

When looking at an e-commerce store, it’s important to look at the overall trends in your niche. Also, be sure to track how competitive the category is.

In general, businesses with products that have long-term appeal are safer than those based on short-lived trends.

It is important for buyers to determine if there is sustained or growing demand for the products they are interested in.

When considering what products to sell in a niche market, it is important to think about whether or not the demand for those products will stay strong or grow over the short to medium term. It is also important to consider under what circumstances the products might become obsolete, and where the niche market is in its lifecycle.

The size and growth of the market are key factors in determining the potential upside for an FBA business. While popular products are great, if they are only popular with a small number of people, it may be difficult to grow the business.

What is the average order value for this product? What is the lifetime value of a customer that purchases this product? The size and growth of the market are closely linked to the potential upside for an FBA business.

If a product is only popular with 100 people, there may be a problem. It is important to consider if there are more or fewer people searching for products related queries than last year and if the products are likely to be popular in emerging markets. The average order value and lifetime value of a customer that purchases this product are also important factors to consider.

Competition is a fact of life when you’re in business. If you’re looking to invest in an FBA business, it’s important to do your research and make sure that the niche you’re targeting is not already saturated. A growing, evergreen niche is a great place to start, but if the competition is too stiff, it may be difficult to make your mark.

Looking at how many products are being sold in a particular category, as well as how many reviews that category has on average, can help you gauge how competitive the Amazon FBA business is in that space.

Evaluating the number of products and average BSR in a specific category will give you a good indication of how competitive the FBA business is within that space. If there are a lot of sellers on Amazon with similar BSRs to your target FBA business, it’s likely that the competition is quite stiff.

Additionally, if other products are very similar in terms of feature set and functionality, it may be difficult to differentiate your product from the competition.

Finally, if there are barriers to entry or the product is easily replicable, that could also make it more difficult to get started in that particular space.

5. Other Assets Available

When you purchase an FBA business, there are usually fewer assets involved than with other types of businesses. However, this doesn’t mean that an FBA business is completely independent.

When looking to invest in an FBA business, it is important to consider if the company comes with any additional assets that could help with customer acquisition. A branded authority site, for example, can provide referral traffic to an FBA product on Amazon. This can reduce a business’s reliance on Amazon and its terms and conditions.

If you have a blog or accompanying content-based website for your FBA business, you can use it to generate referral traffic to your FBA product on Amazon. This is a great way to get more exposure for your product and increase sales.

If the website you are looking to purchase has high traffic and conversion rates, along with content that is easy to produce, then this could be a very lucrative deal. Especially if the seller has an Amazon Associates Account, which earns a commission on each product purchased through the site.

When investors are looking to buy an FBA business, they should look at the type of marketing activity that has taken place in the past as well as campaign performance. This will help them understand how successful the business has been in the past and what kind of campaigns have been successful.

As a new owner, it is important to have data that can help drive successful promotions and marketing campaigns. This data can be vital in helping to create a successful post-sale business.

Promotional campaigns that have been carried out in the past, their results, costs, and ROI can give you an idea of what works well for the business and how much should be budgeted for future campaigns. Additionally, knowing when these campaigns should be carried out throughout the year can help you plan ahead.

Many online entrepreneurs advocate building a subscriber list as early as possible in the online business lifecycle.

Although an FBA business may be trickier to market to visitors, as they land on Amazon and are likely to be one-time product viewers, there are still many ways to promote your business.

However, the seller may have other valuable assets available, such as a mailing list for ongoing marketing and new product launches. This is often present when there is a branded authority site.

If so, it’s important to consider the following: Is there a mailing list of any kind? Is the list purged and is there an active auto-sequence? What are the open rate and click-through rates? What is the average revenue per click? What cost time would it take to build a similarly sized mailing list?

When considering an FBA business opportunity, it is important for buyers to take the time to familiarize themselves with some of the key metrics. As with all business models, there are nuances that need to be understood when evaluating investment opportunities. By understanding these key metrics, buyers will be in a better position to assess whether or not an FBA business is a good fit for them.

This list is not exhaustive, but it should provide enough detail for buyers to feel comfortable vetting FBA opportunities that come their way.

Should I buy an FBA Business?

Buying a fully established Amazon business is the fastest way to start selling on Amazon. Early investors will see a quick return on investment.

Buyers should always take caution when making an FBA acquisition. It is important to ensure that the acquisition target meets most of the criteria outlined above.


If you’re thinking about how to invest in Amazon business, there are a lot of reasons to do it. From a carefully selected product mix to trends in the product niche, you can be sure your investment will pay off. So don’t wait any longer – get started on your own Amazon business today!

How Much Do Amazon FBA Sellers Make Each Year? Sun, 31 Jul 2022 07:02:28 +0000 When I first started selling on Amazon, I had no idea how much money I could actually make. I was just looking for a way to supplement my income and maybe make a little extra cash on the side. So, if you are wondering how much do Amazon FBA sellers make? Read this blog post to find out!

As it turns out, there are quite a few people who are making a full-time living off of selling on Amazon! In fact, some sellers have even made over $1 million in sales!

How much do Amazon FBA sellers make?

The most common way to sell products through Amazon has to be the fulfillment by amazon (FBA) method. With this, you basically send your products to them and they take care of everything else.

How much do Amazon FBA sellers make? As an entrepreneur, you can make a lot of money. You can pick out a product, send it over to the Amazon fulfillment center, set up your listings, and your online store will take care of the rest. You will start seeing profits rolling in.

Selling on Amazon involves some unavoidable expenses and fees, but Amazon FBA makes it simpler for sellers by taking on some of those costs.

New Amazon sellers can earn a significant profit by following a few simple steps.

First, choose a product to sell and get it to Amazon’s warehouses.

Next, set up your Amazon listing and make sure it is complete and accurate.

Finally, let Amazon take care of the rest – they will handle shipping, customer service, and more.

42% of new Amazon sellers sell on the platform to be their own boss while 36% do it to supplement their income.

Selling products online is big business, and many people use Amazon as their platform of choice.

As an Amazon seller, you can make a lot of money. In fact, some sellers make over $1 million in sales per year. However, it takes time and effort to reach that level of success.

Most sellers take several months to start earning profits, and they need a significant amount of time and money to get started.

Selling products online is the primary income stream for many individuals.

Despite this, selling on Amazon can be profitable in the long run. With the right strategies and tips, you can start making money on Amazon now.

How much do Amazon sellers make each month?

Amazon sellers can make thousands of dollars a month, and some even make millions!

Some super successful Amazon Sellers earn $3 million or more in revenue each year. Click To Tweet

While many online merchants are new to selling on Amazon, this hasn’t prevented them from making significant profits.

More than 43% of online merchants on Amazon have surpassed $100,000 in annual sales.

Two out of five Amazon sellers have reached lifetime sales of over $100,000.

16% have made between $100,000 and $500,000 in sales.

8% of sellers have made between $500,000 and $1,000,000 in sales, while an additional 8% have made between $1,000,00 and $5,000,000.

4% of Amazon sellers have generated between $5,000,000 and $10,000,000 in sales while another 4% have made more than $10 million in sales.

Finally, 3% of respondents said they had generated more than $50 million in lifetime profits.

A significant number of Amazon sellers (38%) have made more than $25,000 lifetime profits.

Sales are a good indicator of a thriving Amazon business, but they don’t show how much an Amazon seller actually earns. To get a better understanding of profitability, we need to look at profits.

How long can it take to profit from Amazon sales?

Most sellers reported being financially successful in their first year of sales.

Most business owners reported that they were making profit within the first year of business.

22% said they were profitable within 3 months, 22% said they were profitable within 3-6 months, 23% said they were profitable within 6 months to 1 year, 13% said they were profitable within 1-2 years, and 3% said they were profitable after 2 years.

While 63% of Amazon Sellers who have been in the business for 1-2 years were successful, 63% of them saw a profit in 2018 and 2019.

So, if you’re thinking about selling on Amazon, know that there’s a good chance you’ll be profitable within your first year. And, even if it takes a little longer to start seeing profits, the majority of sellers are still making money after just one year.

How much capital do you need to sell on Amazon?

Many people think that selling products online will cost them a lot of money. However, what many people don’t realize is that if you invest some money into your business, it will pay off in the long run.

But that doesn’t mean you always have to spend money. You can also give your time, provide the necessary data to make informed decisions, or have the determination to succeed.

Many Amazon sellers who are successful today spent very little money to start their businesses. Almost 13% of most successful ecommerce businesses started with less than $500. Many of these still operate to this day.

Most Amazon Sellers (63%) spend under $5,000 to start their online business, and (29%) under $1,000.

The majority of sellers (60%) spent less than $5,000 to start their Amazon FBA business.

Just over half of those sellers (29%) spent less than $1,000 while 21% spent $5,000 to $10,000.

Starting to sell on Amazon doesn’t require much money at all. Many successful merchants sell just a few products.

Those who spent less than $500 to start their Amazon business are more likely to be successful.

This is because they can get their listing up before those who spent more, and can make a profit in a short amount of time. These businesses are also profitable, with most having margins of 10% or higher.

How much of your time do you spend on your online business?

As an Amazon seller, you can expect to spend less than 20 hours per week on your business. For many sellers, this simply involves maintaining their e-commerce store and letting the income roll in.

