Diese Ransomware-as-a-Service-Angebote – und ihre Anbieter – sollten CISOs auf dem Schirm haben.
Cloud adoption, tool integrations, and AI are spurring significant changes in how security information and event management (SIEM) systems are evolving.
Security experts warn of surge in malware targeting credentials stored in password vaults and managers as adversarial focus and tactics shift. ‘Like hitting the jackpot.’
Exploited CVEs increased by a fifth in 2024, according to analysis by VulnCheck, with increased transparency and improved monitoring playing a role. Still, proactive measures are vital.
Laut einer aktuellen Studie werden nicht wenige Sicherheitsentscheider von C-Level-Kollegen und Vorständen dazu gedrängt, Compliance-Probleme nicht zu melden.
The Cyber Monitoring Centre (CMC) aims to establish a ‘consistent and objective framework’ to provide clarity to enterprise insurance buyers.
Cybercriminals are increasingly exploiting gen AI technologies to enhance the sophistication and efficiency of their attacks.
Security leaders find themselves in a bind between corporate directives and regulatory accountability, with personal liability and board security commitment on the line.