Bob Bragdon, senior vice president and publisher of CSO, hosts this podcast featuring interviews with top chief information security officers from across the country. Listen in as these tech leaders discuss current security threats, critical IT projects, security skills and careers, and much more.
Podcast Episode 10: Listen now as Akamai CISO Andy Ellis and host Bob Bragdon continue their talk about the good guy/bad guy dynamic in the infosec community and why it can lead to being marginalized.
Podcast Episode 9: Listen now as Akamai CISO Andy Ellis discusses the prevailing attitude in the infosec community that security pros are the good guys and the bad guys are, well, just about everyone else.
Podcast Episode 7: Listen now as Christopher Burgess, a writer and speaker on security issues and former senior security adviser to Cisco, discusses the risk from the scramble to move to remote work at scale.
Podcast Episode 6: Listen now as Mike Towers, CSO at Takeda Pharmaceuticals International, discusses getting to a place where it is easy for the business to do the secure thing.
Podcast Episode 5: Listen now as Chad Teat, Chief Information Security Officer at Floor & Decor, discusses the secret to balancing risk and business opportunity.
Podcast Episode 4: Listen now as Lionbridge CSO & CPO Doug Graham talks about the most concerning part about the CSO role -- correctly presenting risk options to the rest of the leadership team.
Podcast Episode 3: Listen now as Marnie Wilking, global head of security & technology risk management at Wayfair, talks about why the shift to the cloud requires a new set of security skills.
Podcast Episode 2: Listen now as Bob Litterer, VP and CISO of biotech giant Biogen, talks about the interdependencies in his company’s third-party network -- and how a data breach anywhere in that ecosystem could have a devastating ripple effect.
Join CSO publisher Bob Bragdon for a new audio podcast series, CSO Executive Sessions, which will feature conversations with leading security and risk executives from around the country about the challenges faced by their organizations. You'll hear from some of the best minds in the security field about what keeps them up at night -- from the ever-present threat of data breaches to growing cloud sprawl vulnerabilities. Also top of mind for these leaders in 2020 is a renewed emphasis on privacy as part of risk calculations and the demand for a new set of security skills to keep pace with the shift to the cloud. Learn how these executives drive the security agenda within their organizations and build their leadership skills in a field that moves at break-neck speed. What better way to prepare for the year ahead than to hear from infosec leaders sharing their priorities and strategies. Subscribe to this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play or Spotify by Jan. 22, 2020, to be the first to listen.