On average, Amazon sellers spend less than 30 minutes each day on their business. However, the amount of time needed to start selling on Amazon varies depending on the seller. Some sellers may need to spend more time setting up their business, while others may be able to start the selling process right away.

You’re likely to spend more time getting a business up and running in the early stages, but once you’ve established your products and your niche, you can maintain it and let your profits come in.

For newer merchants, the amount of time they spend on their Amazon businesses can vary widely. Most experienced retailers, however, only devote up to 20 hours to their businesses per week. This is in contrast to 37% of more experienced business owners.

Top Earning Tips and Strategies

Now that you’ve learned how much profit can be made by selling products online, what are some strategies to achieve those profit margins?

Optimize Your Profit Margin

If your company has high sales revenue but a low-profit margin, then you need to focus on increasing your profits. This can be done by optimizing your business practices to increase efficiency and cut costs.

There are a number of ways to accomplish this, and each of them will be specific to your pricing, product, and expenses.

A good rule of thumb for pricing your products is to charge 2-3 times more than what you paid to buy or make them. This will allow you to still make a profit while offsetting the fees for selling on Amazon.

Be careful not to go too overboard though, or you might lose those potential customers to your competition!

There are ways to reduce your costs on Amazon, even when it comes to fees like Fulfillment by Amazon and Referral Fees.

There are a few ways to find a more affordable product manufacturing service. You can look for a discount on your shipping costs, or ask the manufacturer to send your products to Amazon directly.

Sustainability should be a key focus for any business – especially when it comes to profit margins. A low sales rate with a big profit margin may seem like a one-time opportunity, but it’s not sustainable in the long run. It’s better to focus on products with high sales rates, even if they have lower profit margins.

Amazon PPC Advertising

The basis of any successful online business is finding and utilizing the right resources. For 2021, the best resource for launching a profit-generating business on Amazon is pay-per-click advertising, or PPC, through

Amazon Advertising is key to setting your product apart from the competition. In 2021, 75% of businesses on Amazon will use PPC campaigns, so it’s essential that you too implement this strategy for success.

If you’re just starting out on Amazon, you can use paid ads to launch and market your products.

Sellers who get the best results from their PPC campaigns are those who invest in paid software.

If you don’t have a lot of time to spend on Amazon PPC optimization, then an Amazon PPC tool is perfect for you. With just a few clicks, you can manage your keyword bids.

Reinvest Your Profits

If you’re looking to make money from selling products online, you must invest your earnings back into the business. This is the advice of successful e-commerce entrepreneurs – so it’s the way to go!

By investing your profit, you can grow your business and make more money in the long run. So don’t spend all of your money on yourself – use it to grow the business!

If you re-invest your earnings into growing your company, you can scale it up to make even more money than you did the previous year.

For instance, if you invested a $10,000 profit from your first year of business, you could earn $30,000 in the second year. So it’s definitely worth thinking about investing your revenue into expanding your operations!

If you are currently working full-time and are hoping to make extra money by selling products online, then it makes sense for you to invest your earnings back into your business.

Sure, you can reward yourself with $500, but the rest of your profits should go back to the company to help it grow.


So how much do Amazon FBA sellers make? The answer is: it varies greatly! Some sellers only make several hundred dollars per month while others bring in tens of thousands of dollars. It really all depends on your product niche, pricing strategy, and marketing efforts.

How to Make Money on Amazon FBA: A Comprehensive Guide Sun, 31 Jul 2022 07:02:25 +0000 If you’re looking to know how to make money on Amazon FBA, then this comprehensive guide is for you. I’ll show you how to get started and be successful with an Amazon FBA business.

I decided to start a side hustle of selling on Amazon after hearing about a friend who was making a killing doing it. He told me that he was earning several thousand dollars per month in profit, and I was immediately intrigued. After doing some research, I found out that there were many people who were having success with Amazon FBA businesses.

And so, I decided to give it a try myself. Now, fast forward a few months later and my side hustle business has been booming! In fact, last month alone I made over $10,000 in profit from my sales on Amazon! If you’re looking for a way to make good money online, then starting an Amazon FBA business is definitely the way to go.  

Learn how to make money on Amazon FBA and be successful!

How to Make Money on Amazon FBA

The Amazon FBA (fulfillment by Amazon) program is a great way to make money on Amazon. It allows you to sell products on Amazon and have them fulfilled by Amazon. This means that Amazon will handle the shipping and customer service for you. All you need to do is focus on marketing and selling your products. You can also use Amazon FBA to ship products to Amazon customers from other sellers.

If you’re looking for a way to make money with Amazon, Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a great option. With FBA, you can sell your products on Amazon and let them handle the shipping and customer service for you. It’s a great way to get started with selling online, and it can be very profitable.

To get started with FBA, you’ll need to create an account with Amazon and list your products for sale. Once your products are listed, Amazon will take care of the rest – they will pick, pack, and ship your products, and they will also handle customer service. You’ll just need to focus on marketing your products and driving traffic to your listings. 

The following are top ways to make money on amazon FBA in 2022

1. Sell your private label products

The number one way to make money on amazon in 2022 is by creating your own brand. 67% of all successful online businesses use this method.

A private label product is a product that is manufactured by someone else, but sold under your own brand name.

(The process of creating private-label products is quite common and has been used by retailers like Target and Wal-Mart for years.)

With Fulfillment by Amazon, or “FBA,” sellers can ship their products to an Amazon warehouse, and Amazon will pick, pack, and ship them for you. This is how online merchants — like you and me — can market products through and earn money from the transactions.

Private label products on Amazon are easier than ever thanks to the many perks that they offer.

If you’re looking for a way to get started selling on Amazon, private labeling is a great option. Thanks to Amazon’s easy-to-use tools and resources, it’s simple to find and manufacture products, and then sell them on the world’s largest marketplace.

Over half of private labelers make $5,000 or more in monthly income, and over 60% have margins over 16%.

Sellers who sell their own products, known as private labels, can make over $10,000 in profit. This is a substantial amount of cash that you can make through your own product.

Note:To learn more about how much Amazon private label sellers spent to get up and running, how long it took them to become profitable, and what categories they’re selling in, check out Jungle Scout’s The State of the Amazon Seller Report.


2. Publish Own Books on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (or KDP) is a service that allows you to self-publish your own e-books and sell them on the company’s website.

KDP also allows you to print physical copies of your book in addition to digital formats.

If you want to become successful in publishing on Amazon Kindle, you’ll need to be a prolific writer. While it’s possible for one book to become wildly successful, it’s generally the case that the more books that you write, the better your chances of making money.

The more you write, the more you earn.

Up to $40,000 per month.

You could potentially make up to $40,000 per month as an author, but it would require you to be prolific and write on popular topics to gain attention.

Once you write the material, you can sit back and relax! You don’t have to worry about rewriting it or stocking inventory.

3. Sell wholesale Products on Amazon

Wholesaling on Amazon entails purchasing large quantities of product to sell through Amazon’s FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) program.

However, the main difference between dropshipping and affiliate marketing is that with the former, you are marketing the products of another company. You don’t have to worry about the manufacturing or shipping of the items.

Selling wholesale goods on Amazon can be a great way to make money for a lot of sellers. It’s one of the most popular ways to earn money on Amazon.

Up to $3,000 – $4,000 per month.

Wholesaling on Amazon may be more difficult than it was a few years ago, but it’s still a great way to make money. There is a lot of competition in the market, but if you are able to find a niche and offer competitive prices, you can still be successful.

The Amazon marketplace is more competitive than the private-label market. This is because you will likely be sharing the “Buy Box” with other resellers.

When selling on Amazon, it is important to be aware that prices are often driven down in a race to the bottom by competing sellers. The only way to compete in this environment is by lowering your prices relative to your competitors. This can make it difficult to turn a profit on Amazon sales.

Plus, the key to making a profit is to buy your goods at a low price. If you can’t find good deals on the items you need, you won’t make any money.

Most wholesale sellers on Amazon make at least $5,000 in monthly sales. This is a significant amount of money and should not be ignored.

How can I learn to make money on Amazon selling wholesale goods?

If you’re interested in selling wholesale on Amazon, our guide will teach you the basics. Once you have a good understanding of how it works, you can use Jungle Scout’s Product Database to find products that would be profitable to sell.

4. Deliver goods for Amazon

Did you know that you can deliver packages with Amazon Prime Now?

Amazon’s Flex program is a great way to make some extra money. All you have to do is answer a quick questionnaire, download their app, and if you’re accepted, you can start making money right away.

Think of it like an Uber for package delivery.

Approximately $100+ per day.

According to the website, the hourly rate for an Amazon delivery driver is between $18 and $25, and shifts are around five-hours in length.

I’ve read that even if drivers finish their shifts early, they’re still compensated for the entire five hours. This is a great deal for anyone looking to make some extra money.

For $100+ per day, you can get a pretty good deal.

How can I learn to make money on Amazon as a Flex driver?

It’s best to learn how to be successful through Amazon Flex by visiting their website.

5. Become a blogger

Do you want to start a blog, publish how-to videos or recipes, or get your thoughts and ideas published? You can make money from Amazon while doing that!

This is a scenario where someone has found a product on Amazon and is trying to get others to buy it so that they can earn a commission.

With a blog, social media page, or email, you can make more money by referring people to a website.

