Pricing and Value Perception in SaaS: Balancing Pricing Tiers

In the rapidly growing era of Software as a Service (SaaS), in which innovation and competition are driving factors to success, an optimized SaaS pricing strategy can make or break a company’s future. Whether it’s cost-based pricing or some other approach, brands have the most trouble with clearly establishing pricing tiers.

In this article, we will talk about the different pricing models commonly used in the SaaS industry, highlighting the critical aspect of value perception and its critical impact on sales. We will also delve into recent examples and stories of SaaS companies that have perfectly aligned their pricing tiers to their customer segments, utilizing value perception to maximize revenue in doing so.

Price Perception in the SaaS Industry

Price perception is crucial in gaining a fair price for your software. What are the elements that most directly impact people’s perceptions of your pricing?

Industry Specific Software

When considering pricing in the SaaS world, it’s important to understand that the industry served often dictates the value perception. Take, for example, SaaS roofing CRM software, which caters to the very specific needs of roofing contractors and companies.

Such specialized software can afford to set higher pricing tiers because they offer features that general-purpose software can’t, like customized job tracking and material estimates specific to the roofing industry. By understanding the unique pain points of their target market, businesses can price their solution in a way that maximizes both value and revenue.

Software that is more general purpose, such as club management software for gyms, spas and other organizations generally have lower pricing structures. They appeal to a wide range of companies and as such offer very general features. On the other hand, software for healthcare companies can often be pricier because they have to remain compliant with all laws and regulations, such as HIPAA.

Features and Functionality

Customers usually understand the value of a SaaS product through its features and tech-stack. Is it built on forward-facing libraries like React and Angular, or does the software rely on legacy code? Even with older, less efficient stacks, providing updated, unique features that are customized for a customer segment can greatly increase value perception. Furthermore, if software helps your organization capture a 6-figure sale, it’s clear to see that it has easily paid for itself.

Together, Mark and Alex co-founded Linkfluencer, a renowned SaaS platform specializing in LinkedIn marketing, which they successfully sold on Flippa for 6-figures. You can read they’re story here.

For example, Adobe Creative Cloud constantly innovates its collection of creative software with new tools and features, ensuring users see the consistent value provided by their subscriptions.

Even a seemingly straightforward tool like an Angular docx viewer for dev teams can span a wide range of pricing tiers. Basic packages might offer simple text editing and markup options, while premium tiers could provide advanced capabilities like document merging, encryption, and digital signature integration. The breadth of features thus not only influences value perception but also allows the SaaS company to create multiple pricing levels catering to different user needs.

Ease of Use

A simple and user-friendly interface greatly increases the likelihood of positive value perception. If customers think the software is intuitive and easy to navigate and learn, they are more likely to understand that it is a valuable tool.

Canva, a graphic design SaaS, is famous for its beginner-friendly no-code UI, making it accessible to bloggers of all design skill levels. Bloggers can easily use it to build up a following and then get an estimate by Flippa’s Intelligent Valuations Engine to sell the blog for a profit.

Customer Support and Service

Highly trained customer service associates and resources increase value perception. Customers like to know that they have reliable assistance available when needed and factor this into their value perceptions.

Zendesk, a customer service SaaS, has to focus on high-quality customer support because it’s one of the solutions that they offer through their software. This commitment to service enhances the value perception of their product and also highlights how good and competent service can be important to keeping customers loyal.

Customization and Flexibility

SaaS products that permit some level of customization and flexibility to be adapted to specific users and industries tend to be perceived as being worth more price-wise. Customers appreciate software that can scale and evolve with their own changing business requirements. Shopify, an e-commerce SaaS platform, provides many customization options, empowering businesses to align their online stores to their unique brand designs and aesthetics.

ROI and Business Impact

Illustrating an obvious return on investment (ROI) and positive revenue impact can significantly improve value perception. SaaS companies must offer case studies and metrics to demonstrate the quantitative benefits their product provides.

Take Salesforce, for example. A well-known CRM SaaS, Salesforce emphasizes the ROI its customers achieve through improved sales and marketing efforts and better organization. Salesforce success stories and metrics backing them up contribute to a solid value perception.

Balancing Pricing Tiers and Leveraging Value Perception

To increase revenue, profitable SaaS companies must carefully craft their pricing tiers and leverage value perception. There are many strategies and real-world examples of companies that have excelled in this regard, but none are more successful than the good ol’ S&P combo.

Segmentation and Personalization

Divide your customer demographic into smaller segments based on how much they will benefit from the software and their willingness to pay. Then, tailor pricing tiers to each segment to lock in the maximum value perception. However, don’t over-segmentate. If you feel like there should be a tier in between, use that as an opportunity to funnel customers into the higher tier.

We have all heard of Zoom. A video conferencing SaaS, the company offers a range of plans, from free to enterprise-level subscriptions. By segmenting their customer demographic correctly, they’ve expanded from catering to individual users and small teams to large organizations and enterprises, maximizing value perception for each segment in the process.

Pricing Models in the SaaS Industry

Now that you know how much your software is worth, which pricing model will you choose?

