CSO's collection of videos on topics ranging from cryptocurrency to data breaches to security leadership, as well as IT security-related videos from some of Foundry's most popular virtual summits,
Windows 10 gives you 31 days to go back to your prior Windows version. Whether you've changed your mind or you were forced into the upgrade, here's how to get your old life back.
At the recent Agenda 16 conference, David Baker, VP of IT at St. Joseph Health, gives a preview of his work on telehealth initiatives.
Pressing the Alt key and a number code gives you access to hundreds of special characters from currency to copyright symbols, to linguistic characters and tiny graphics like snowmen and smiley faces. Here's how they work.
You have two new ways to uninstall programs in Windows 10. We’ll show you how it works.
Google Slides doesn't officially support audio tracks, but we have a couple of workarounds.
You may think there's free space in these hidden drive partitions, but think twice before messing with anything in these locations. We use a third-party disk utility to find out what's really in them.
For a lot of people, the MacBook is the ideal laptop. It’s light, small, easy to carry, and offers good performance for productivity software.
What does the future hold for 'smart city' technologies? Computerworld takes to the streets of forerunner Barcelona to find out.
Functions and formulas are Excel's reason for being. Learn the many ways you can set them up and start doing some serious math.
CIO.com's Rich Hein talks with CIOs and IT leaders at CIO Perspectives in Atlanta to uncover the biggest challenges facing IT leadership when navigating the waters of digital transformation.
CIO.com's Sarah White visits MIT's campus to speak with associate dean, Peter Hirst, about MIT's custom programs that educate IT leaders and organizations on enabling digital transformation and innovation in the enterprise.
Preston Gralla offers up some tips on how to use the Cortana digital assistant in Windows 10 to its fullest potential. (Note: The interface looks a little different now than when this video was shot, but the basic steps are the same.)
When you have a big, ugly spreadsheet, logical formulas can help you make sense of it all by looking for results or patterns that you specify. We show you how to set up a simple one.
Adding a checkbox to Excel sounds like a little thing, but it opens up a new level of database-like possibilities for your spreadsheets. We show you how to get started.
‘Private cloud’ is a term people throw around a lot – but what is it exactly? We sit down with Forrester analyst Lauren Nelson to discuss what you need to build a private cloud and why this should be an important part of your IT strategy.
In the latest CIO Resume Makeover, Donald Burns discusses how having two different careers can benefit your chances of getting a new job, instead of the traditional approach of ignoring older jobs/careers.
You can set up a local user account on a Windows 10 PC so you don't have to bother with a Microsoft account. Here's how to do it.
CIO.com's Sarah White pits the Surface Pro 4 vs. the iPad Pro to see which device offers the functionality business users need.
Safe mode is like your bomb shelter when Windows 10 explodes, but it takes a few extra steps to get into it. We'll show you how it's done.
The time to make a Windows 10 recovery drive is before your PC dies. Grab a USB drive—you might need a big one!—and we'll show you how it's done.
Network World's David Strom gives a quick overview of the Google Pixel C Android tablet/notebook combo.
We'll tell you what's worth getting based on the latest tech innovations, from CPU and storage to RAM, from clamshell to convertible to hybrid.
The 180-year-old publisher is now a digital platform player, thanks to an open API strategy.
The Start menu in Windows 10 is better than ever. Computerworld's Preston Gralla shows how to make it your own. (Note: The Start menu looks a little different now than when this video was shot, but the basics of customizing the menu are the same.)
In the latest episode of Cloud Chronicles, Network World's Brandon Butler visits Cloud Technology Partners in downtown Boston to discuss the big news in cloud computing in 2015.
Female technologists from LinkedIn and GoDaddy talk about ways they keep their IT careers moving forward.
American Express's Yvonne Schneider makes the case that older companies can be "cool" too.
Liz Centoni of Cisco and Wei Lin of Symantec explain how their organizations have revamped IT employee assessments.
Windows 10 can be intrusive. If it isn't having Cortana follow you around online, it's logging your keystrokes or sending you personalized ads. We show you four ways to keep Windows out of your business.
In Part 1 of a three-part video series, CSO Contributing Writer Ira Winkler (The Irari Report) sits down with Alejandro N. Mayorkas, Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security, to discuss the agency's role in cybersecurity and how it coordinates with other government groups and private companies to secure critical infrastructure.
Selected responses from Computerworld's survey of 182 CIOs and senior technologists.
CIO.com’s Al Sacco demonstrates four distinctly BlackBerry features in the new Priv, BlackBerry’s first Android smartphone.
Network World's David Newman provides an in-depth look at the concept of white-box switching and networking, and whether this can work for your company.
Here's how to get started with the best new features on the iPhone 6s: 3D Touch, Live Photos and 4K Video.
Martha Heller, president of Heller Search Associates, talks about the skills and traits that CIOs should look for to identify employees who can become the next generation of IT leadership.
Officials from the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and the Penn Medicine Information Services talk with Computerworld about how they were able to mobilize medical records for the hospital's doctors and staff.
Computerworld presents this look at the KC Streetcar project, which not only is connecting parts of the Kansas City, Mo., area, but also attracting new development, residents and a multitude of data for city officials.
NSL Sugars' new mobile cane management system has helped improve sugar cane recovery by 0.2% and volume by 2.5%, which has resulted in any annual savings of $2 million.
In this episode of the Irari Report, Ira Winkler and Araceli Treu Gomes chat with Donald Good, Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI, about the bureau's Cyber Division.
Summer living isn't easy for higher-ed IT teams. Here, senior tech executives from Worcester Polytechnic Institute detail the different projects and constituencies they serve during the summer break before fall classes begin.