Amazon’s Associates program is an affiliate program that provides a way for people to earn money by referring people to

The Amazon Associate program allows you to earn commissions by referring people to products on Amazon.

If you share this link, you’ll earn a percentage of the sale whenever someone makes a purchase.

This money-making method varies greatly in its returns.

The Associate is the most popular affiliate program in the world.

One way to make money is by sharing links. The commission percentages may not be high, but the conversion rates and volume from sharing those links can make up for it.

One downside to making sales commissions is that you need to have a strong internet presence. If you don’t have many followers on social media or a popular blog, it may be difficult to earn a significant income from commission alone.

6. Flip store-bought products with retail arbitrage

If you watched the US version of the office, you may remember the episode where Dunder Mifflin bought out all the princess unicorn toys for Christmas.

His plan was to take advantage of last-minute shoppers by selling the products for $200 or more.

And that’s how retail arbitrage, or buying products at retail stores and reselling them online, is done.

Arbitrage is when you buy a product at a low price and then resell it at a higher one.

Then, you list those products for sale on, marking them up by 20%.

The earning potential for this method varies.

Retail arbitrage can be a great way to start making money on Amazon. You can make as much or as little as you want with.

To be a successful arbitrage seller, you need to have patience. Many times, sellers can spend the better part of a day or weekend searching retail stores for products only to come up empty-handed. Don’t let this discourage you—many people start their Amazon selling journey using this method.

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t find any products to sell right away. Many people start their Amazon selling journey using this method and are successful.

How can I learn how to make money on Amazon with retail arbitrage?

If you’re looking to get started with making money through retail arbitrage on Amazon, Jungle Scout’s guide is a great place to start. It covers how to find profitable products to sell, so you can make the most of your time and effort.

7. Flip online retail store products using online arbitrage

Online arbitrage is when you purchase products to sell on Amazon from other ecommerce stores. This is different from retail arbitrage, which is when you buy products in a store to sell on Amazon.

Online arbitrage is a great way to find inventory to sell because there are so many possibilities for where to find products. With retail arbitrage, you are limited to physical stores in your area, but with online arbitrage, you can find products from all over the internet.

There are many opportunities to buy products online from retailers such as Amazon, Ebay, WalMart, and Target.

The earning potential for this method varies.

The amount of money you make with Online Arbitrage depends on how much time you put into your business. If you have difficulty locating products that will sell for a decent profit, you won’t make much money. There are good deals on offer, you just have to search for them!

There are great deals out there, you just have to go out and get them!

8 Ways to Work From Home As an Amazon Rep

In 2017, Amazon bought Whole Foods, which made Amazon one of the largest employers in the world, with around 650,000 employees.

Some of Amazon’s employees do not work at Amazon’s headquarters in Seattle, Washington.

Many employees at Amazon are telecommuters, meaning they work from home.

Amazon Work-From-Home Jobs – Around $30,000 Per Year

The amount of money you can make as a remote worker with Amazon has a wide range depending on the job.

A quick Google search shows that most of the available jobs are in customer service and data entry.

If you’re looking for a work-from-home job with Amazon, you could make at least $30,000 per year as a full-time rep. Amazon established a $15 minimum wage in 2018, so you would be earning a livable wage with this position.

How can I learn how to make money on Amazon as a work-from-home employee?

A Google or Bing search can help you find an Amazon job. But, if you’re interested in working for the company, you can go directly to their website.

9. Join the Mechanical Turk program

Mturk is a crowdsource market place.

The Amazon’s mechanical turk program is a simple way to earn some extra income. You can earn cash by contributing your talents to a variety of projects, such as data entry, research and survey participation.

Mechanical Turk is a crowdsourcing platform that enables people to collaborate and complete tasks together.

Approximately $120 – $200 for a 20 hour workweek.

Mechanical Turk is a work program on Amazon that pays less than some of Amazon’s other work programs.

Even though online reports claim that Mechanical Turk workers make around $6 to $10 per hour, this does not seem like a lot.

How can I learn to make money on Amazon with the Mechanical Turk program?

If you want to learn about how to work on Amazon’s MTurk, the best place to do so is by visiting their website. There, you can learn all about what tasks are available to you and how they work.

10. Handcraft your own items to sell on Amazon through Amazon Handmade

If you have a knack for creativity, you may want to check out Amazon’s handmade section.

By invite only, Amazon has invited certain artists to sell their handmade products on Amazon.

Producing your own products on Amazon is a lot of work, but the payoff can be huge.

Your handmade items can be discovered by a much wider audience through using Amazon’s platform.

Upwards of $30 per day.

If you’re a handmade artisan, you’re likely earning over $1,000 per month in sales. However, with Amazon’s massive audience, your earning potential with Amazon Handmade is limitless.

While it’s true that Amazon has high seller fees and takes 15% of your sales, 33% of Etsy merchants are earning more than 20% in profits. So if you’re considering opening an Etsy shop, don’t worry too much about the 3.5% transaction fee.

How can I learn how to make money on Amazon with Amazon Handmade?

Check out this article from our friends at JungleScout on getting started with Amazon’s handmade marketplace.

11. Sell your own hats, shirts, coffee mugs, e.t.c through Merch by Amazon

Don’t want to spend your money to create shirts or coffee mugs? Try a start-up like Zazzle.

Then Merch by Amazon is a great place for you to start.

With merch, you can upload your artwork into an Amazon product catalog. Then, that design can be put on anything from t-shirts to mugs to totes.

When a sale is made through Merch by Amazon, you earn money. Amazon creates the item, ships it, and you receive payment for the sale.

Merch by Amazon – How Much Do You Earn?

Basically, the higher the sold price, the higher the royalty you earn. Output: If you sell an item through Merch by Amazon, you will receive a royalty fee for that sale. The amount of the royalty fee varies depending on the product’s price, and can range from 13% to 37%. In general, products with a higher sales price will result in a higher royalty fee for you.

The higher the selling price, the higher your royalties.

The Amazon Merch royalties resource page provides a complete schedule of royalties.

Can you actually make money with Amazon FBA?

Yes, you can actually make money with Amazon FBA. There are many people who are doing it and they are making a lot of money. The key to making money with Amazon FBA is to find a niche that you can dominate and then build a brand around that niche.

Once you have built your brand, you need to drive traffic to your listings and convert that traffic into sales. If you can do those things, then you can make a lot of money with Amazon FBA.

Is FBA still profitable 2020?

FBA is still profitable in 2020. The main reason for this is that Amazon continues to grow at a rapid pace. In addition, more and more people are shopping online, which has led to an increase in demand for FBA products.

How much do Amazon FBA sellers make a year?

There is no one answer to this question as Amazon FBA sellers can make a wide range of incomes, depending on factors such as the products they sell, their business model, and the size of their operation. However, some industry experts estimate that successful Amazon FBA sellers can make anywhere from $50,000 to $1 million per year.


If you’re looking for a way to make money with Amazon, Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a great option. With FBA, you can sell your products on Amazon and let them handle the shipping and customer service for you. It’s a great way to get started with selling online, and it can be very profitable. With this guide on how to make money on Amazon FBA, then you will have a starting point. Get started and make some money!




What Buyers Are Looking for in an Online Business Wed, 13 Apr 2022 19:57:33 +0000 Whatever your online business model is– ecommerce, content/advertising, Marketplace, SaaS, services, applications, or social– buyers are looking for healthy, lucrative online businesses that can make money. 

As is standard practice, before purchasing an online business, a buyer will perform their due diligence to ensure that the digital asset is worth taking the risk. 

First, let’s break down the kind of buyers that are looking to purchase your online business.


FBA Aggregators search for thriving, profitable, successful businesses on Amazon and acquire them to scale for revenue. They have the expertise, focus, and resources to unlock the untapped potential of FBA stores that only a large umbrella brand can achieve. 

These aggregators are made up of top, professional experts in the industry who have the knowledge and proven playbook to turn brands they acquire into global companies. They possess lucrative skills like SEO and Amazon knowledge, and know what kind of businesses and categories will have a potential to successfully scale. 

Aggregators are looking for the following characteristics in an Amazon business:

  • Businesses with a solid sales history
  • 3rd party fulfillment
  • Strong ratings, reviews, and rankings
  • Long-term growth potential
  • Registered brands 
  • Fulfillment by Amazon businesses
  • Market niche
  • Fewer SKUs
  • Revenue of >$1 M within the last twelve months (EBITDA)

However, not only huge aggregators like Thrasio are purchasing these big businesses.

Whereas before, funds and acquisition firms solely had the keys to uncover the world of online businesses, the average person– a corporate worker, stay-at-home dad, or graduate student– now has access to unlocking a path to financial freedom by acquiring an online business.  

This is the investment bank for the 99%, not only limited to aggregators, but first-time buyers like this entrepreneur who purchased an Amazon FBA store on Flippa’s marketplace for $100,000

Entrepreneurs/Side Hustlers

Let’s take the example of a successful entrepreneur, John Chen, who purchased “Blush and Bar”, an ecommerce jewelry business, in 2017 for $7,500 and later sold it on Flippa in 2019 for $555,000. Chen has used different avenues like Facebook ads and paid social media marketing to expand his business. Prior to becoming a full-time entrepreneur, Chen worked at a private equity firm with $200M under management. After selling his first company, he purchased a plus-size clothing business for $60,000 and is well on its way to making 2 million in revenue.