Value-based Pricing

Value-based pricing aligns the pricing of a SaaS product with the perceived value it delivers to the customer. It means that software developers must understand the customer’s specific needs and willingness to pay. They must then set a price that captures most of that perceived value. How much more profit can the software potentially offer to the company?

One of the most unexpected yet illustrative examples of a business leveraging software solutions to drive value is Uber. While primarily seen as a ride-sharing platform, its model exhibits many traits common to SaaS companies, such as scalability, recurring revenue, and cloud-based software that connects drivers and riders. Rides are priced based on availability and demand, incorporating the value-based sales model into the core of their business.

It becomes increasingly interesting when we consider the value perception from the standpoint of the drivers. For many, the relatively low entry barrier and flexibility of becoming an Uber driver offer a unique form of value, convincing them to subscribe to Uber’s platform as a service provider. This example illustrates that even in non-traditional SaaS models, balancing perceived value can be critical for both customer retention and revenue growth.

HubSpot, a marketing automation SaaS company, is a prime example of successful value-based pricing. They offer various packages tailored to different customer segments. Small businesses with meager marketing needs can start with a lower-priced package. Larger enterprises with more complex requirements can spring for a higher-priced, feature-rich package.

Flat-rate Pricing

Flat-rate pricing is one of the easiest-to-understand models in the SaaS industry. Customers are charged a fixed monthly or annual fee for access to all the features and services offered by the software. This pricing model is simple and is often utilized by startups and small companies looking for reliability for their budgets.

Tiered Pricing

Tiered pricing is a popular model in the SaaS industry. Companies provide various pricing tiers with differing features and complexities at each level. Customers can pick the tier that best fits their requirements and budget, allowing them to pay more for enhanced features as their business scales.

Dropbox offers tiered prices with Basic, Plus, and Professional options. Each tier offers additional storage space and unique features, catering to a variety of users.

Usage-based Pricing

In this scenario, customers are priced based on how much they actually use the software. It’s particularly common in SaaS products where usage can differ widely from one customer to another. This pricing model can be great for customers with fluctuating needs, like seasonal businesses or growing businesses.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a usage-based pricing model. Customers pay for the computing power, storage, and data transfer they actually use rather than a flat fee.

Freemium Pricing

Freemium pricing is not really a pricing tier, per se. It refers to when a software offers a basic version of the software for free. There is the option to upgrade to a premium, paid version for access to advanced features and capabilities and this is usually encouraged through the use of the free version. This is actually a great marketing technique, as it allows companies to gain exposure and convert a percentage of them into paying customers. Furthermore, customers who insist they only need the most basic features will be surprised at how much the enhanced features are enticing to them.

Evernote offers a free model. It allows users access to basic note-taking tools at no cost while offering premium features. These features include offline access and advanced search for paying subscribers.

Per-User Pricing

Per-user pricing charges customers based on the number of users or accounts they require. This model is commonly used in collaboration and team-focused SaaS products.

Slack employs per-user pricing. There are different pricing tiers based on the number of users within an organization.

How to Enhance Your Software’s Value Perception

Value perception is the centerpiece of optimized SaaS pricing. It illustrated how customers associate the value they receive with the money they are willing to pay. If customers perceive a high value relative to the price, they are more likely to spend more money and never switch providers. Alternatively, if the perceived value is too low, customers may churn, seek competitors, or simply refuse to pay a fair price. Let’s take a look at how you can prevent that from happening.

Continuous Communication

Stay connected with your customers. Engage them through email, in-app messaging, and customer success teams. Consistently communicate product updates, tutorials, tips, and case studies or success stories to reinforce the value they are getting.

For example, Dropbox sends regular email updates on new features. They inform customers of capabilities to keep users engaged about the evolving value of their service.

Pricing Experiments

Don’t be afraid to play around with different pricing models and tiers! A/B testing and customer surveys can offer a crucial look into what hits home with your target customer demographic in terms of value perception.

Slack used a per-user pricing model at first, but later unveiled a new pricing model called “Slack Connect.” This new pricing strategy allowed them to serve a broader customer base and also capture more value.


A competent SaaS pricing strategy is a careful balance between the perceived value of the software and the price customers can actually pay. Diving deep into the factors that maximize value perception and customized pricing models to different customer segments and industries are crucial steps in maximizing profits.

Real-world examples and case studies of SaaS companies such as HubSpot, Uber, Zendesk, Zoom, and Spotify show how successful pricing strategies can contribute to astounding growth as well as customer satisfaction. By continuously staying aligned with customer needs, fine-tuning pricing models, and communicating value effectively, your SaaS brand can follow other successful examples and thrive in the long run.

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Nahla Davies is a software developer from NYC and has worked as the lead programmer at several major technology companies whose clients include Collibra, UpGuard and Netflix. Nahla has worked with enterprise clients around the world developing RegTech protocols and best practices, as well as working with sovereign governments acting as a key contributor for notable public projects like DCOM. These days Nahla shares her insights and expertise through a number of publications, and you can keep up-to-date with her insights at Follow Nahla on LinkedIn.

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