Security Information and Event Management ist in den meisten Unternehmen Kernbestandteil der IT-Sicherheit. So finden Sie zur richtigen SIEM-Lösung für Ihre Zwecke.
Extended detection and response (XDR) tools provide a deeper and more automated means to identify and respond to threats. XDR’s real-time analysis of event data provides a foundation to efficiently identify and prioritize threats as they happe
Unternehmen, die Datenschutzverletzungen und Datenlecks zuvorkommen wollen, können erheblich von Darknet-Überwachungs-Tools profitieren. In diesem Beitrag stellen wir die zehn besten vor.
Security information and event management (SIEM) is a blue-collar tool for network security professionals. Although not glamorous, it’s one of the more important aspect of building a secure enterprise network.
Extended detection and response tools provide a deeper and more automated means to identify and respond to threats. These are some of the most popular options.
Security information and event management tools are a core part of most companies’ cyber defenses. This guide will help you find SIEM options that best match your needs.
Virtual private networks have shortcomings when it comes to protecting remote network connections. These technologies can replace or supplement them.
Passwordless Authentication kann das Sicherheitsniveau Ihres Unternehmens entscheidend verbessern. Diese Lösungen sollten Sie kennen.