Like Chen, many entrepreneurs across the globe are looking for ways to take financial control of their lives. For them, leaving the confines of their 9-5 jobs means more stability and flexibility, working from anywhere in the world, often times making money in their sleep. 

Stacy Caprio, the creator of Her.CEO, a website that inspires entrepreneurs and shares website buying and selling experiences of her own. While still in her 9-5 job, Stacy got her start buying websites on Flippa, which allowed her to gain financial independence and break free from her corporate job. 

“Many people spend their whole lives working toward financial independence so they can retire, but they don’t really think about how they can structure their current lives, so they can have the independence of time and independence of finances,” says Stacy. “Not necessarily not working, but choosing how to focus your work– for me, it’s made me so much happier.”

For the average working person, acquiring an online business is the ultimate way to own their future.

Ready to sell your online business?

So, you want to sell your online business. Let’s step into the mind of a buyer and understand what they’re looking for.

Let’s bring in Mike Finger, our 2021 Own Your Future guest.

Mike has successfully sold 4 businesses and works with other small business owners who are interested in preparing to exit their business to ensure their business is in the best position for sale. 

Ninety percent of businesses that exist are small businesses, and Mike reminds all small business owners that because the big business sales are the most publicized, it doesn’t mean you can’t sell at a great price and optimal multiple. 

According to Mike, in order to ensure that a business is in the best position to attract buyers, there are a few simple rules to follow. 

1. Let go of your unicorn dream and unrealistic expectations. It’s important to understand that small business exits are completely different from big business exits. 

2. Set Aside the Complexity. Most small businesses that fail to sell are because of some small element of the business. Our ability to sell isn’t about some “mystical” number, but it’s about a simple approach. To sell your small business you must have a buyer. The buyer is most likely an individual. It’s important to think about yourself as the one buying the business and that the buyer wants a long list of wants when buying a business. 

There are two primary needs that are going to dominate a buyer’s decision:

  • They need to make a living and be compensated for their time. 
  • They’re going to have to make loan payments and service the debt from the loan they took out to purchase your business. 

If you can do both of these things, you have increased your chances of successfully selling your business. 

There are three key questions to ask yourself when selling your business. We like to call it “The Three Ds of Selling”.

  1. Are my results desirable? Look at your seller’s discretionary earnings and the financial benefit you receive from owning your business. The higher your seller’s discretionary earnings, the higher your purchase price for the business. 
  2. Can a buyer duplicate my results? You should be able to transfer a business with the understanding that it does not need to depend on the owner to grow. Your results should exist elsewhere besides the original business owner. If you create a team and systems, it’s easier d’or someone to duplicate. 
  3. Can I document my results? Is the traffic what you said it was? Do you have the necessary documentation? It’s important to keep clean records to ensure that your business is staying whole throughout the entire process.

If you can answer yes to all those three questions, you are much closer to a place where a small business exit can be successfully exited.

]]> I sold my first e-commerce business on Flippa for $550,000. Now I'm repeating the process. nonadult
How Does Amazon FBA Work? A Comprehensive Guide Fri, 08 Apr 2022 07:31:22 +0000 If you’re like me, you may have been wondering how does Amazon FBA work and if it’s something that could be a good fit for your business. I remember when I first heard about this program, I was immediately intrigued but also a little bit skeptical. After doing some research and learning more about the process, I decided that Amazon FBA could be a great opportunity for my business.

In this blog post, I’m going to share with you how does Amazon FBA work and what I’ve learned about the program so far to help you decide whether or not it is right for you.

How does Amazon FBA work?

how does amazon fba work (Source)

Fulfillment by Amazon or FBA has made it possible for online retailers to outsource their storage and shipping needs to the Amazon warehouse. This can be a great way to grow your business without having to invest in your own storage or staff.

All you need to do to get started is find a few products that are already doing well.

Let’s imagine you have a few products in mind, all doing well, and you’ve decided to try your hand at the Amazon marketplace.

You are seeing success with your business and it is continuing to grow.

You may be considering purchasing more stock to keep up with the demand, but you may be limited by the space you have to store it and the time it will take to dispatch more orders.

No, your dreams of expanding your business are not dashed. Amazon FBA can help you expand your business by taking on the task of storing and dispatching orders for you. This way, you can focus on other aspects of running your business.

Because Fulfilment by Amazon is so seamless, your customers may not even realize they’re purchasing from a third party. This makes it easy to expand your business without decreasing the quality of your service.

As a buyer, you won’t be able to tell whether you’re buying from an Amazon seller or directly from You’ll have the same shipping, return, and customer support options. This makes it very easy for third-party merchants to use Fulfillment by Amazon.

So, for Amazon sellers, this can be a very beneficial solution and can take a lot of time-wasting activities away from your business. However, like any strategy, it will require work to get off the ground.

How Amazon FBA Works

If you are looking to expand your business, Amazon can help you do so in a cost-effective way.

With Amazon FBA, you simply use your regular account and then follow the simple instructions to add it to their warehouse.

The process for selling on Amazon is very straightforward.

how does amazon fba work (Source)

The first step to selling on Amazon is to ship your product to one of their many fulfillment centers. You’ll be instructed on which center to use.

Your product will be stored securely in their facility until it’s purchased by an Amazon customer. They’ll handle the transaction from payment processing to updating the inventory. Your item will then be packaged and shipped to your customer.

Returns and refunds will also be handled for you. Your sales profits will be deposited into your bank every 2 weeks.

So, with Fulfillment by Amazon, it’s like having your own warehouse, logistics workers, and trucks!

If you’re looking to sell your products through Amazon, be prepared to pay their fees for their Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program. Although their rates might be comparable to other fulfillment services, don’t forget to factor in the cost of shipping your products to an Amazon warehouse.

When you sell on Amazon, you won’t have to wait in line at the Post Office or struggle with packing and posting.

So, Amazon will take care of shipping and you’re responsible for the other aspects of your business.

Before you can sell anything, you’ll need to decide what you’re going to sell. Once you’ve decided, you’ll need to keep your inventory of that item updated. You’ll also need to make sure you list your product effectively so that customers can find your listing.

The Benefits of Amazon FBA

Now, I know you have a lot of questions, so let’s talk about some of the advantages of using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA). When it comes to this fulfillment method, there are many benefits.

1. You can leverage Amazon’s good reputation to grow your business.

Many people around the globe trust Amazon to deliver the products they ordered. They know that they will receive their product on time.

They know that if they need to, they can return the product. This is a huge factor in their decision to purchase from you.

2. You can provide reliable customer service.

Because Amazon has such an efficient ordering process, they can often deliver your products to customers more quickly than you can.

3. You can improve your Amazon ranking and visibility.

FBA products are listed by total price, but the shipping cost is shown separately below the product price, making it appear as if the shipping is free. This makes your product more attractive to potential buyers.

The ‘Buy Now’ button on the product page is the prime spot for all products listed on This is the ‘Add to Cart’ option that customers click on to place an order.

Even if you sell a product that is similar to another product that Amazon has listed, you still have a good chance of winning the Buy Box. This is because one of the factors that the sellers on Amazon use to determine who wins the buy box is their shipping.

Since you are using Fulfillment by Amazon, this makes you a likely candidate to win it.

4. You can offer free or discounted delivery.

By selling your products on Amazon, you allow customers to get free shipping with their Prime membership. This is an advantage over other retailers who do not offer this perk.

As a seller, you can take advantage of the busy shopping season by using Amazon FBA. Prime customers are more likely to purchase items with free shipping, so you can reach more sellers by using this service. This way, you can reduce your overhead costs significantly.

5. Your operating costs will be greatly reduced.

With Fulfillment by Amazon, you don’t have to worry about storing your products, hiring employees, or dealing with any administrative tasks. Instead, you can focus solely on making more sales and increasing your profit.

6. You can increase productivity.

FBA can help take your business to the next level by increasing productivity. With Amazon taking care of customer service, returns, storage, packing, and dispatch, you can focus on other aspects of your business. This can help you expand your reach and grow your company.

7. You can work from anywhere.

You can be on vacation and your business will still be running. As an Amazon FBA seller, you have the freedom to work from anywhere in the world. Amazon will handle all your orders 24/7 so you can take a break without worrying about your business.

8. You won’t have to deal with as many customer service issues.

Amazon FBA can take care of all your customer service needs, so you don’t have to. For example, if a buyer has an issue with their order, they can contact Amazon’s customer service department instead of having to contact you directly. This saves you time and stress while also providing buyers with the peace of mind that their concerns will be addressed promptly.

9. It’s so easy to use.

The number one benefit of using Fulfillment by Amazon has to do with how easy it is to use.

If you’d rather not spend your time packaging products, queuing at the Post Office, or talking to customers, then the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program is perfect for you!

With FBA, you don’t have to do any of these things so you can spend more time finding new products and building your brand.

The benefits of Amazon FBA appear to be fantastic, even too good to be true! So, are there any disadvantages?

The Disadvantages of Amazon FBA

It’s easy to believe that Amazon has the perfect fulfillment service for all its merchants. This is not always the case. Despite the many benefits, it is important to also consider any potential disadvantages.

1. It costs money to start an Amazon business.

Like any business, Amazon charges fees for storage and fulfillment.

