Software Development | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos
Everyone should employ an intrusion detection system (IDS) to monitor their network and flag any suspicious activity or automatically shut down potentially malicious traffic. We look at five of the best open source options.
The permeation of software into every aspect of our lives makes it impossible to avoid. Software has transcended from a technical process into the realm of social morality. Therefore, the consequences are on a massive scale across the whole of societ
Understanding the security of third-party components.
The Chief Information Security Officer is the latest addition to the C-suite with funding, staff and authority to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of corporate digital assets. The CISO must quickly shed the tool-centric mindset
Yes, some cloud-native application development tools include basic security features. No, that does not mean DevOps should “own” security.
Organizations can enable end-to-end API security with OAuth, OpenID Connect and ABAC.
Using these risky snippets of code has become standard for developers, but what do they actually think about them?
Why secure development programs succeed in organizations.
Multiple, concurrent innovations in enterprise application development present the opportunity to improve application security by “left-shifting” it to the beginning (and throughout) the dev cycle. Mobile app developers have to a certain
Should devops adapt to include and incorporate new technologies and expand the community of practitioners?