The Entra ID P2 license is just one among many products and services that Microsoft is making mandatory for users, but its identity access management features make it a big overall security plus.
Reports of the demise of Windows Active Directory are greatly exaggerated – here’s how Microsoft is supporting AD in its latest server platform.
The alarming news that Chinese-affiliated threat groups have likely infiltrated US telecommunications is a reminder to consider where you can harden communications on your network.
Prepare now for the eventual end of Microsoft Active Directory as it’s phased out in favor of the more secure, less risky Entra.
Password-Spraying-Attacken können zu kompromittierten E-Mail-Konten führen, wie ein Blick in die jüngere Vergangenheit eindrucksvoll belegt. So schützen Sie sich.
Preventing, investigating, and cleaning up after potentially dangerous AiTM attacks requires a combination of techniques and processes.
Einige der aktuell beliebtesten und nützlichsten Plattformen für den Informationsaustausch lassen unter Sicherheitsaspekten viel zu wünschen übrig. Hier sind einige der Probleme - und wie man sie entschärfen kann.
These CISA guides can help ensure cyber teams everywhere are buying software that is secure and follows development practices that don’t lead to future calamity.