If you want to avoid paying high storage fees on Amazon, you’ll need to ensure that your inventory turns over quickly. This means making regular sales and not letting your stock sit idle for too long. As long as you keep your products moving, you shouldn’t have to worry about extra fees.

2. Listing your products on Amazon can be a tricky process.

One disadvantage of Amazon FBA is that you have to follow their guidelines strictly. If you make a mistake, your items could be rejected and you will have to pay a fee.

If your products are not labeled properly, they will be rejected by the warehouse, causing delays in your shipment. Make sure you follow the labeling instructions very carefully.

3. You cannot brand your packaging with your logo.

When your products are shipped by FBA, they ship in boxes with the famous Amazon logo on them. This makes it hard for customers to associate you with your brand.

If you’re concerned about building your brand, keep in mind that you’ll have to weigh the pros and cons of Amazon FBA. While it may be more difficult to build brand awareness using Amazon FBA, the service does offer other advantages that may outweigh this disadvantage.

4. Your return rate could increase.

One potential downside to using Amazon FBA is that you may end up with more returns from customers. This is because of Amazon’s easy return policy, which can be seen as a pro or a con depending on your perspective. If you are selling high-quality products, however, this shouldn’t be too big of an issue.

If you supply quality products, your customers will not feel the need to return them, minimizing the risk of negative publicity.

While returns are easy with Fulfillment by Amazon, some customers may regret their purchase and return it. This isn’t always the best method for selling on Amazon.

If a product is returned, there is a chance that it may be deemed unsellable by Amazon, which could result in a loss for the business. It’s important to be conscious of this possible problem before making a decision.

Additionally, success with Amazon FBA depends on other factors such as how much effort is put into it and how much knowledge the user has about utilizing the program.

how does amazon fba work (Source)

What are the Costs of Amazon FBA?

While the benefits of Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) are many, it’s only worthwhile if you sell enough units. That’s because Amazon has its share of fees for its services.

To calculate your costs for outbound sales, follow these steps:

  • Apply the dimensional weight (if applicable)
  • Choose your order handling, pick and pack, and weight handling fees
  • Add in any additional charges

Calculating Your Amazon FBA Fees

While you can ship your products through FBA, which sends them from Amazon’s warehouses, you can also send them from your own warehouse. However, the costs for doing this will be different than if you were to use FBA.

Fulfillment fees and storage costs are the only two main costs. Additional fees may apply such as:

  • Labeling — Amazon applies barcode labels on a per-item fee.
  • Prep service — Amazon preps your inventory for storage on a per-item fee.
  • Repackaging — Amazon repackages your returned items to be resold.
  • Long-term inventory storage — When products are stored in an Amazon warehouse longer than 365 days.
  • Unplanned services — If your inventory arrives at the warehouse without proper preparation or labeling.
  • Returns processing — Whenever a customer returns a product.
  • Removal order — If you ask Amazon to return or dispose of your inventory in its fulfillment center.
  • Oversize items — They come with special handling fees per shipment.

Using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) can be great for saving on shipping costs, but there are a few factors to keep in mind. For example, the type of products you ship, the size of your inventory, and the frequency of your shipments can all affect how much you’ll pay.

How to Estimate Amazon FBA Fees

The Amazon website offers tools and resources to help you preview your fees as best as possible. The following pages are the most helpful:

  • Merchant Fee section
  • FBA calculator
  • Listing Fee estimator
  • Variable Closing Fee estimator
  • Referral Program Fee estimator

To start, you’ll want to check out the fulfillment fees for FBA orders and multi-channel orders for a basic overview of the basic costs involved with shipping through Amazon.

After that, you can review the monthly inventory storage fee to get an idea of what it costs to keep products stored in their warehouse.

Lastly, you can take a look at the complete list of charges to get a complete view of all the costs associated with using amazon.

The FBA revenue calculator is a useful tool for comparing a few items you sell already through

It’s even possible to use a free Amazon calculator for checking prices in bulk.

It’s important to stay up to date on Amazon’s fees, as they change frequently. Be sure to evaluate the costs regularly to ensure you are getting the best deal.

Is Amazon FBA Suitable for All Businesses?

While millions of online sellers are successfully using Fulfillment by Amazon, it may not be right for everyone.

If you are an Amazon seller, then utilizing Amazon FBA can be a fantastic option for you. It can help you expand your business from a kitchen table operation to a full-time brand.

By using Amazon FBA, you can free up time that would otherwise be spent on fulfillment tasks, and instead focus on sourcing new products and making sales.

Selling on Amazon can be a lucrative and worthwhile endeavor.

It is important to do your homework before selling on Amazon. This includes understanding Amazon’s rules and regulations, as well as understanding your customers – your target market – before deciding if selling on Amazon is right for you.

How successful you are with selling on Amazon will depend entirely on the products you sell and your broader business goals.

Some Amazon sellers find Amazon FBA simple and helpful for outsourcing e-commerce tasks. It is important to weigh the pros and cons to decide if the cost is worth it.

Who is a Good Fit For Amazon FBA?

You’ve determined the costs associated with using Amazon’s FBA service.

Is Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) a good fit for your e-commerce business?

If your profit margins are high enough and you have room in your budget for ads, consider doubling down on selling products through Amazon’s FBA program.

If the margins are slim when selling through advertising, it may still be worth using Amazon’s FBA service.

Every day, millions of customers visit Amazon intending to buy something. They have already entered their payment information, so they are ready to buy as soon as they find the right product.

The trust that’s built into an Amazon purchase is what makes it so easy for customers to commit. Click To Tweet

Many brands use Amazon as a marketing mechanism for visibility to expose their brand to potential customers. By doing this, they can upsell, cross-sell, and create lifetime value for their customers.

how does amazon fba work (Source)

If you can use Amazon’s FBA program to help you sell your products, do it.

It can be difficult to succeed on Amazon purely by using Amazon Merchant Fulfillment.

If you’re looking to spend less on Amazon advertising, Fulfillment by Amazon with Prime eligibility is the way to go.

With more and more sellers joining the ranks of Amazon’s vendor partners, competition is fierce.

how does amazon fba work (Source)


If you’re considering using Amazon FBA for your business, I hope this guide has given you a better understanding of how Amazon FBA works. While there are some fees involved, I believe that the benefits of Amazon FBA outweigh the costs.

Is Amazon FBA Worth It? The Pros and Cons You Need to Know Thu, 07 Apr 2022 07:31:19 +0000 If you’re considering selling on Amazon, you might be wondering “is Amazon FBA worth it?” It’s a valid question! There are pros and cons to using Amazon Fulfillment that you need to consider before making the jump.

I personally started selling on Amazon about a year ago. I had done my research and knew that it was something I could make some extra money with so I decided to give it a try. Overall, I’ve been really happy with the results. Yes, there have been some challenges along the way but overall it has been a positive experience. One of the things I love about selling on Amazon is that they take care of fulfillment for me.

As someone who works full-time outside of the home, this is huge! Not having to worry about packaging and shipping orders frees up so much time for me. And because customers receive their orders quickly and reliably from Amazon, they tend to be very happy which leads to good reviews (and more sales!).

But, is Amazon FBA worth it?

What is Amazon FBA?

Fulfillment by Amazon allows third-party Amazon sellers to effectively outsource their packing and shipping to Amazon. With this service, sellers can sell their products and Amazon will handle all shipping, returns and (if necessary) refunds. This makes it easier for sellers to focus on selling their products and leave the shipping to Amazon.

If you’re enrolled in Amazon FBA, you can take advantage of their shipping services – including returns and refunds – as well as product warehousing in their warehouses. This way, you can focus on selling while Amazon takes care of the rest.

You can either send your products to Amazon to be stored and sold, or you can allow Amazon to handle the sales and just make sure they always have stock. Either way, they take care of the rest.

And, yes, you will have to pay fees to Amazon Web Services to use their servers.

So, what do you actually get for your money?

For a monthly fee, you can take advantage of Amazon’s world-class customer service and fulfillment network. This includes picking, packing, and shipping costs – so you can focus on selling your products.

Most consumers are aware that Amazon has one of the largest online stores in the world.

So, what should you do?

First, this platform has a long history, dating back to the early days of the internet. It has evolved a lot since then, and it now includes a wide range of features. However, it does have some drawbacks, which we’ll discuss next.

As an employee of a software company that specializes in multi-channel e-commerce, I’ve seen many businesses improve their profits by taking advantage of FBA. New merchants and existing ones alike have seen their profits increase by outsourcing their fulfillment to a third party.

Fulfillment by Amazon can be a great opportunity for people to get involved in online sales and marketing. It provides a marketplace for sellers to reach buyers on Amazon and other channels. FBA can help sellers grow their business, reach new customers, and scale their operations.

In 2020, nearly half of all Amazon sales came from third-party sellers, not Amazon directly. This is especially true for sellers using the FBA platform, as about 23 of those sellers utilize it.

What some people don’t realize is that just about anyone can sell something on Amazon. You just need to know where and how to do so.

Now, more than two million businesses all over the world are doing it, and it’s now up to you to determine if it’s right for your own business. And Amazon Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) works in countries all around the world.

The Amazon FBA Program (a brief history)

Amazon has paved the way for online shopping, but it wasn’t until 2006 that the company launched its Fulfillment by Amazon program.

The company’s founders saw a need to help others in 1990 and they have been dominating the online selling and fulfillment industry since then.

