CSO presents an animated explainer on how data criminals exploit human psychology to gain access to a company's data, rather than by hacking or technical measures.
In Computerworld's latest video podcast, Executive News Editor Ken Mingis shops for details about why retailers are embracing tech and asks about a report that technology will cost the global economy 7 million jobs by 2020....'s Sarah White pits the Surface Pro 4 vs. the iPad Pro to see which device offers the functionality business users need.
Safe mode is like your bomb shelter when Windows 10 explodes, but it takes a few extra steps to get into it. We'll show you how it's done.
The time to make a Windows 10 recovery drive is before your PC dies. Grab a USB drive—you might need a big one!—and we'll show you how it's done.
Executive News Editor Ken Mingis and reporters discuss all things drone ("selfie drone," anyone?) and why auto makers are partnering with Apple and Google.
Network World's David Strom gives a quick overview of the Google Pixel C Android tablet/notebook combo.
IDG CMO Perspectives provides insight into the state of Marketing across industries from leading business executives. Lisa Joy Rosner, CMO, Neustar, speaks to Josh London, CMO, IDG Communications and shares her philosophy on the value of data-based d...
IDG CMO Perspectives provides insight into the state of Marketing across industries from leading business executives. Cory Treffiletti, VP of Marketing, Oracle Data Cloud, speaks to Josh London, CMO, IDG Communications and shares his insight on how h...
IDG CMO Perspectives provides insight into the state of Marketing across industries from leading business executives. Mike Fasulo, President and COO, Sony Electronics, speaks to Josh London, CMO, IDG Communications and highlights the importance of un...
In Computerworld's latest video podcast, Executive News Editor Ken Mingis and editors debate the value of CES's more eyebrow-raising offerings.
In Computerworld's latest video podcast, Executive News Editor Ken Mingis and writers discuss the sorry state of health records security and out-there predictions for IT in 2016.
We'll tell you what's worth getting based on the latest tech innovations, from CPU and storage to RAM, from clamshell to convertible to hybrid.
Get your O face on, as Hardcore Hardware's Gordon Ung walks you through one hell of a year for PC hardware. From crazy-fast SSDs to crazy-looking PCs, it was all hardcore.
The 180-year-old publisher is now a digital platform player, thanks to an open API strategy.
The Start menu in Windows 10 is better than ever. Computerworld's Preston Gralla shows how to make it your own. (Note: The Start menu looks a little different now than when this video was shot, but the basics of customizing the menu are the same.)
In the latest episode of Cloud Chronicles, Network World's Brandon Butler visits Cloud Technology Partners in downtown Boston to discuss the big news in cloud computing in 2015.
Female technologists from LinkedIn and GoDaddy talk about ways they keep their IT careers moving forward.
American Express's Yvonne Schneider makes the case that older companies can be "cool" too.
Liz Centoni of Cisco and Wei Lin of Symantec explain how their organizations have revamped IT employee assessments.
Windows 10 can be intrusive. If it isn't having Cortana follow you around online, it's logging your keystrokes or sending you personalized ads. We show you four ways to keep Windows out of your business.
In the first episode of the Mingis on Tech podcast, Executive News Editor Ken Mingis and Computerworld staffers discuss Windows 10, DevOps, and Bill Gates on clean energy research.
In Part 1 of a three-part video series, CSO Contributing Writer Ira Winkler (The Irari Report) sits down with Alejandro N. Mayorkas, Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security, to discuss the agency's role in cybersecurity and how it coordinates with othe...
Selected responses from Computerworld's survey of 182 CIOs and senior technologists.
Looking for a great holiday gift for family, friends or colleagues? Check out this collection of tech gear to suit every taste and budget.
The world of wireless charging is about to get a lot more electric.'s Al Sacco presents several wireless charging options that make great, affordable holiday gifts for the techie on your list.’s Al Sacco demonstrates four distinctly BlackBerry features in the new Priv, BlackBerry’s first Android smartphone.
Network World's David Newman provides an in-depth look at the concept of white-box switching and networking, and whether this can work for your company.
This week on Hardcore Hardware, we look at Intel's RAIDed SSD that pushes 5GBps read speeds.
Here's how to get started with the best new features on the iPhone 6s: 3D Touch, Live Photos and 4K Video.
Martha Heller, president of Heller Search Associates, talks about the skills and traits that CIOs should look for to identify employees who can become the next generation of IT leadership.
Officials from the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and the Penn Medicine Information Services talk with Computerworld about how they were able to mobilize medical records for the hospital's doctors and staff.
Computerworld presents this look at the KC Streetcar project, which not only is connecting parts of the Kansas City, Mo., area, but also attracting new development, residents and a multitude of data for city officials.
NSL Sugars' new mobile cane management system has helped improve sugar cane recovery by 0.2% and volume by 2.5%, which has resulted in any annual savings of $2 million.
In this episode of the Irari Report, Ira Winkler and Araceli Treu Gomes chat with Donald Good, Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI, about the bureau's Cyber Division.
Summer living isn't easy for higher-ed IT teams. Here, senior tech executives from Worcester Polytechnic Institute detail the different projects and constituencies they serve during the summer break before fall classes begin.