It’s not entirely altruistic on Amazon’s part to offer fulfillment services to small businesses – they’re making money from it too.

Amazon has now decided to offer its services to small business owners, giving them access to its shipping and customer support services.

The brand hoped to teach third-party sellers how to become profitable by using Amazon’s methods.

The ever-evolving world of e-commerce can be both a boon and bane for those enrolled in Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service. On the one hand, it’s simple to stay abreast of the latest trends and demands. On the other, it’s challenging to keep up with the ever-changing guidelines and processes of the program.

Staying up to date with the constantly changing guidelines and trends of the telemarketing industry can be a daunting task. But, it’s important to stay up to date in order to remain competitive.

In our guide, we cover everything you need to know about the Amazon Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) Program, including its potential future.

How do I learn to sell on Amazon?

Although there is a learning curve to becoming efficient at Seller Central, it’s hardly surprising that a third of Amazon sellers report that they need more training, and a quarter are confused about how the selling process works on the platform.

Selling products on your own website can be intimidating, with 26% of business owners concerned about competition and 33% worried about how to actually sell their products.

How Much Money Should I Start With?

If you want to start making money right away, then starting your own branded products may not be the best route. Instead, consider selling items at retail prices through sites like Amazon or eBay.

Bootstrapping is a great option to start fast.

Bootstrapping (this means that you invest a small amount of money and then continue to re-invest) or investing personal funds can be a good way to start a business.

Credit cards and loans can be risky for new sellers because if they purchase poor inventory, it may be difficult to pay back what is owed. It’s important to do your research before making any big purchases so that you don’t end up in a difficult financial situation.

Having said that, it’s not uncommon for sellers to borrow money from a family member or receive some type of business loan to start. In fact, 17% of sellers have borrowed money from a family member and roughly 12% have received a business loan.

How long did it take for them to start making money?

While it can take 2+ years before an Amazon seller makes money, 20% of successful merchants report making profits in less than 3 months of starting their business.

It’s not all that difficult to start making a profit through Amazon, but it’s not a “Get Rich Quick” scheme.

This is not always the case for sellers, as some may take a bit longer to start seeing profits when launching their brand. However, with dedication and hard work, it is possible to see a return on investment in a timely manner.

17% of respondents said it takes 3-6 months before turning a profit, and 16% said it took them 1-2 years before they could turn a profit. This is typical for a private label product that is launching.

Sellers, don’t be afraid to spend a little money on promotions and advertising to help get the ball rolling on your listings. A few dollars spent now could mean a big payoff later.

How Much Time Does It Take to Sell on Amazon?

31% launched in less than 6 weeks!. If you want to be successful selling on Amazon, you need to put in the time. Consistency is key, and with it you can launch your first product within three months – just like 54% of other Amazon sellers have done. 31% even managed to do it in less than six weeks!

31% of startups launch in 6 or fewer months.

Don’t worry if it takes you a little longer to get your Amazon business up and running – 14% of sellers took 6 months to a year. Just go at your own pace and do what makes you feel most comfortable.

Do what feels right for you and what makes you feel most comfortable.

How much time do you spend on your business each week?

If you want your business to run smoothly, you’ll need to put some time into managing it – but it doesn’t have to be a lot. Utilizing FBA could help you spend less than 10 hours per week on your business, like 39% of other sellers do.

When you first start selling on Amazon, you will probably have to spend more time on it than you would like. 16% of sellers report spending 21-30 hours per week on their business, while 17% have gone full-time and are working nearly 40 hours or more. However, once you get your business up and running, you can reasonably expect to spend less than 10 hours per week managing it if you use FBA to handle all order logistics.

The amount of time you invest in your startup business depends on your goals for it.

If you’re interested in learning more about what it takes to sell on Amazon, our State of the Seller Report is a great place to start.

The Costs of FBA

Now, let’s get to the money. It will cost some money, but it won’t be a fortune.

When considering the costs of FBA, it’s important to remember that Amazon charges fees based on size and weight, not cost. This means that selling items with small price tags may not be as profitable as others. Choose the items you list (or don’t list) with intentionality.

Be thoughtful about what you list on the FBA platform – consider what will sell and what won’t.

Amazon has storage fees for your inventory, and the longer you store it, the more it will cost you. They also have a 180-day rule, which encourages sellers to keep items moving through their warehouses.

If you have inventory that is stored at an Amazon warehouse for longer than 180 days, your costs will increase. This encourages people to get and keep products moving.

In addition to tracking items for sale, Amazon has another tool called “stranded” that shows you how much product you have in storage and aren’t selling.

You can see how much you’re paying for your Fulfillment by Amazon program in the Reports section. This will show you what kind of fees are being assessed.

Remember, you’ll pay more for Amazon to store your stock during high demand times like the holidays. Be sure to double check your listings for anything you won’t move.

Now is the time to double check your FBA listings for anything that may not sell. This way you can remove it and save on costs.

There are a few costs associated with selling on Amazon, but there are also some factors that help determine the final price. Amazon has done a good job of providing information and assistance to sellers, so they’re pretty transparent.

How much do Amazon sellers make?

How much profit can be made by selling on Amazon? This is a question that every new seller asks. Let’s take a look at some stats on what current sellers profit from selling products on Amazon FBA. Nearly 85% of them have reported being profitable on Amazon.

Let’s take a look at some (sales) numbers for (month):

Amazon sellers make a lot of money! 50% of them bring in more than $5,000 per month, and 25% of them make more than $25,000 per month. In addition, 50% of Amazon sellers have reached over $50,000 in lifetime sales, and 19% of them have earned over $1 million in lifetime sales.

Monthly sales Percentage of Amazon sellers Under $500 17% $501-$1,000 9% $1,001 – $5,000 20% $5,001 – $10,000 13% $10,001 – $25,000 12% $25,001 – $50,000 10% $50,001 – $100,000 5% $100,001 – $250,000 5% More than $250,000 6% I don’t know 4%

While selling physical goods online is far from a new concept, many recent entrepreneurs are finding success with it thanks to the power of the marketplace.

Yes, the revenue figures are impressive, but what is the profit margin?

I know that revenue doesn’t always reflect the success of a business.

You could make a million dollars in sales, but if your costs are more than that, you’re not making any money.

Compared to physical stores, online retailers such as have much lower operating costs.

Many online business owners, such as those who sell on Amazon, have much higher margins than traditional brick and mortar stores. In fact, 68% of merchants selling through Amazon has margins of 10% or higher, while 36% of vendors have 20% or greater. 20% of those who have an Amazon store have earned over $100,000 in profit.

Many new sellers start this venture as a side hustle and it is not too bad considering that.

If you want to get a full financial picture of your business, you can use a tool like Sales Analytics to track your performance. This will help you understand your profits and losses so you can make informed decisions about your business.

More people are shopping online, and most of them start their product searches on Amazon. This steady demand for online shopping has led to more competition on Amazon and other eCommerce platforms.

Selling products through Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program can still be profitable in 2022.

So, is Amazon FBA worth it?

Yes, Amazon is competitive. It takes a lot of work and money to start, and it’s not a passive business.

Working with Amazon FBA can be a very rewarding experience. It requires a lot of learning and hard work, but if you are willing to put in the effort, it is definitely worth it.

In our opinion, the pros of selling on Amazon far outweigh the cons.

No seller is guaranteed success on Amazon, but if you’re willing to put in the work and learn from your mistakes, you can be successful.

It’s not difficult to do. Why can’t you do it?

Would you like to know any more about selling products on Amazon FBA? Let us know in the comments!


So, is Amazon FBA worth it? Overall, I would say yes! If you’re looking for a way to make some extra money and are willing to put in the work, selling on Amazon can be a great option. Just be sure to do your research beforehand so you know what you’re getting into. And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me or another experienced seller for help.

What Is Amazon FBA Program And How Can You Earn More? Wed, 06 Apr 2022 07:31:18 +0000 If you’re like me, then you’re always looking for new ways to make money online. I recently came across the Amazon FBA Program and it seems like a great way to earn some extra cash. What is Amazon FBA program? Here’s what the program is and how it can benefit you.

What is Amazon FBA program?

FBA is a program run by that allows third-party merchants to sell products on the Amazon online store. When a customer buys a product, the merchant sends it to an Amazon warehouse, and when the customer receives it, it’s already packaged and ready to be shipped.

What is Amazon FBA program and what are the benefits? If you’re enrolled in Amazon FBA, you can take advantage of their shipping services – including returns and refunds – as well as product warehousing. This way, you can focus on selling while Amazon takes care of the rest.

You can either send your products to Amazon to have them stored for you, or use the Fulfillment by Amazon program to have them ship the products for you. Provided you handle the sales and keep Amazon stocked with your products, they’ll take care of the rest for you.

So, what do you actually get for your money?

For a monthly fee, you can take advantage of Amazon’s world-class customer service and fulfillment network. This includes picking, packing, and shipping costs – so you can focus on selling your products.

While Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) offers a lot of benefits, it might not be right for everyone. For example, it may not be the best choice for sellers with low-value products or for products that come in large sizes.

This platform has a long and varied history, with many changes and updates along the way. In this article, we’ll take a look at its features, pros, and cons.

Amazon FBA is a great way for e-commerce businesses to improve reach, gain more exposure, and even earn a lot more revenue. Whether you’re a new seller or an existing retailer, Amazon FBA can help you grow your business and reach new customers.

Fulfillment by Amazon is a great opportunity for people to get involved in online sales and marketing. It provides a marketplace for sellers to reach buyers on Amazon and other channels. FBA can help sellers grow their business, reach new customers, and scale their operations.

In 2020, 44% of all of’s sales were from third-party vendors. This presents a huge opportunity for those looking to get into online sales. The Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program is a great way to get started.

Anyone can start selling their products online today. All it takes is knowing where and how to do it. Click To Tweet

The Evolution of the Amazon FBA Program

In 2006, the company launched its Fulfillment by Amazon program, which paved the way for online retailers.

The company was a pioneer in online retail and has been helping customers get what they need since the 1990s.

It’s not entirely altruistic on Amazon’s part to offer fulfillment services to small businesses – they’re making money from it too.

After much thought, Amazon has decided to give small business owners access to their shipping and customer service capabilities.

Amazon wanted to show how it earned profits using the “Amazon way” to help other third-party merchants do the same.

The Amazon Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program is constantly evolving. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing for those enrolled in the service.

It’s good because it’s easy to stay up-to-date with current market trends and customer demands.

However, it’s bad because it can be difficult to keep up with the frequent changes and updates that are constantly being made to the process and the guidelines.

The Pros and Cons of Amazon FBA

In deciding whether or not to use Fulfillment by Amazon, you’re going to need a pros and cons list. It’ll help you figure out if it’s going to be the right solution for you, and it’ll give you a good overview of what the process entails.

After doing a review of the platform and its features, we have found some pros and cons to consider.

While this list isn’t exhaustive, here are the biggest takeaways from our experience with selling on Amazon.


FBA has a lot of great benefits that make it a popular choice for online sellers. The biggest advantages are the hands-off approach to shipping and logistics, lower shipping rates, return management, customer service management, quick delivery, more storage space, and multi-channel fulfillment.


There are various reasons why FBA might not be the right solution for your needs. Some of the key factors to consider include how well FBA matches your business needs and how well you can manage the additional workload.

Consider the cost, potential increase in returns, long-term storage fees, and product prep requirements before enrolling in the program.

The Costs of Amazon FBA

When considering the costs involved with using Fulfillment by Amazon, keep in mind that the fees are based on the weight and size of the item, not the price.

Selling low-cost products through this service could end up costing you more than you think. Be selective in what you sell through this program to avoid unexpected bills. Consider what will sell and what won’t.

The Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service, which stores your products and ships them for you, has storage fees for items that have been in storage for over 180 days.

If you have products that sit in your Amazon warehouses for more than 180 days before being sold, your fees will go up. This encourages sellers to get their products out as quickly as possible.

In addition to monitoring items in stock, Amazon has a tool that helps sellers identify which of their items are in storage and are not being listed for sale.

You can find the Settlement Fee Report in the Reporting section of your Seller Central account. This report will show you how much in fees you are currently paying for your Fulfillment by Amazon program.

Remember that you’ll pay higher storage fees to warehouse your inventory during peak holiday demand periods. Now is the time to double-check your FBA listings for anything that may not sell. This way you can remove it and save on costs.

There are a few costs associated with selling on Amazon, but there are also some factors that can affect your price. Luckily, Amazon has done a good job of ensuring transparency and providing helpful information.

Tips and Tricks to Maximize FBA Sales

This is not a new platform. For you, this means there is a lot of valuable insight that can be learned to help you maximize your FBA sales from the beginning.

To boost sales and grow your business, you don’t need to have a huge budget or a brand new product. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Research the Best Product Categories

Amazon provides a wealth of data that can be used to research which products are most profitable and popular. By taking advantage of online analytics tools, you can make informed decisions about the best product categories to sell in. Keep in mind that the bestsellers are usually at the top for a reason.

Choose the Right Product

Consider how high a product’s ranking is, but remember that higher-ranked products are also more competitive.

Low-ranking items could be problematic, but they also give you a chance to become the leading seller.

You’ll have to weigh your options for yourself to decide what’s best for you.

Bundle items when possible

One of the most difficult parts of selling on Amazon is competing with other sellers. There are often only a few differences in price or a few less or a few more stars. One way to stand out is by including multiple products in one package. This adds value to the customer and makes them more likely to buy from you.

You can make your listings more visible and attractive to buyers by creating bundled listings.

Bundled listings offer more for the buyer’s money and can draw more attention to your product.

Build your brand

Your brand isn’t just about selling products. It’s about creating a successful image that resonates with your audience. This takes time and effort, but it’s well worth it.

It’s not just about getting into the Buy Box. It’s about making sure you’re offering high-quality goods from reputable manufacturers or distributors. That way, you can maintain good ratings and increase your number of potential sales.

You must receive positive reviews for your product to maintain eligibility for the Buy Box and thereby increase your sales opportunities.

Respond to customers quickly

If you’re looking to be a successful seller on Amazon, you must respond quickly and professionally to any questions or concerns that your customers may have. By doing so, you’ll show everyone that you’re reliable and always there to help – two qualities that are sure to win over potential buyers.

How to Sell on Amazon FBA the Right Way

If you want to make the most out of Fulfillment by Amazon, you need to integrate it correctly and use it properly. By doing so, you can take advantage of all the benefits that come with this service.

There are some general rules and best practices that you can follow when using Amazon FBA to increase your chances of being successful.

1. Start small

You don’t have to sell everything at once. Start small by testing a few products and expanding your inventory as you get a better idea of what sells well. Keep in mind that Amazon FBA costs money for storage and warehousing, so only add items that you’re confident will be popular with buyers.

When you’re just starting out with Amazon FBA, it’s a good idea to list a well-curated selection of items. This will help you learn best practices more easily. Plus, you’ll get the added benefit of storage and warehousing through FBA.

2. Choose products wisely

You need to be extra careful when selecting products to sell on Amazon. Just because you think a product will sell, doesn’t mean it actually will. The market is competitive and to stand out, you need to choose the most profitable products. This means avoiding stagnant inventory.

When selling on Amazon, it is important to be aware of the competition and choose products that will be most profitable. Stagnant inventory can be a problem, so it is important to choose products that are in high demand and are likely to sell well. Even if they are not the top-selling items, choosing the right products can help you stand out from the competition.

3. Practice FBA SEO

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While the exact details of what goes into an Amazon product listing’s ranking algorithm are unknown, there are some general guidelines that can be applied to any e-commerce site. The graphic above can give you some insight into how to optimize your product pages.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of creating content that makes it easier for people to find. By writing content that answers common questions, brands can stand out in Amazon’s search results.

This is about designing a website that is easy to navigate and that provides visitors with the information they need.

If you’re not already utilizing search engine optimization in your Amazon product listing, you’re missing out. By improving your visibility in search engine results, you can drive more traffic to your website and increase your profits.


What is Amazon FBA program and is it for you? The Amazon FBA Program is a great way to make money online. It’s simple to set up and you can start making money right away. If you’re looking for a new way to earn some extra cash, then this program is definitely worth checking out.

Best Tips On What To Sell On Amazon FBA Next Season Tue, 05 Apr 2022 07:31:16 +0000 If you’re looking to start selling on Amazon but don’t know where to start, this guide is for you. I’ll show you how to find a good product and get started ASAP. I remember when I first decided that I wanted to sell on Amazon. I had no idea what to sell on Amazon FBA or how to even go about finding one. But after doing some research and trial and error, I finally found a good product and got started with my business. And now, just a few short years later, my business is thriving!

So if you’re wondering what to sell on Amazon FBA, read on for the ultimate guide.

Why Should You Sell on Amazon?

Amazon has almost become a synonym with e-commerce. In 2018, it had sales of $232 billion, more than the GDP of all but 33 countries in the world.

There are many reasons why Amazon has soared in popularity.

You can use Amazon to sell both physical goods and digital products.

Amazon has become the go-to marketplace for many shoppers because of its huge selection, low prices, and fast shipping.

As a seller, you can take advantage of this by using Amazon to reach a large audience of potential customers with minimal effort.

With Amazon’s Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) program, you can tap into its world-class logistics network to have them handle storage, shipping, and customer service for your products while you focus on growing your business.

In 2018, there were over 200,000 sellers on Amazon doing over $100,000 in annual sales. This is thanks in large part to the fact that there are over 300 million users on the online marketplace.

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When you list items for sale on, you will be responsible for all of the costs associated with selling the item. This will include the cost of getting the product to an Amazon warehouse, and then the cost to ship it from there to your customer.

Selling on Amazon can save you a significant amount on shipping costs, as they can get deep discounts from carriers. This can result in savings of 50-80% compared to shipping the items yourself.

How is Amazon Different from eBay or Shopify?

Though Amazon does purchase some of its products, like Walmart would, over 50% of Amazon’s sales come from third-party sellers.

what to sell on amazon fba (Source)The biggest difference between the companies is how fulfillment works.

eBay takes on the responsibility of shipping products to customers who order items from their website.

With Fulfillment by Amazon, you handle all shipping and customer service.

The Best Products to Sell on Amazon FBA

Now that we’ve gone over selling products through Fulfillment by Amazon, it’s time to figure out what you’re going to sell.

Here are some basic principles to remember.

How to Find a Good FBA Product

If there are already a few companies offering the same product or service, it means there is a market for it. This also means that customers are willing to pay money for it, making it a profitable venture.

A product that doesn’t have any competition in its market isn’t necessarily a good thing. It could mean that the profit margins are too small, or that the product has other flaws that haven’t been discovered yet.

On the other hand, too many competitors could be a bad sign. If you find a great product and all your competitors have 2000+ 4-5 star reviews, that means you might be biting off more than you can chew without significant connections or resources.

The easiest way to find success on Amazon is to look for products that are similar to the ones you’re selling but have fewer than 50 customer reviews. If some of the higher-ranking products are getting a few bad reviews, you can capitalize on that by improving on what’s missing. This will allow you to leapfrog over your competition.

You can use this information to find a good potential FBA product.

Target Products That Sell For Under $100

This isn’t a hard and fast rule, but if you’re just starting out, it’s ideal to consider selling products that cost less than $100.

If you have the financial resources to pursue a high-priced product line, it can be a successful route for you as a seller.

Most new sellers on Amazon run into the problem of needing a large initial investment.

Although products that cost over $100 may seem to have greater profit margins, the reality is that these margins are often no greater than those of products that cost $25 or less. You can typically expect to make between 15-45% profit on each unit sold for both types of products.

If you’re looking to maximize profits, it’s generally best to go for the more expensive product. While it requires a higher initial investment, you’ll make that money back and then some in the long run.

As you creep over the $100 mark, you are no longer in the realm of impulse buys. You are now talking about larger purchases such as laptops, TVs, and furniture. These items require more research from the customer before they make a purchase.

When making these types of purchases, customers are more likely to consult with their spouses, read more reviews, or look for videos on YouTube. This extra research helps ensure they’re making the best decision for their needs.

The further you are from the range of impulse buys, the fewer customers you’ll have.

When starting out with Amazon FBA, it is advisable to go for high-quality items that are less expensive. This way, you can build up your small business before moving on to bigger ticket items.

How To Choose A Product To Sell On Amazon

The Bestseller Rank (or BSR) of an item is a number that helps sellers decide which products they should sell. Click To Tweet

If you see products with a high best seller rank, it means that there is high demand for them.

If you sell products that are very similar to those that are already bestsellers in your niche, you can piggyback on their success. This will attract the same target audience as the bestselling books and convince them to purchase from you.

You want to see several products with a 3,000+ BSR. This shows the product is doing well.

On the AMPM Podcast, they recommended looking for the top three results with a 3,000 or less BSR.

This shows the demand is high for these products, and that the market is receptive to new competitors.

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A product with a high BSR is more likely to be in demand than other products, making it a good choice for your pet supplies business.

Find a popular product with a lot of searches. If there are a lot of searches for the product, but there are no major players, it is an opportunity for a new company to enter that space.

Look for opportunities where your competitors are missing out on optimization for a particular keyword. For example, they might be ranking high for “best starter chicken food,” but if that phrase isn’t included in their product description, you could have a chance to beat them to it.

If you want to optimize your FBA business and outgrow your competition, then you need to find missed optimization opportunities. This type of optimization can help you if there is enough search volume. Without search volume, you will not be able to improve your ranking or sales.

You don’t have to guess which books will be popular. Just look at Amazon’s bestsellers, and you’ll know.

There are a lot of different ways to learn how to make money selling products online, but not all of them are created equal. While learning through trial and error can be a good way to learn, it can also lead to a lot of wasted time, money, and effort. Luckily, there are tons of resources available to help you learn how to start a business, including Amazon.

When I found a product in 2017 that made $4,399 in 30 days, I used Jungle Scout, a software tool that helps me find the best keywords and the least competitive markets. As a 30% off special for Niche Pursuits readers, you can use the same tool for your own Amazon business.

What to Sell on Amazon FBA: Product Criteria

To ensure that you select the best products for Amazon FBA, there are some criteria you need to follow. First, it is not a good idea to try to sell designer brands or well-known products.

Amazon is not the right place for this! Amazon is, naturally, the best platform for selling own-branded products at affordable prices.

Most Amazon shoppers are not interested in purchasing high-end, brand-name products. They are interested in finding a decent product that is affordable and looks good.

This strategy, however, does mean you will potentially be going head to head against other sellers offering similar products. To make your product stand out amongst the competition, consider taking the ‘similar but better’ route.

You can sell the same product but under your brand name and offer something extra. It doesn’t need to be something huge, but it can be faster shipping, better product listings, and better service. Let’s take a look at some of the most important criteria to consider when deciding what product to sell on Amazon FBA.

Choose a Lightweight Product

When selling on Amazon FBA, it is important to consider the size and weight of your product. Heavier and bulkier products may require more complex shipping. Amazon will store your product for you, but the amount of space it takes up in its warehouse is an important consideration. If you choose a slow-selling product, you may be charged extra storage fees.

You will need to take into account the shipping costs from the manufacturer to Amazon FBA. The bigger and heavier the product, the more those costs will be. Remember, many buyers will expect free shipping even if they are not Prime members.

To ensure your product is ideal, it should be small and lightweight. You will want to avoid products that are easily damaged, so look for products that do not contain glass or delicate parts.

Brand Your Product

These days, it’s more profitable to private label your products on Amazon FBA than to sell unbranded generic products. By private labeling your products, you’re essentially branding them as your own. This allows you to differentiate your product from others on the market and command a higher price point.

Private label products are simply goods created by one company and branded and sold by another company. The usual process is to get your branding done at the manufacturing stage, although you may decide to source unbranded products and then simply label them with your own brand yourself – this is the cheaper (but less professional) option.

Choose a Product that Solves a Problem or Fulfills a Need

If you are trying to sell a product without addressing a specific need or solving a problem, it will be much harder to succeed with Amazon. Most people use Amazon to browse for specific items, so it’s unlikely that someone would randomly come across your product.

For instance:

The teen who is worried about their pimples, the parent who is concerned about their baby’s safety, the artist who is on a budget, and the shopper who is on trend can all find something they need on our site.

You’ll find that almost every product can be classified as solving a problem or fulfilling a need, though sometimes it may be difficult to see how. This is because every product serves some purpose, whether it’s to make life easier or provide entertainment.

Choose an Uncomplicated Product

When deciding what products to list and sell on Amazon, electronics is a popular option. This is because it appeals to a large market of potential buyers.

Electronics can be very profitable, but they can also be problematic. Some products have restrictions like shipping with lithium batteries, and certain items can malfunction. Make sure you choose your product wisely to avoid problems.

When it comes to clothing and footwear, you’ll want to make sure you have a good selection of colors, sizes, and styles on hand. This way, you can be sure to have something for everyone who comes into your store.

There are a few products you should stay away from if you’re looking to simplify your dropshipping business. Food, toys, and batteries are all examples of products that may require special certification or documentation.

Choose a Non-Seasonal Product

Selling products that are only relevant during certain times of the year can be risky. Instead, focus on selling products that will be in demand all year round.

You should not choose to sell products such as Christmas lights, Valentine’s Day gifts, or paddling pools. Ski accessories would also be an example of a product that should not be sold.

Adding seasonal products to your inventory can help you achieve additional sales, but they should not be your main product line as seasonal fluctuations will occur. Having a diverse range of products is essential to weathering the storm of seasonality in the market.

Getting Started – How to Find Your First Product

If you haven’t created a Seller Central account yet, you can follow the instructions in the article. Once you have logged in, you should see a page that looks like this:

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Now, how do you go about finding a product that you can sell online?

If you are doing Retail Arbitrage, you want to buy anything that you can resell for a profit.

If you are selling products through a private label method, then you should remember that the riches are in niches.

If you’re looking to private label a product, it’s important to find one with moderate search volume. You can determine keyword volume by using a free research tool like Helium 10. This will help you find products that are less competitive and have the potential for more growth.

The Keyword Research Tool, or “Magnet”, is free to use.

The search term “garlic press” has been used on 52,949 times in the past month.

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There are only 2,327 searches for a stainless steel garlic press each month.

what to sell on amazon fba (Source)

If you’re looking to start selling products online, we suggest going with something like the Stainless Steel Garlic Press. These are often made with higher quality materials and are more durable than cheaper plastic models.

I always make sure my products are profitable. If I buy a product that costs $20, then I’ll make sure to sell that for $20 or more.

If you want to sell a $20 product for $60, you’ll need to markup the product by 3 times.

What Are The Costs of Selling on Amazon?

There are five primary costs that you will be charged by Amazon Web Services: referral fees, outbound FBA shipping costs, inbound FBA shipping costs, advertising costs, and monthly storage.

15% of revenue is paid out as referral fees.

When ordering something from Amazon, the shipping cost will depend on the weight and size of the item.

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Although you don’t need to advertise, it can certainly help increase your sales. Expect costs typically between 10-20% of your total sales.

On top of these costs, you’ll also have your manufacturing, shipping, and any associated duties.

Start Selling on Amazon FBA

There you have it. You now have everything you need to get started with Amazon.

Now that you’ve learned what to sell on Amazon FBA, the only thing holding you back is you.

Don’t just randomly pick a product and contact a supplier. Choosing a product that doesn’t fit your market or audience can be a costly mistake.

The key to success lies in understanding what people want and meeting their needs. When you can provide what people are looking for, they will be more likely to buy from you.
